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Posts posted by Millard

  1. [hide]^Haha, I know what you mean, really, really great episode. Although I should really have guessed it when Amy said her baby was called Melody Pond.[/hide]

  2. I Feel sorry for the American tax payer in all this. More or less they've funded the Israeli Defense Forces.


    Also, I think it's hilarious, the British Government more or less caused the storm yet they couldn't give a crap.

  3. Vettel won but it was a much more enjoyable and closer race than the last. It's really disappointing though, both Mercedes and Renault seem to be lacking, Ferrari as well, just hope it changes soon.


    Although Monaco should be interesting with the recent changes, plus Red Bull seem to be having problems.

  4. ^True


    Anyway, does anybody actually think the result will be a YES? I haven't decided which way i'm going to vote yet but I just imagine the turn-out will be incredibly low with the NO vote taking it by vast amount.

  5. This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of.


    I think UK should have an electoral college like America, because clearly if people want to make this system they must be voting quite stupidly


    How is wanting a fairer voting system stupid? And electoral college? Don't make me laugh, they're are so many things wrong with that system.

  6. It'll be way more than a third, Republicans just like to think they are the majority, when really they are the minority. I'm hardly a Royalist, but anything is better than All Hail President Cameron.

  7. I haven't quite decided yet. On the one hand, in my opinion AV is just a comprise between the Lib Dems and the Conservatives and I would defiantly vote PR. Voting AV just seems like an excuse to postpone this entire debate for another century. I also find it disconcerting that only 3 (I think) other countries have AV, Aus and 2 random Pacific Islands.


    But on the other hand, the entire NO Campaign is so infuriating, they seem to think the entire population has an IQ of 10.

  8. It would happen in every country, there is even a picture floating around that highlights that it wasn't just Americans making comments about Pearl Harbour, includes Brits, Aussies, NZ etc.


    And @ all the Brits trying to act all high and mighty, really? I can assure you that if there was a natural disaster etc in say Germany people in this country would have a field day making snide remarks about WW2, heck there would probably be comments made about it on TV. And the Friendly Fire argument is pathetic and stupid.


    TL:DR, every country has ignorant morons, vocal minority, silent majority etc.

  9. Americans (wrongly) mocking the way our government is run? Oh lordy... Pot, kettle etc.


    Anyway, congrats to them. Shame she is already being compared to Diana.


    Or encourage it. REMEMBER NOV 5TH PEASANTS!

    Eh? The Monarchy didn't encourage the Nov 5th plot, it was partly an attempt to kill King James. Brush up on history.


    At least Americans don't purposefully mislabel french fries. That's pure dishonesty right there.


  10. Real men don't wear full body padding.


    Be my guest, see how long you last in the NFL at any position other than kicker without pads or a helmet. Bet you'll break a couple bones.

    Rugby players seem to do alright.



    Please refer to the bottom left of the screen:


    :-| Completely missed the point of my post...

  11. Pondering whether or not to renew my subsription just to do the new pre-cata events.

    Don't. You already missed the retaking of Echo Isles (or whatever that gnome place is called, if you're Alliance), and this Elemental Invasion stuff doesn't give anything decent except for a Feat of Strength and some 251 gear which will be outdated within a month. Honestly, its not too great either.


    So its pretty much a question of whether a Feat of Strength is worth 15 bucks.



    I did the Gnomeregan event, but yes, it isn't worth the money. May renew a week or so before Cata, see if i can stilll catch them.

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