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Posts posted by killerbook1

  1. grr ill show you mroe than one line




    And so the story begins.....




    After months in the hospital from severe injuries from angry pheasents, killerbook1 was eager to get revenge on the evil one who stole his beloved GP. He became a worldwide known detective so he could get the connections to track down the stealer of the GP,Fluffyzoe64. He searched all over Runescape and finally tracked down the evil villain who had been hiding with Evil Dave in Evil Dave's Mother's basement of DOOM.Fluffyzoe64 was making a living killing hell rats in the basement and feared leaving and having the GP stolen yet again.Then one day there was a knock on the door.


    "fluffy!its for you!" yelled Evil Dave's Mom.


    Fluffyzoe hurried up the stairs and opened the door. He could not beleive his own eyes. Killerbook1 was back with an army of undead chickens he bought near Port Phasymatys.


    "aaggghhhh noooo!" he yelled as killerbook and his chickens devoured him alive.


    "muahahh once again the GP is mine!" yelled killerbook1 as he set off to find a piece of cheese that had also been stolen from him....

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