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Posts posted by The_Who

  1. I'm all for equality, but what I don't understand are things like Black History Month. If there was a White History Month, people would view it as racist.




    I personally blame people like Al Sharpton for continuing racial tension. I remember a few months back, he came to town after the city refused to elect an african-american sheriff because he had rigged the ballots. Old Al showed up and started raising hell about the man not being elected sheriff because he was black. :roll:

  2. Few more things. I've known him for a year this November, and he hasn't lied to me once.




    Yeah, that may sound like "Oh, you THINK he hasn't lied to you, but acutally he probably has." and stuff. But he's been honest about everything I've asked him, and I've been honest to him about everything he's asked me.




    He would prefer it if I was 18, yeah. But you can't change what you can't control.


    He knows he could be sent to prison, but I guess he's willing to take that risk, seeing as we've been going out for 5 months on November 9th.




    I may be 15, but I'm a mature 15 year old. I had to defend myself since my mom passed away when I was 10. I've learned to stand on my own two feet. I'm independent, I know what I want. I know what I want in a relationship, and I know that he's 23, honest, caring, loving and he wouldn't do anything to hurt me.


    I hate to say it, but this relationship sounds like a bad idea. In one of the many FBI seminars I've had to sit through in my time with a government internship, this was one of the topics that was discussed. These types of relationships where one party is under the legal age tend not to be what they seem. I've heard cases where men have "courted" underage girls for several years before assaulting them and leaving them like used garbage.




    I know this may sound harsh, but nine times out of ten, the relationships turn out sour. You said you've known the guy for a year, but like others have said, is this your first experience with "true love"? I understand that you may be more mature for your age than the average 15 year-old, but there's a big difference between 15 and 23.




    You say that he would never hurt you, but it's impossible to tell what his true intentions are, regardless of what he says. Many predators sweet-talk their victims into a false sense of security, only to leave them destitute and used. I sincerely hope that doesn't happen in your case, but I hope you consider where we're all coming from that this whole situation seems sketchy at best.

  3. Don't worry, I ask random people on the internet for medical advice too. I can't imagine what kind of boredom could have possessed you to actually eat a piece of glass, but the logical thing to do would be to go and see a doctor. Depending on the size of the piece, it could cause internal bleeding by cutting the lining of your intestines.

  4. I quit because all my close friends did. Sure I could go out and try to find new ones, but it's hard to replace people that I've known for years since I first started. Plus, the quality of players has dropped exponentially. The game is great and all, but when you find yourself logging in just to see if some old friends are on, it's time to move on.

  5. Oh Lord, I remember Mol Day from my old chemistry class. We ordered pizza and had a big party in class. I think it had less to do with mols, and more to do with our teacher just not wanting to teach that day.

  6. In my first post, I forgot to put the O'Reilly Factor. I have fairly conservative political views, but even I can agree that Bill O'Reilly is an [wagon]. He thinks that he's right all the time, and that anyone who might have a different view than him is automatically wrong.

  7. House seems to always be entertaining, even though it has its ups and downs. It's the only non-sports or news show on t.v. that I actually watch on a regular basis.

  8. Disorder | Rating


    Paranoid: Low


    Schizoid: Moderate


    Schizotypal: Low


    Antisocial: Low


    Borderline: Low


    Histrionic: Low


    Narcissistic: Low


    Avoidant: Low


    Dependent: Low


    Obsessive-Compulsive: Low


    Man, I'm weird. The Schizoid description is over-exaggerated and doesn't fit me at all though. I mean, it says "low sexual desire." :roll:

  9. Most teenagers are able to distinguish between right and wrong. For the ones that can't, there's usually a psychological issue somewhere, so they probably wouldn't be prosecuted as harshly. That being said, I say to prosecute them the same as everyone else, unless there's an underlying psychological problem. The only thing that probably wouldn't get my support is the death penalty for say, a 14 year old.

  10. 287


    I can honestly say that I don't like slayer, regardless of what people say. I play RS to have fun, not to grind skills to get a higher total level or more "respect". This is the reason that after over 5 years of playing, my total level is only 1811. The argument ender is this: play the game to have fun. If you think slayer is fun and diverse, do it. If you're like me and compfreak, don't do it. I'm tired of getting flamed in-game for having a low slayer level versus my combat level. Play the game to have fun and stfu about "respect" and junk.

  11. I'm actually kind of glad that they did that. If you take a look at the suggestions forums on the RSOF, you'll find that about 95% of the suggestions are [developmentally delayed]. I would rather have a small percentage of high-level players making suggestions and providing feedback to Jagex than a bunch of idiot kids who have been playing the game for a few months.




    I must admit, I've probably been playing the game just as long or longer than some of the people who have all 99's. I consider myself to be knowledgeable about Runescape, but I'm not offended by not being included in the new forum. Instead of picking random high level people, they just chose those who had maxed out stats, which was easier for them.

  12. I really wanted that broom from last year because I honestly didn't need another hood to add to the 10 or so that I already had. I doubt they'll do grim reaper robes because the forums would be flooded with kids complaining that they can't complete the costume without the scythe. I'm hoping for devil wings that go in the cape slot or something like that.

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