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Posts posted by Wolf_Rider43

  1. After CR had beaten us in allstyles before, (they only lost because I wasn't there to lead >:3) we challenged them to a rematch and they accepted with the rules -



    Matched opts

    Rings allowed

    Tko attacks

    (some other stuff that I can't think of)



    Tko/CR startings - 20









    We piled Frenchfry first, while CR piled Kenshn and he beasted it all around. With my self-proclaimed awesome leading :cool: , we got a good amount of KOs afterwards, and our edge in the beginning was too much to come back to for CR. Nice job to Fast, Ganja(Lucid) and Kenshn when being piled ;) And thanks for the fight, CR!


    Tko ending - 17




    Random pics -








    Video by Da Bazz -





    And random off-topic - Am I able to get a clan official rank on these boards, any tipit mod? :P

  2. Dec. topic - http://forum.tip.it/topic/250040-crimson-raiders-declares-on-team-tko-blitz/


    Memberlists -


    * Crimson Raiders: http://runehead.com/...lan=crimraiders

    * Tko Blitz: http://www.runehead....clan=tkotourney




    We haven't had a fight for a bit, but CR were nice enough to accept one, for TWR rankings. Rules were set as followed -


    * Matched options

    * Melee/Binds + Purples Allowed aka [Curses/Confuse/Weaken]

    * Rings Allowed

    * NO Corrupt Items

    * Centre Bounds

    * Tko Blitz Attack






    TKO starting -






    CR starting - N/A




    TKO ending -







    Thanks for the fun, clean fight, CR. First time I've led in a while, enjoyed it. :-P Looking forward to next time.



    Fight pictures -











    (All we have, yes we suck at taking pictures :XD:)

  3. Apologizes if this is in the wrong section, please move if it is xD




    I'll let the vid speak it all, thanks for the fight ;)










    Edit - here are starting pics (ending can be found on vid, no actual pic) and MLs, ty Dan ;D




    Tko Blitz ML - http://runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=tko_blitz




    LND ML - http://runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=team_lnd






    Tko Starting - 30








    LND starting - 26








    Ending kills -




    Tko - 69




    LND - 35






    Join Tko Blitz, active elite clan wars team @@ :)

  4. Ohh man. Firstly I'd like to thank Sir Durai/Khaos for giving me quite a laugh for having an IQ in the negatives. :lol:






    Anyways. Thanks for the fight, DF. We performed quite badly today, especially me, my leading wasn't great and my comp was overheating so my tanking was horrible aswell, kinda peeved about that. But either way, you guys did well, you're great for your levels. About the dropping - there was no way we would've known how you drop, we thought you would drop 1 by 1, and some people went over there to jokingly ask you if you needed help, it wasn't mocking. :P




    Really lets talk about your IQ Since by the looks it doesn't look like you got any higher then the previews posters.




    SAME IP ON 2 COMPUTERS FROM 1 INTERNET CONNECTION hello? I think 3 year old knows that to ;)




    Your post made next to no sense, I'm sorry to say. If you knew decent english you'd know having X/Y would mean I'm referring to the same person in two different names, if I was talking about two different people I would've said X and Y. Well done. :roll:





  5. Ohh man. Firstly I'd like to thank Sir Durai/Khaos for giving me quite a laugh for having an IQ in the negatives. :lol:






    Anyways. Thanks for the fight, DF. We performed quite badly today, especially me, my leading wasn't great and my comp was overheating so my tanking was horrible aswell, kinda peeved about that. But either way, you guys did well, you're great for your levels. About the dropping - there was no way we would've known how you drop, we thought you would drop 1 by 1, and some people went over there to jokingly ask you if you needed help, it wasn't mocking. :P

  6. Rainy Day - thank you for cleaning up the topic, but I am going to post again as I actually got an intellectual reply from virusboy. I hope you can see I'm not flaming and nor is he really, surely debates are allowed in this forum.






