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    runescape, writing
  1. Chapter II Azzanadra awoke to the war chants of Zaros' huge marching army. My Lord must have given more orders during the night... It wasn't even a week since the victory over Amsacut that absolutely stunned the gods Armadyl, Saradomin, Icthlarin, Seren, and Elidinis. Azzanadra quickly put on his legendary black armour with the purple emblem of his Lord, Zaros, engraved on it. He grabbed his sword, and teleported outside, onto Zamorak's tower, in which he directed orders to his demon-generals. "Many greetings, Zamorak," he said as he appeared next to the commander. Zamorak nodded through his helmet. "As to you, Azzanadra, my brother." "What orders has our Lord given today?" Zamorak turned towards his Mahjarrat brethren. "Armadyl has poured his power into a staff. His energy has been drained greatly, and our Master has ordered us to destroy him while he is weak." "Why did he encase his power in a staff?" Azzanadra asked, half to himself, half to Zamorak. "He needs it for something..." Zamorak said, as if he knew something that Azzanadra didn't, and he didn't want to tell him. "For what?" "His reasons are as barren to me as to you, brother," Zamorak walked towards his second-in-command, Thammaron. "Release Draynor and Drakan's legions." Thammaron simply smiled demonically and gave a low-pitched war cry. Immedietly, one of the twelve gates opened, and vampire and werewolves raced out into the thick forests beyond the walls of Senntisten. Within several hours, the hordes of Zaros stopped at the very gates of Laryrnon, the large border city protected by the combined forces of Armadyl and Saradomin, and hosting such lesser dieties, all to protect all of the realms of Gielnor from Zaros' hordes. The massive towers could be compared to those of Kharyll and Carralanger. The city was also where the prophetic oracle lived. "CATAPULTS READY! CATAPULTS READY!" Thammaron bellowed at his troops. The massive machines were soon prepared to fire burning rocks and embers at the white city. The demon turned to his master. "They are cowering... the city is ready to fall..." "Give them the wrath of Zaros!" Zamorak said. Azzanadra smiled. That was something all generals of their Empty Lord had in common: their love for warfare and bloodshed. "ARMIES OF ZAROS!" Zamorak cried. "Zaros ordered us to wipe this 'Golden City' off the face of Gielnor, and that is what we shall do! This is not a slaughter! This is not even a massacre! THIS IS A HOLY WAR AGAINST ALL THOSE WHO OPPOSE ZAROS OUR LORD!" The cry of tens of thousands of demons, vampires, and warriors of the Mahjarrat tribe was deafening. On a mighty wooden tower, Zamorak and Azzanadra overlooked the siege. Zamorak grasped his staff. Azzanadra unsheathed his sword. "Let us unleash our Lord's magic against these unbelievers!" The two raised their holy weapons and unleashed torrents of magics the world had never seen before. The city was destroyed in minutes. Meanwhile... "Ralyn!" a commander screamed at his top lieutenant. "Yes, sir!" "Take this staff of Armadyl and run! Get it out of the city! It must go to Uzer, the City of Enchantment! They must be warned! Prepare them for war!" "Yes, sir!" Ralyn grabbed the staff and ran for his life, along with the life of Armadyl, his god. Giant demons leapt easily over the wall and terrorized the civilians before they could escape, slaughtering them like sheep. There was much magic involved, too. Spells were cast that froze soldiers rushing to battle alive. Other spells sucked their very life away. There were also poisonous gasses being unleashed, filling the lungs of helpless soldiers, causing sudden epidemics and plagues among the soldiers. It was clear that the city would fall within the hour. Ralyn sprinted through the crowds exiting for the southern, Saradomin-based city of Uzer, where they enchanted clay golems to come alive. ******************************** "Lucien, I have a task for you," the Empty Lord's voice caused the robed figure to tremble, and inside his black helmet it grew warmer and warmer... "Y-yes, my lord?" he mustered the courage to ask. "The Staff of Armadyl is leaving Laryrnon." Lucien, amazed at his master's knowledge, just starred at him, wide-eyed. "What do you wish for me to do?" "Go to Uzer, find the staff, and kill the one who carries it." "Yes, my lord," Lucien bowed. "Is that all?" "Go..." "Y-yes, m-my lord," Lucien bowed again, and left the chamber as quickly as possible.
