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Posts posted by Vansing

  1. The first time i finished at level 12 or 13, but that was because i mainly just done the main story. Im level 18 on my new character and this time i decided to be good and not kill everyone i see :lol:

  2. I really hope there is, most of my friends dont use xfire and like you said some games dont like being alt+tabbed.


    Fallout 3 usually closes when i do it, not sure if its just Vista playing up though like it does with some games #-o




    So does anyone know if its possible..?

  3. I think the ending was such a let down, would have been much better if they kept it like the previous fallout games and oblivion. I decided to start again and now im just exploring and doing side quests.

  4. Im loving this game so far, the bloody mess perk is great :lol:




    [hide=]I decided to blow up Megaton, then killed Tenpenny and the guy who asked me to do it. I kill pretty much everyone i see so my character has really bad karma :roll:[/hide]

  5. I think this game looks great, preordered my copy (Dont get it till the 31st in the UK :(). Every review I've read says its good so hopefully it will be as good as they say :D

  6. Answered no for most of them, here are the results:




    Paranoid: Low


    Schizoid: Low


    Schizotypal: Low


    Antisocial: Low


    Borderline: Low


    Histrionic: Low


    Narcissistic: Moderate


    Avoidant: Low


    Dependent: Moderate


    Obsessive-Compulsive: Low

  7. For everybody saying Mile high Club is hard.











    What's harder.


    Luck or skill.




    But then .. Mile high club is the only level that gave me serious problems.




    I just attempted it after watching that video, and tbh i think hes just spent like an amazing amount of time on that one level because there is no way you can do it that easy, and it didnt really help.


    I completed it on vet on my 2nd or 3rd time trying, its really not that hard even without flashes. The hostage part is easy aswell just shoot him in the head ;)

  8. I got this game a couple of days ago and im enjoying it so far :P


    And yes i have seen more interaction in this game than WoW aswell, i also find it a lot more fun especially the PQs. At the moment I'm only a Level 5 Black Orc because i decided to start again on a different server ::'

  9. I used to have shoulder length hair but it just started to annoy me, always getting in my face when im sleeping and when the wind blows is just a pain. Still have it fairly long though, just past my jaw.

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