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Posts posted by kburts

  1. i really think that everlasting fire/range is a good idea, i HATE having to run for logs, because wgen i come back there is always somehow a fire, and as i try to cook my first lob, the fire goes out :( then i feel bad because i wasted all that time getting the logs

  2. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got it, i got bored, so stopped. :( but i tried again in a little while, and the 3rd ankou i killed gave me a piece, the 1st bellaphonza (probably misspelled), the 5th flesh crawler, and the like 34th minotaur...








    GO ME it looks really good with my sara platebody and platelegs

  3. i have been trying to get the "left skull half" for 40 minutes, from the lv 75's.




    i was just wondering if anyone knew the % that ankou's will drop "left skull half"




    and also does the drop % increase if you are fighting higher level ones??

  4. i lost addy platebody, power ammy, team-50 cape, 8 cakes, 8 chocolate cakes, and 10 swordies, and a addy fullhelm and my anti dragon shield




    Dude, I'll give you the cash value of those items if you like. Next time just make sure your cables and plugged in firmly, and you have the best connection going into your computer from your router/modem as possible.






    thank you sooo much, i'll add you for next time i'm on

  5. I don't see a reason why Jagex would change the direction of how you firemake. We have all gotten so used to firemaking in this way, and I think it would be pointless changing it because you can't firemake in 1 line :lol:




    it's would be nice if you could set it, it is annoying for me, being a noob

  6. i want to know how to convince your parents to let me BECOME a member, i am even willing to pay my own money... I'm thet desprate!!!




    i know that normally it's not cool to quote your own text, but i just wanted to add that my computer isn't very good, and my brother was just allowed to buy a NEW computer for a large sum of money

  7. i want to get 59 mage then try to kill it with mage :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:




    if that doesn't work, i will become a skiller and never kill naything ever again :cry: jk,jk i like killing stuff also when all my non-member's stuff reaches lv 99... except my attacking things, i will *mabe* be able to convince my parents to let me become a member :D

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