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Posts posted by Mystik01

  1. Fact is the guy was trying to play the race card. Scandal and rumors follows all politicians in Washington. But if it involves a "black" man, it is racist? The situation with Obama, and the questioning of the legitimacy of his claim to the White House was suspect when there wasn't a birth certificate that was produced to verify that he was a natural born US citizen. Which is a legitimate claim, up until when it was verified.




    And as BS as these lawsuits are becoming, they are not being racist, they are just sore McCain supporters.




    And I do forsee that whenever Obama runs into any obstacles during his tenure in the White House, ignorant people are going to start pulling the race card. When all the other "white" Presidents ran into roadblocks, it was always political posturing from the other side. But when Mr Obama will encounter any obstructions, it will be because "the man" is keeping him down... Ironic because he is "the man"...




    No white President ever had their credentials as an American questioned. Scandal and political posturing are one thing but this, in my opinion, stems from race. It was seen throughout the campaign - the implication that Obama was Muslim, wasn't a "real" American and the general attempts to play upon prejudice. That goes beyond the normal murky world of politics and creates a horrible racial underbelly. Fair play to McCain, he personally tried to avoid those tactics (I remember him admonishing a person at one of his rallies for making such comments) however, many Republicans did attempt to make the implication and it is just a continuation of the "he isn't one of us" crusade which stems from the fact that he looks different from previous Presidents.




    As for Obama pulling the race card, I would also disagree. He deliberately went out of his way to not be just "the black candidate", instead he went out of his way to be the change candidate and appeal to white people. I can only recall one speech regarding race (addressing the Rev Wright controversy). He didn't play on race then so I see no reason why he would play on it now or in the future.






    The same issue as been around for McCain. In fact lawsuits have also been made agianst him for the same reason.




    Judge Tosses Lawsuit, Says McCain is 'Natural Born Citizen'




    A federal judge has thrown out a lawsuit seeking to remove John McCain from the California ballot because he was born in the Panama Canal Zone








    Leo Donofrio's lawsuit that was turndown by the U.S. Supreme Court was agianst McCain, Obama and Roger Calero over the same issue.




    http://hubpages.com/hub/Supreme-Court-J ... ligibility




    This is information that weighs in favor of my argument that this is not a racial thing. Even though I consider Obama my white President, and I will continue to consider him that until people stop considering him a black president. He is just Mr President.

  2. Well bascially going for 99 Fishing has worn me out,




    and trying to achieve this goal i have become bored of it,




    so when i get 95 Fishing, i shall be taking a break from fishing until April,




    don't get me wrong i love fishing, just i think i derserve a break and i can say i really do think i derserve it,




    in the meanwhile i shall do some slayer and getting my other non combat stats to 70 and even complete some quests,




    so 380k till 95 Fishing, and then i shall stop <3:,








    That sounds pretty good to me. I think I will start to slow down also, but not stop completely. I'll be sure to let you know how far I am when you resume again. And cheer each other to 99

  3. Fact is the guy was trying to play the race card. Scandal and rumors follows all politicians in Washington. But if it involves a "black" man, it is racist? The situation with Obama, and the questioning of the legitimacy of his claim to the White House was suspect when there wasn't a birth certificate that was produced to verify that he was a natural born US citizen. Which is a legitimate claim, up until when it was verified.




    And as BS as these lawsuits are becoming, they are not being racist, they are just sore McCain supporters.




    And I do forsee that whenever Obama runs into any obstacles during his tenure in the White House, ignorant people are going to start pulling the race card. When all the other "white" Presidents ran into roadblocks, it was always political posturing from the other side. But when Mr Obama will encounter any obstructions, it will be because "the man" is keeping him down... Ironic because he is "the man"...




