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Posts posted by darkace21

  1. On the subject of cars, mine wouldnt start tonight. Random guy saw me having troubles, listened to it crank for 5 seconds, and immediately knew I just needed to press the gas pedal to get it to start.


    I tried googling how in the world he knew that, or how it even helped, but google thinks I'm a dunce that knows nothing about cars (accurate)

    Better get that looked at, your fuel lines might be needing a replacement.

  2. What's the best code to learn right now in terms of usage? I plan on taking some programming classes next year as well as getting cisco certified after I finish my degree.

  3. My toenail is finally starting to heal. Slammed it into the garage door on tuesday and about 90% of the nail was sitting at a 50 degree angle. 


    And by heal I mean I'm not hobbling around like I'm crippled as much.

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