    Easy to say when you've got better levels and warring experience on us, eh? I like how you've ignored all of the other points I've made and continue to try to provoke me, cute.


    Yeh but that was the point. That war was the result of a flame war between your clan and our team. You were so certain you could smash us again like the last war and look at the result. This topic is related to that result - of course we're gonna stick to the point aren't we that we beat you and you can't deliver to what you say on forums.




    Wolf, next time you get a PKRI stay until it has finished. The only flame we had was after it was oblivious you stopped returning. I woulnd't be surprised that you use the flaming as a reason to leave - you were so cocky (aslong with us) on the other topic and your clan got completely destroyed tonight. Completely. Just admit the defeat, stop using excuses like "if you didn't flame we wouldn't have left" that is just poor. My advice would be to stop reading this topic but it's your choice. As we both know insults will only continue.






    Thank you for making an actual post back to my points.




    First of all - before this war happened, anything between LND and TDM was started by Stewie, who decided to call us a 'failboat clan', and other things aswell on our win topic for our TWR fight. Anything back that I said was in retaliation to that, he went as far as to flame my whole clan because of one fight. I did think we could beat you, but I was wrong, which is fine, I said congrats. I haven't made any excuses yet I'm being accused of doing so. You won, we lost, that's it. All I said was that it was quite unenjoyable with all of the flames that were on your side in the middle of the war - you probably didn't notice it as much as we did as you may or may not have been participating in it, but it was there, and it was annoying and unnecessary.




    And again, I haven't made any excuse saying 'we lost because you flamed', because that's utterly stupid and untrue. We decided to leave because it was obvious we had lost, and the flaming on your side was becoming ridiculous. If you can't show the courtesy of keeping the war flame free, why should we have wasted time fighting you any longer?




    And I agree with your last line about the insults, but as you can see it's pretty much only come from Stewie, who has ignored all of my points and given me one sentence replies such as 'stop crying'. Thank you for actually reading and replying to things I have said, instead of trying to provoke me out of sheer glee that you won.

  7. Stomps? You's ended with 5 LOL, hardly a "Stomps".




    We had 3 people on the wrong spell book at the 7v7 stage, we had 1 caller for the whole fight (me) and you's still struggled to bring us down. If you want beef you've got it.




    Just give us another run in, we Stomped you's there, and we'll do it again. TDM don't get cocky, becasue with your failing memberslist i suppose you need this sort of propaganda to keep your failboat afloat. Enjoy the win.














    I knew you'd do this. :lol: You mad bro?




    First off - well now, not our fault your members didn't switch to normal spellbook. But, if you want to blame the whole loss on them, I guess you'll have to suspend them like you did Da Man and Ironman. While we're on that note, want to flame my clan I'll flame your team... you suspended both of your best callers over an issue that you caused over sheer ragequit from what I heard (I'm quite good friends with Aaron and Allen), and now they're both likely to leave you because of it. If you keep going the way you are, your team is going to fail hardcore. Oh wait, it already is. As for you being the only caller - lol, wow. I suppose that's our fault aswell that your team has only 3 - oh wait, 1 person now that can lead. In that fight we had 3 including experienced backups. We came prepared, you didn't. Not our fault. :P




    You know what then, bring it on. We'll give you a runin, and this time we'll flatten you. Don't even try to back out of this, we're just a failboat clan eh? LND don't get cocky, because with your failing binds and callers I suppose you think we're an easy win. Talk to me in IRC to set it up, #monkeigh_embassy. ;)




    Lol Wolf Rider43, your topic totle is purely there to bait us into flamming,

    I knew you'd do this. :lol:You mad bro?
    i wouldnt have retaliated unless it was a proper "Stomping" but yet again TDM scrape by another victory, yeah LND lost to a failboat clan, thats mainly because right now we're not exactly vibrant after 12+ Holiday topics, I'm sure TDM has the same situation but as our pulls peak at roughly 25-28, 12+ is affecting us for the next few weeks.