  2. Prologue: Stran looked to both sides, then behid him; no one was watching. He crept inside the house steathily, and shut it quick and quietly. He covered the window that's shown light into the dusty room, concealing his act of moving a rug and opening a trapdoor that was hidden beneath it, and entering an undergrond cellar "Who is it?" someone exclaimed in a whisper. "Stran," Stran replied. "Oh good, the boss was getting angry." "He always does," Stran said, opening the door off to the side. "You shouldn't say that!" the man said. Stran shrugged. "We've known eachother for a long time," Stran said. "He won't mind." Stran continued on for a little while before finally reaching a bedroom with a nicely carved door made of solid oak wood. "Lock the door," the boss said as Stran entered the room. "Yeah, sure," Stran followed is boss' orders. "You wanted to see me, Rogin?" "Yes," Rogin, the boss, sat down on his chair placed behind his desk. "I want to talk business." "Who do you want me to kill this time?" "No one person," Rogin grinned. "But a whole group of people." "A genocide? "You could put it like that." Stran crossed his arms with doubtfullness, waiting for his boss to say it was a joke. He didn't. "Who then?" "Bank guards." Rogin said behind his demnic smile. "What do you mean?" Stran said. "I'm an assassin, not a bank robber!" "No, of course not," Rogin replied. "I simply want you to lead an attack on the Bank of Varrock's vaults." Stran lauged. "It cannot be done, Rogin! No one even knows for sure where the vaults are!" "I do," Rogin dropped a stack of spy reports on his desk. "An ex-bank gaurd was getting drunk at the Jolly Boar Inn. He spat out everything, incluing the vaults location, guard posts, certain vault locations, everything. You would be the best for the task of leading us." Stran just starred at the documents. "Right, but I can't help." "If you do not, I will dispose of you, and find someone else who will." "Fine!" Stran shouted. "But we'll have to take it slow, one step at a time. First of all, I need some experienced and willing gang members, not just any thug on the streets." "I'll get you everything you need," Rogin said. "This operation will be enough to make us all rich."
  3. Finway Age of Zaros- A stoy of Zamorak and Azzanadra's last campaigns for Zaros and later Zamorak' betrayal. More to come...
  4. Well, this is my first post on this forum, which seems very popular. This is a story I wrote on another forum a few months ago. Enjoy Guthix first came to the empty void now known as Runescape long before the first age began. He then created the world of Gielnor, now known as Runescape, and all of it's abundance. He created the natural laws that governed the order of things, and he created nature. He also created life. His new realm was flowing with life, including elves, dwarves, gnomes, and humans. Guthix saw that everything was peaceful, good, and in balance, and then he slept. Shortly thereafter, a new deity entered the world of Gielnor. His name was Zaros, but he was known as the Empty Lord. He used nature for his own good, and built cities and fortresses, forcing the creatures of Gielnor to be his slaves. He soon forged an empire more powerful than any other that ever existed. He ruled it with an iron fist, and used the Mahjarrat tribe from the realm of Freneskae as his soldiers. He also created creatures that are now forever gone from Runescape. Monstrosities that, according to most, we should be glad are gone. Zaros also had a goal, which was to dominate all of Gielnor, and to control it's vast population, and to harvest it's mass materials for himself. Yet what is the most shocking of all this, is that he would have succeeded. Chapter I "The Islarin tribe has been wiped out, my lord..." Zamorak bowed down and knelt before his master, the Empty Lord of Runescape, whose spirit was mysteriously present on the throne inside the large dragon jaws inside the chamber. "They were no match for your magics, sire." "Do you know of Amscut?" The deep, horrid voice of Zamorak's master seemed to ignore his victory. "Yes, my lord," Zamorak raised his head from his bow. "'The Devourer,'" "She openly mocks me, and defiles my lands with her wretched filth!" Zamorak began shivering from the anger in his Lord's words. "Destroy her army, and bring her to me." "Is that all?" "Go, now." "Yes, my lord," Zamorak bowed and exited the chamber. "SOLDIERS... MARCH!" Zamorak's chief lieutenant, Thammaron barked orders at the army of vampires and demons that were pouring out of Senntisten by the thousands, going south to annihilate Amscut 'The Devourer' and her undead or possessed army. Massive, Greater Demons flew low over the army, ready to defend them from the Wyrms, which were dragon-like beast of the air. They sometimes could become hypnotized by The Devourer, and Zamorak's horde took every precaution and always overestimated their opponent intentionally. "How many legions are leaving?" the