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Everything posted by We3b1

  1. Old guide was a little short and undetailed so I've rewritten it. [hide=]Witch's potion Quest start point: Talk to the witch Hetty in the south-eastern house of Rimmington Items Required: Eye of newt (or 3gp), onion, Burnt meat, rats tail(only obtainable during the quest) All of the required items can be obtained within a short distance of the quest start point. Item map To start the quest head to Rimmington and head south-west of the mining area to Hetty's house and speak with her. Tell her you are looking for a quest and so on. Now it is time to gather her ingredients. Refer to the item map below to obtain all the items. Eye of Newt: Head to the magic shop north-east of Rimmington in Port Sarim and buy an Eye of Newt from Betty (for 3gp). Burnt Meat: Head to the crafting guild and enter the cow area next to it. You do not need to enter the crafting guild to get to the cows. Kill one of the cows and take the raw beef. You may want to get two in case you eat one accidentally. Hang on to this for later. Onion: Head to the onion/cabbage patch west of Melzar's Maze and pick up two onions in case you eat one. Rat Tail: Head to the Archery shop directly west of the quest start point, kill one of the rats and pick up the rats tail it drops. You can only get this item only if you have started the quest. Burning the Meat: Head to the cooking range just north of the quest start and cook the raw beef on the range. If the meat does not burn use it again on the range and it will burn. Now that you have all of the items required to finish the quest head back to the quest start and speak to Hetty and then drink from the cauldron. Reward: 1 Quest Point 325 magic exp (this will get you to lvl 4 magic if you have not trained magic before) Notes: This is a very good quest if you are just starting and want to get the first 3 levels of magic instantly.[/hide]
  2. I cannot confirm that these are the actual chat options, however typically if you are paying attention to what is said you dont need the guide to tell you what to choose specifically and if this was done with every guide for every chat situation it would take up a lot of room and in my personal opinion take away a bit from the experience of doing the quest (even if you did it with a guide). Perhaps things like this are better left out?
  3. I'll definitely have to agree on the maze entrance part, as I went and looked at the guide and from that i would be wandering around for well over 10 minutes and getting very annoyed very fast. A more specific description of the entrance would work wonders and and screenshot would go a really long way too. As for the rest of the suggestion, unfortunately I dont have any information on that to help out.
  4. The poisonous part for the real monsters was implied just not very well, so being more specific on it would be a definitely good idea. (I personally don't like the idea of doing this quest and not knowing the real ones are poisonous too and not being prepared for it.) as for what you said about the fake monsters, from what i gathered from it you were saying they dont take damage which the quest walkthrough states as well. Perhaps people are misreading it though and it does need to be made more specific.
  5. All of those suggestions sound like they would work well. The glory amulet and falador runes/tablet are obviously the more commonly used ones and more people probably know what they are used for then the other options. I would also suggest an anti poison potion as apparently the trip wire is usually poisonous.
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