    Yeah, hardly. If you don't like my choice of words, too bad eh. Stomping could mean one thing to me and another to you aswell as how you say we 'scraped' the win. And yet you still call us a failboat clan for no reason, looks like you can't handle a loss. And what am I supposed to say to your '12+ holiday topics', congrats? I couldn't care less honestly. We could have an amount of absences aswell but I'm not bringing it up because it's completely irrelevant. :roll:





    About Aaron and Allen, they were suspended for consistant admin abuse which got out of hand, and another leader got a 3 day rights removal aswell. Its their choice to leave if they like and as far as i'm aware Aaron is the only one of the three still seeming stroppy about it. Allen has done two fights and called at them since then and the other member who got the temp removal has aswell, if those two do post their leaving topics then yeah, we're probably losing our best two callers - but we have a good few more in their place.




    Not what I heard, in fact the other way around, and I trust them over you, much so. :?





    I'll Gladly set the Run In up with you's next week, as LND already has arrangements for 3/5 of the days remaining in this week. TDM and LND have warrred 4 times now, Its 2 each - TDM winning 2 knockouts, LND 1 Knockout and 1 Run in, which i believe in that PKRI we Stomped you's? What was it, 12+ Kills?. I'll stop gloating and drop the flame if TDM proves to us that its not the propaganda that keeps them alive, its their actual ability - which right now doesn't seem too truthful. You won with 5 remaining, when our 7 were remaining we had no binders, imagine if we had the binds eh? hmmmm, lets see, i think we may have turned that around now? Theres a possibility that we might not have - but the levels and tanks were against you's. I believe very little (in our past encounters) seperates LND from TDM, usually always close fights pending on the slightest of hiccups (i.e dc's, ko's). I look forward to setting something up soon.




    Also, i'd like to add - Next Wednesday. TDM vs TRWF, can't wait for this, autowin TRWF much? Pile me first, i dare yous.




    Next week is fine with us, we're booked all this week already. And I don't see that PKRI thing as a gloat lol, if you're going to say something stupid like 'imagine if we had binds, it would've been different, I could say 'imagine if we had more people' at the PKRI, same thing, means nothing, it happened and it's done. So I don't know what you're trying to prove there besides the fact that you can make idiotic excuses. We don't do that, we actually take losses fine, unlike how you're crying here. ;) OMG HE SAID STOMPED TIME TO COMPLAIN. Rofl. Pathetic. Tell me when you want to set this up.




    And oh my god, I don't know whether to laugh or facepalm at the last part. You need TRWF to back up LND, LOL. Again you bring up another irrelevant topic in this thread, well done. :lol: Sure it's likely TDM will lose to TRWF, and this matters how? TDM is a community, not a hardcore warring clan. I hope you'll feel better beating a much lower leveled clan with a top clan, as it matters nothing to LND vs TDM, rofl.


    And if you're gonna bring it up, fullout war, TRWF vs DI, autowin DI much? Hope they pile you first. 8-)

  8. Stomps? You's ended with 5 LOL, hardly a "Stomps".




    We had 3 people on the wrong spell book at the 7v7 stage, we had 1 caller for the whole fight (me) and you's still struggled to bring us down. If you want beef you've got it.




    Just give us another run in, we Stomped you's there, and we'll do it again. TDM don't get cocky, becasue with your failing memberslist i suppose you need this sort of propaganda to keep your failboat afloat. Enjoy the win.














    I knew you'd do this. :lol: You mad bro?