sting of Zamorak's voice always seemed to hurt Thammaron's ears. "Ten legions, sir," Thammaron responded. "Amscut will pay for her insolence to our Lord!" "Our forces will overwhelm her, but be careful, as she is not as brainless as her army suggests!" "Yes, sir," Thammaron said. "And one more thing," Zamorak's eyes seemed to pierce through his helmet as he looked at Thammaron. "Our master wants her alive!" "Yes, sir!" ******************************** Ten of the army's twelve legions were assembled on the desert field in front of the lone mountain on which the Fortress of Pyrantia, the home of the Devourer, rested. Zamorak smiled. He knew that victory would be theres. "Azzanadra," he looked towards one of his master's top commanders and warriors. "Take three legions and go around the mountain and flank them. I want this battle ended by dawn! Destroy the fortress and bring Amscut back alive, am I understood." Azzanadra smiled his demonic smile. "Yes, sir..." Suddenly, a screech came from the fortress, followed by a war cry from thousands of undead and possessed creatures charging at the armies of Senntisten. Amsacut's army was mainly undead, zombie-like ghouls, and possessed humans whom the Devourer had cast a spell upon to hypnotize them to do her bidding. "MAGES! PREPARE YOUR STAFFS!" roared Thammaron. "TAKE AIM!" Thammaron sucked in air to make his final call. "FIRE!" A wave of ice spells came crashing upon Amscut's possessed army, freezing the first three rows. Simialr shadow and smoke spells were fired as well, blinding and poisoning the front line. Then came the blood spells from the vampire Draynor, the most powerful of all vampires, and his target's life seemed to just drain away in a red smoke. "DEMONS!" Thammaron bellowed. "BREAK THEIR LINES!" First the Greater Demons flew in, landing in the middle of the army and smashing them with their massive weapons and wiping them out, and then their lesser counterparts, along with many imps, came crashing into their already weakened front line, wiping them out with such ease and viciousness, that they knew that victory would come within the hour. "To the keep!" Azzanadra pointed his diamond sword at the castle of Amscut. "Bring the Devourer out alive!" Three legions rushed to the un-guarded backside of the fortress, destroying everything in their path, and killing the undead that inhabited the interior. Azzanadra lead the way to the highest tower, where Amsacut was fending off the Greater Demons sent by Zamorak. Azzanadra pointed his magical sword at her, and the ice diamond on his sword glowed as a silver substance shot at her, freezing her for several seconds, which was enough for the largest of the Greater Demons to grab her and bring her back to their Lord. The now tiny forces of Amscut were retreating back to the fortress, only to be massacred by Azzanadra's forces that occupied the castle. Soon the forces were rounded up and slaughtered. The orders of Zaros had been carried out. ******************************** Amscut's lips trembled, along with the rest of her body, partly from the cold nights of Senntisten, and maybe because of her tattered and ripped robes, but mostly because of the Empty Lord's anger, and his power, which was enough to end her life in any second. "You have mocked me time and time again!" she trembled at Zaros' voice. "Your wretched filth has defiled my lands! This will stop!" "Y-y-yes l-lord Zaros," she stammered, and then began to cry. "J-just l-let m-m-me g-go free!" "You are bound with adamantine chains, your army has just been annihilated and your power has been drained!" Treus Dayth, a cunning Mahjarrat warrior known as 'The Serpent' cut in. "You are in no position to bargain." "Zamorak, get this wretch out of my court!" Zaros ordered. From the anger in Zaros' voice, not only Treus Dyth shook with fear. Zamorak grabbed him and dragged him across the courtroom and threw him into the courtyard. The Empty Lord turned towards Amscut, his evil appearance frightening her even more. Suddenly, Amscut dropped down and fainted. "Remove her from my sight!" "Shall I kill her?" Zamorak asked. "You have much to learn, Zamorak," Zaros spoke. "If you kill her, she will be freed from all suffering. Let her linger on in the desert, where she will remain for a milenia!" Zamorak nodded, and cast a teleportation spell on the unconscious Devourer. Immedietly, purple cubes surrounded her, then disappeared, and she was gone. Several hours later, Amsacut awoke to a blinding sun and extreme heat. She looked up to see mountains rising above the desert ground. She looked behind her and saw huge cliffs. She was trapped. She tried to use magic to quench her thirst and relieve the heat, but it was no use. She fell to her knees and cried out with despair. At that moment, many thoughts came to her, but what she did not know was that she would be trapped in that desert for a thousand years.
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