    No white President ever had their credentials as an American questioned. Scandal and political posturing are one thing but this, in my opinion, stems from race. It was seen throughout the campaign - the implication that Obama was Muslim, wasn't a "real" American and the general attempts to play upon prejudice. That goes beyond the normal murky world of politics and creates a horrible racial underbelly. Fair play to McCain, he personally tried to avoid those tactics (I remember him admonishing a person at one of his rallies for making such comments) however, many Republicans did attempt to make the implication and it is just a continuation of the "he isn't one of us" crusade which stems from the fact that he looks different from previous Presidents.




    As for Obama pulling the race card, I would also disagree. He deliberately went out of his way to not be just "the black candidate", instead he went out of his way to be the change candidate and appeal to white people. I can only recall one speech regarding race (addressing the Rev Wright controversy). He didn't play on race then so I see no reason why he would play on it now or in the future.




    Trust me, I am a supporter of Obama. I think he is a very standup guy. My statement did not state he is going to use the race card. My statement stated that some of his more ignorant supporters ie, the bandwangoners who have no idea why they are supporting him other than the fact he was a "black" man.




    And I do not believe that this is a not stemming from him being bi-racial. This is the typical political tactics pulled from the bottom of the bag to try to discredit the opposing candidate as much as possible. Believe me, if there was a full white candidate who was a islamic, that would totally be pulled into play as the maor concensus in the US is that the Islam world is "bad". If you believe that it is racial, by all means because that is your opinion, as I don't believe it as that. Ever since Clinton, it has been popular to play this dirty politics tactic.

  4. [hide=]
    The Grand Exchange is awesome, in my opinion, but really really poorly implemented. I said it somewhere else but now i've found a topic specifically for it, so I'll say it again.




    They've screwed the economy so badly that, with the contribution to this effect from the mass amount of skillers, finished items like armour sell for less than the resources it took the make them. The game was designed around the idea that, as you progress and get your levels up higher, you are rewarded with the ability to craft, smith, feltch, etc. more valuable items. It costs more to make a mith platebody than the mith platebody is worth, so really you're better off selling the ores rather than smelting and smithing. It's a joke.




    Can you imagine what would happen if, in the real world, peopel starting selling items for less than their expenses? Every store would go out of business within weeks because they'd show such huge profit loss. It's ridiculous.




    As an example, think of it like this: The banks are now selling houses for less than the houses are worth. They lent money out to people to buy houses when they couldn't pay it back, and now they're stuck with these houses that they paid for through the bad mortgages and now they're selling them for whatever they can trying to get as much of their moeny back as possible. THey're sellign them for less than the mortgage.




    And BOOM! Mortgage crisis, economic crisis, banks go bankrupt, government bailouts with $300 Billion of taxpayer money money, people get laid off work, big companies close down because everybody stops spending which eliminates more jobs, yata yata yata. You get the point. (by the way, that's one way to help the economy - don't slow down your purchases unless you're makign less money, but make sure you're buying domestic: if everybody stops spending jobs will be cut and it will actually make the economic condition worse [though unfortunately alot of people haven't realized that yet]).




    IMO Jagex needs to jack up the price of all items to above what it costs to make them. The prices were always like that before - I remember when it cost like 32K for a rune scimmy at one point - and since everythings so easiyl accessible now the prices have gone down and everything is way out of wack.




    As a side note I'd like to point out my support for the Grand Exchange - I've made roughly 500k in two days with no effort at all, and I'll have made over 1 mil in another day or two.





    its a given rule for mmo's that experience has value; therefore, items can have a tendency to be worth less then their components.




    Doesn't sound wholly logical to me - what value has experience got if it can't be converted into cash? And I don't mean that in a greedy money hungry sort of way; if getting your skill up higher has such a limited number of benifits then what value does it hold? Being able to wear a special cape or the ability to say you have highest level just isn't enough motivation.




    The value of experience can be compared to the value of knowledge in real life. How much one pays for further education and their degrees/doctorates can be seen as skill capes. In skilling, there are points in which you can obtain or create more valuable resources. Such as a degree enabling a person to obtain better riches through working.