    First off - well now, not our fault your members didn't switch to normal spellbook. But, if you want to blame the whole loss on them, I guess you'll have to suspend them like you did Da Man and Ironman. While we're on that note, want to flame my clan I'll flame your team... you suspended both of your best callers over an issue that you caused over sheer ragequit from what I heard (I'm quite good friends with Aaron and Allen), and now they're both likely to leave you because of it. If you keep going the way you are, your team is going to fail hardcore. Oh wait, it already is. As for you being the only caller - lol, wow. I suppose that's our fault aswell that your team has only 3 - oh wait, 1 person now that can lead. In that fight we had 3 including experienced backups. We came prepared, you didn't. Not our fault. :P




    You know what then, bring it on. We'll give you a runin, and this time we'll flatten you. Don't even try to back out of this, we're just a failboat clan eh? LND don't get cocky, because with your failing binds and callers I suppose you think we're an easy win. Talk to me in IRC to set it up, #monkeigh_embassy. ;)

  9. Declaration topic - viewtopic.php?f=216&t=801585






    The Death Monkeighs Warring List vs Akeldama -






    TDMWL ML - http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=tdmwar


    Akeldama ML - http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=akel








    Rules -




    CWA classic, mid bounds


    Matched, clan that drops attacks


    List only (no retireds)


    Melee + binds only


    No corrupt


    Rings allowed








    TDMWL starting - 22 (dropped to 19)


    Akeldama starting - 19










    (no starting for Akel)










    It was a close fight throughout the start, we both had kill for kill, Akel even went 2 kills above us at one point, but we had an amazing snipe team this fight which I think was what won it for us. Dealing lots of damage to their hybrids and many constant switches onto people in robes, we ended with a healthy ending of 8 people. Thanks for the fight, Akel.














    Fight pics (not many again, lul)













  10. Declaration topic - viewtopic.php?f=216&t=801592








    The Death Monkeighs Warring List vs Legends Never die -






    TDMWL ML - http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=tdmwar


    LND ML - http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=team_lnd








    Rules -




    CWA: Classic (mid bounds)


    Matched opts




    No corrupt


    Rings allowed


    3 Sniper cap








    TDM starting - 18 (dropped 4)


    LND starting - 14






    We actually don't have a starting pic for either side. Our usual piccer arrived late and didn't make it, LOL








    Anyways, both started off quite even and we were getting kill for kill, our snipers did some great work on their hybrids and we took them out one by one until LND had no binds left at all. After there it was smooth sailing, taking them out one by one until we won.




    Sorry we don't have many pics, but hopefully it should be sufficient enough to show the fight took place and we won.




    TDM ending - 5 (was 6 but one dced right before the end :| )














    Pictures of the fight -




























    Thanks for the fight, LND.

  11. unclebilly1, chill dude.




    Lets stay on topic :thumbup:




    He's perfectly chill ;) If someone's setting themselves up to be verbaled like Durai has been, he'll do it , that's the kind of epic guy he is. :thumbsup:





    tbh, i have and my dad never wrote that i did. my dad doesn't have anythiing to deal with this so keep my parents out of this end of topic.




    Don't impersonate them then :P Looks like nothing has changed, eh?

  12. (18 people on your side, and nobody saw there were more than 3 and thought to bring it up? :roll: )


    No one except viking knew about the ranger cap, our fault on mis-communication. (Viking drop it now we broke the rule.)


    And Elfish lord1 went a bit further then that in the picture, after he got binded he went deeper before returning, i dont think that was accidental.




    Seeing as it was his first war. I highly doubt he had any intentions of breaking any rules. I didn't see him go any further, and he is maybe 4 steps out of bounds. BIG WHOOP.




    All I can say is.






    he went out of bounds which is still a rule broken from your side, we broke a rule, your broke a rule, don't try and deny the fact you guys didn't. when there's evidence from both sides of both clans breaking rules.




    best you could do is ask for a rm.






    I didn't deny that one person went out of bounds. Which for sure wasn't intentional - as Baller said, it was his first war, and when he went out we told him to come back, he probably didn't know what bounds were. Look at it this way though - one person went a few steps out of bounds when it was 7-3. Really didn't affect much. And you had almost 3x rangers the whole fight. What happened on our side hardly affected the war while on your side, it gave you quite an advantage.




    We'll see about a RM, but firstly let's see what the Tip.it mods will say.

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