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Posts posted by Alina

  1. Is this actualy a discussion? I'm not sure.




    Anyway, I joined Tip.It in 2007 and I'm sort of used to players typing like that. I have not been here long enough to say I have seen a decrease in the more mature posts. But I can say, many of the posters now-a-days have a good posting quality.




    I do think that there are alot of posts that don't realy seem to be fit as a post of good quality. Perhaps many of the runescape fansites have been advertising places that were not a good choice.





  2. I am just asking, may I hide for the Hide N' seek part? I just really enjoy that game (still is happy from the Winter Festival Big Blowout Hide N' Seek) :lol:
    We're going to trade hide and seekers, whoever finds hider becomes the hider. So, since you asked, we'll start off with you as a hider. Make sure you tell others!





  3. well there's a lot more people on the help and advice forums and it does say all questions
    But it's in a runescape related section. All of the computer asked questions belong in the "Tech & Support".





  4. We can rule the attack pure out. Between the defence pure, and strength pure.. I'd say a strength pure. The strength pure, using potions could hit a maximum of aleast 35. The defence pure could, It's very possible.




    Mostly, It depends on the player he/she is fighting against





  5. Well, for me I hate them. They make the servers full, plus They make the server run slowly. I understand that many of these players out here love them for the raw materials that they sell, but they have to understand that they are harming Runescape behind the scenes aswell.





  6. Well, I do think that Jagex does not want to be sued for players harassing others through the internet. It's happened, and led a girl to killing herself. I think the censor should be kept, but updated. Some unharmful usernames are being clocked currently.




    So it would be hard to call friends by their usernames, when it's a censor & ends up for another player reporting him/her.





  7. jagex screwed rs over so much even a prostitue wouldn't F*** it.






    on a positive note count me in if jagex does it i can see it now SELLING 5 MITH CERTS 150k ea!!

    :-w Watch your language.. But Jagex did mess up runescape for many of our players. There are riots starting out there about the new updates. But many of the newer pkers didn't start back then, so wilderness is gone for them.





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