  5. I am an American and there are many not so smart people here, but that is besides the point.




    You had me going with you up until you stooped to their level. Once you did that, you got reported and you deserve everything you got. Simple as that. To me you are far worse than the people you are scrutinizing because you had to stoop to their level. Once you did that, you became much lower than them.




    Comparing pride to Nazism is the most ignorant thing in the world. Just because a select group took that to an extreme degree, then the rest of the world must also fall into the same pattern? No sir, you are stupid, for making one of the most ignorant remarks in the history of the world.




    BTW, if you, yes you Mr Threadstarter, had cheered for your national team in any sport in an international event, you have lumped yourself in as a Nazi and makes you one of the types of people I look down upon the most.... No not a Nazi, I have more respect for them than I do for you. Think about it and get back to me.

  6. He was saying that Kranked was a racist just for stating that he was mixed race (or at least inferring it). That to me is ridiculous, it is not racist to point out people's differences in that way - Obama is mixed race.




    I fail to believe the person I quoted had the intellectual capacity to infer that he is being treated differently because he is of mixed race.




    Fact is the guy was trying to play the race card. Scandal and rumors follows all politicians in Washington. But if it involves a "black" man, it is racist? The situation with Obama, and the questioning of the legitimacy of his claim to the White House was suspect when there wasn't a birth certificate that was produced to verify that he was a natural born US citizen. Which is a legitimate claim, up until when it was verified.




    And as BS as these lawsuits are becoming, they are not being racist, they are just sore McCain supporters.




    And I do forsee that whenever Obama runs into any obstacles during his tenure in the White House, ignorant people are going to start pulling the race card. When all the other "white" Presidents ran into roadblocks, it was always political posturing from the other side. But when Mr Obama will encounter any obstructions, it will be because "the man" is keeping him down... Ironic because he is "the man"...

  7. Today is my cousin Andrew's 9th birthday his family are throwing a party for him and most of my moms side of the family is going to be there. I however will not, I don't like my moms side of the family, don't really ever think I will. I just never felt a family like bond with them after hanging out with them at other kids birthday parties or family outings.




    Today my aunt calls me up and asks why I didn't come to her sons birthday and she knows damn well I don't like them (not just her everyone on my moms side except for my grandmother and my cousin and his mom & dad). I told her as usual "I don't feel like it", apparently it's not a good enough answer for her and she is supposedly on her way out to my house to talk with me cause she thinks I'm sick in the head.




    I haven't seen anyone in my moms family aside from my grandmother & cousin & his parents for about 12 years now and I really don't plan on changing that any time soon.




    So, do you sometimes have family members you dislike? Or some even you feel you don't have a family bond with?




    I am not gonna say that u are right in this situation, nor that you are wrong either. It all depends on the situation, and also how does ur cousin feel about you? Cuz if he loves you and looks up to you, then an appearance would be necessary and by not going you are a douche. But if the situation is if he has no idea or any care about you, then ditch out.

  8. Racist bull[cabbage] is my view on it, I wonder if Obama was white but his dad was British or Irish for the sake of debate would people bring any of these cases against him.




    Well lets see...for your sake, I am gonna consider Obama a WHITE president as clearly any intelligent person can figure that out.




    U are actually being racist yourself by stereotyping Obama's race purely on the color of his skin. He is equally part black as he is white. So what makes him more of one ethnicity over another? Unless of course you re judging on the color his skin

  9. competition isnt the only code mate. Maybe you don't learn that in hockey, seeing as how violent it is (no offense).




    And cmon, let's be perfectly honest, is it really an insult to a persons skill if the skill gap is wide? Would you really feel insulted if an NBA player playing pickup with you went easy on you? I wouldn't, because i'd know there was no chance I'd win either way. I would either find someone at my level, or enjoy the company of an NBA player, cause that would be kickass.




    That scenario would work fine if it was an exhibition style game. But the 100-0 game was a game between 2 teams in what is supposed to be a more competitive atmosphere than an NBA player beating up on me.




    I will state that a 100-0 game is a bit one sided. But the question here is, was the coach not being sportsmanlike by running up the score. And my answer to that has always been and always will be that he had every right to do what he did without being scrutinized.





    Thank you.




    Right, soccer, ten years. Track, two years. Basketball, two years. Tennis, five years. Gymnastics, three years. There. Not that hard.







    Actually now that you bring it to light, I have been living under a rock and have no idea whatsoever about sports and athletics.




    Anything short of playing and giving 100% is an insult to your opponent.


    And destroying them 100-0 isn't? What purpose does it serve to go all out when both teams know that it would require the winning team becoming cones for there to be any chance of a turn-around?








    Sigh... Just to humor you......


    14 years hockey


    8 years of competitive paintball


    And many years of other various team sports that really have no relevance to this conversation or topic..




    The purpose of competition is to give it 100% at all times. Doing less would be letting your team down, letting your coach down, letting the organization down, letting the sport down, and most importantly letting yourself down. And that is also how I define sportsmanship. Playing at a lesser serious level of commitment in a game that is in the bag is an insult to the abilities of your opponents.




    Play me a game of basketball.... If I am up large on you, don't ever expect me to let off on the scoring. But if you are destroying me, I wouldn't want you to let off either, because if you do, you are insulting my skill (or lack of).

  11. Either way, it is a slap in the face. To put in your "lesser" players is still an insult in the same way as it is to stop playing the way you are taught to play, with 100% effort. The other team, in a losing effort, still decided to give it 100%. The winning team deciding to "take it easy" would be defeating the spirit of competition.




    And if I was on the losing side, I would still want to play against their best. I would NEVER want to play against 2nd or 3rd string when their best players are still capable of playing.




    Have you ever played a sport or watched professional competition? If you did you'd know that when a team is winning so comfortably the coach will most likely sub out the better players for less experienced players to give them more game time AND to rest key players so that they're less likely to get injured.




    Actually now that you bring it to light, I have been living under a rock and have no idea whatsoever about sports and athletics.




    Let's talk about professional sports. Professional sports is a business. Once it becomes a business, sportsmanship is no longer anything of free will, but a policy enforced by penalties and fines, ie the the T.O. autograph football "scandal" excessive celebration penalties and oh no, the unsportsmanlike conduct penalties. Professional sports is also a business and any business protects their "investments". You site that coaches takes their star players out of games when they are cruising to a win. And now tell me this, when was the last time there was any real sportsmanlike conduct within professional sports? Athletes are taking enhancement drugs to get an unfair advantage. Players are using techniques that hasten the end of careers.




    Back on topic.....


    Anything short of playing and giving 100% is an insult to your opponent.

  12. [hide=]
    to everyone saying this isnt a bad thing




    there is a difference between ensuring a good margin of victory and being a total jerk about it. A 100 point margin in basketball is a ridiculous disgrace. It would be one thing if they had won this by say 50 points but to keep scoring after there is no way the other team can even come close to catching up is pathetic. Seriously, you dont see anything wrong in winning any sport by that kind of margin? edit--just to be clear, Im not saying they had to give the other team a chance of winning, but they should have shown the respect to stop shooting after a certain point.




    on the actual story




    I believe the same thing happened in my area, but the coach quickly apologized avoiding a firing etc.. I thought the coaches statement that his girls played honorably is hilarious, its pretty easy to just stop shooting in basketball




    You are a pathetic disgrace if I may say so. To stop shooting the basketball, to stop playing to your full capacity, and to show mercy to another team is a sign of piss poor sportsmanship in my books. To play underneath their level is a slap in the losing team's face, and just basically mocking the fact that the suck. If I was on a losing end of a game, I would NEVER want my opponents to let up. Because at the point in which they start giving any mercy, then any scores my team puts up doesn't amount to squat.




    Good sportsmanship is to play the game from tip off to the last buzzer with pride, dignity and giving it 100% all the way through. Piss poor sportsmanship is the other team or anyone else expecting the victors to lay off just because they are winning.





    you wouldnt say that if you were losing a game 100-0.




    I already had this argument earlier on this thread, its one thing to just stop shooting and mess with the team, the ethics of that is debateable. It is in the spirit of competition to put in your worst players and have them play their best game so the other team doesnt feel like they are being crushed for an hour.




    Actually it would be pretty insulting for them to stop trying their best. They might aswell say "We're that much better than you, we're going to play piss poor in order to give you a chance at a comeback since you're that pathetic we don't even need to try."





    I already said whether or not you believe in continuing scoring is an agree to disagree thing




    what Im saying is they should have played their second or third string players. Would you rather spend the second half of a game getting dominated some more or play an even half against the opponents jv?






    Either way, it is a slap in the face. To put in your "lesser" players is still an insult in the same way as it is to stop playing the way you are taught to play, with 100% effort. The other team, in a losing effort, still decided to give it 100%. The winning team deciding to "take it easy" would be defeating the spirit of competition.




    And if I was on the losing side, I would still want to play against their best. I would NEVER want to play against 2nd or 3rd string when their best players are still capable of playing.

  13. This discussion comes up in my house every so often.




    Something that can't kill you, is a chemical mixture composed of about...


    78.08% nitrogen


    20.95% oxygen


    0.93% argon


    0.038% carbon dioxide


    1% Water Vapor (H20)


    And trace amounts of other gases.






    More commonly known as air. Any other impurities would not be air. They would be impurities IN the air.




    Air Embolism......




    Yeah that can be deadly.

  14. I wake up to the alarm on my G1 @ 5:45am. Pick out my clothes for the day. Turn the shower on and take a quick refreshing 5 minute shower. I get dressed and run gel through my hair to give it that signature style I have. Get dressed, pick up my 2 cell phones, and both my laptops and my ID badge/Key card. Get into my midsized SUV by 6:30am and make my way onto the 405 freeway driving a brisk 40 miles per hour in a 65 zone all the way to work in Irvine.




    Stop off at a bagel chain that sells overpriced bagels and coffee. Make my way to work and to my desk, open up both my laptops and turn on my desktop computer. Ponder why the heck I have 3 computers. I take a couple bites of my bagel and surf the internet on my G1 phone.




    FAST Forward 9 hours.....




    Leave work and make my way back onto the 405 and spend the next 45 minutes on the freeway wishing I owned a motorcycle....




    Once I get home, my routine is over and I either play RS, the PS3, or just hang out with the significant other....

  15. to everyone saying this isnt a bad thing




    there is a difference between ensuring a good margin of victory and being a total jerk about it. A 100 point margin in basketball is a ridiculous disgrace. It would be one thing if they had won this by say 50 points but to keep scoring after there is no way the other team can even come close to catching up is pathetic. Seriously, you dont see anything wrong in winning any sport by that kind of margin? edit--just to be clear, Im not saying they had to give the other team a chance of winning, but they should have shown the respect to stop shooting after a certain point.




    on the actual story




    I believe the same thing happened in my area, but the coach quickly apologized avoiding a firing etc.. I thought the coaches statement that his girls played honorably is hilarious, its pretty easy to just stop shooting in basketball




    You are a pathetic disgrace if I may say so. To stop shooting the basketball, to stop playing to your full capacity, and to show mercy to another team is a sign of piss poor sportsmanship in my books. To play underneath their level is a slap in the losing team's face, and just basically mocking the fact that the suck. If I was on a losing end of a game, I would NEVER want my opponents to let up. Because at the point in which they start giving any mercy, then any scores my team puts up doesn't amount to squat.




    Good sportsmanship is to play the game from tip off to the last buzzer with pride, dignity and giving it 100% all the way through. Piss poor sportsmanship is the other team or anyone else expecting the victors to lay off just because they are winning.

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