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Posts posted by Pur304

  1. "Stay off the road if you want to grow old"- A Soldier








    Unfortunatly that applies to the brave soldiers currently in Iraq.








    "He who is without sin cast the first stone"-Jesus speaking to a crowd ready to stone an adultress. I will always remember this and this is why I hate mobs.








    To Individiuos well pointed out. I consider Winston Churchill to be the best British PM ever. You feel find plenty of Jesus' speech to be fascinating. He had the power to humble the proud and to assure the fearful.

  2. The Bible wasn't written at one time. It was written by a number of authors throughout time and most of these writers never met eachother. To have the entire Bible translated alone is a miracle in my eyes.








    You can't say the bible was made on any given date. The Bible is a compiliation of books written from nearly 6000 years ago and was finished by the time of the apostles old age.








    I think that the fact that these authors spent many years writing these books is part of the evidence that the Bible is the word of God. Why would someone waste their time writing something from their own mouth for a non-profit organisation? Why would they sell their stuff to the poor and suffer horrible deaths for a load of bull?


    Before anyone asks God doesn't send babies to hell in the Christian faith.




    The bible makes no claim where babies go, and I'm sure you're not the bible god.








    If someone is mentally impacable of concieving (might be the wrong word) good and evil or the ability to actually follow God's will (like a child) then it would be unfair to send them to hell.




    If you're talking of the bible god, alot of things done in the bible isn't fair.








    Also you tell me the difference between a 3 month old HUMAN and a 3 year old HUMAN. It's illegal to kill one but not the other?




    What country do you live in? I've never heard of legally killing 3 month old babies.








    1. God's judgement is fair, and it's quite obvious he isn't going to do something like that.








    2. If you're referring to the Old testament (which in almost ALL cases people do) then yes he was harsh, but there is such a thing as tough justice.








    3. You can kill a 3 month old human, it's called a foetus. And it's called abortion. In all cases the living being is human yes? So why is it right to kill a foetus but not a born child?

  4. Before anyone asks God doesn't send babies to hell in the Christian faith.








    If someone is mentally impacable of concieving (might be the wrong word) good and evil or the ability to actually follow God's will (like a child) then it would be unfair to send them to hell.








    Abortion is basically baby holacaust. Last time I heard the same amount of babies have been aborted as Jews were killed by the Nazis during WW2.












    Also you tell me the difference between a 3 month old HUMAN and a 3 year old HUMAN. It's illegal to kill one but not the other?

  5. With Adam and Eve, inbreeding would not have been that much of a problem. Considering they were 'good' when they were made, it's safe to assume that they had no genetic flaws. The flaws would have come over time due to the corruption of nature caused by sin. So even with all the inbreeding that would have existed early on, it would not have caused physical problems. As for skin color, many people believe that God changed the skin colors at the Tower of Babel, when he also confused the languages of the people.








    That would make even more sense of why people went so far from eachother. There must of been a HUGE cultural divide to cause people to scatter across the globe.








    God made Adam and Eve perfect, as he did will creation. therefore Adam and Eve would have no genetic flaws (as Astra pointed out) therefore there is no chance for imperfection in offspring.








    And some of you say it's impossible for billions of people to exist now if mankind started off with two people. Up until the time of the flood of Noah the average life-span was a few hundred years. After the flood God vastly reduced our life-span.








    With a few hundred years you can imagine how many children each couple could have. It was legal for brothers and sisters to marry too. And as Astra pointed out, sin would corrupt us physically and mentally overtime.

  6. A man should never have to change for a woman(unless it's a positive change, which is mutually beneficial.)








    If she says your like a brother, a friend or something along those lines, forget it.








    Here's a general tip for you. SMILE :)

  7. There were plenty of faults in RS1 though. Fatigue and sleeping bags were annoying (especially typing in the code to wake up), you couldn't eat or pot while you were fighting, and you couldn't retreat from a fight until 3 rounds have been fought (although that was good for pking).








    I remember losing my only set of rune pking on my own. I was so angry I nearly cried :oops:

  8. It's called leaving in a blaze of glory.








    Someone called Torquenboost said she was a mother, planned to move to the Netherlands with someone who also plays RS.








    A few days after her "brother" made a post announcing she was shot dead. His post had a lot of smilies in it. :roll:


    the existance of God is much more credible than a bang from nowhere.




    Since when were the Big Bang Theory and the 'God theory' (for want of a better name) mutually exclusive?








    Let me save you a headache and give you the answer: They aren't mutually exclusive, and they never were.








    I have aspirin for those matters. You still didn't answer my question. Where did everything start?

  10. Why on earth would you want more than 2100m? I can't think of any functional item (on its own) worth more than 25m.








    Do you play RuneScape just to gather money? Have you ever thought how thats more money than 1000's of players put together? Have you ever thought of how you could help people with that EXCESS?

  11. And i can predict the Christians are going to say "God is so powerful that he created himself", or some other lame answer.








    God is the BEGINNING and the END. If he was the beginning then nothing created him. He is infinite so he has always been there and always will be.








    If he was made then there must be a force more powerful. If there was, then God would contradict himself in being omnisent. Therefore he wouldn't exist.








    Here is a question for you. Where did everything start? It couldn't of just been made like that, because the existance of God is much more credible than a bang from nowhere.

  12. People are saying not to stereotype all Muslims because of these riots or whtever you would call them.








    Sorry, it were Muslims that crashed a plane into the world trade centre.








    Sorry, it were muslims who bombed Madrid 911 days after the above.








    Sorry, it were Muslims that bombed London last year.








    Islam is not a religion of peace, because it was founded by war. You can expect people who were brought up with a bloody and violent religion to react to somethign so trivial with violence.








    In Britain, Muslims are certainly different PUBLICALLY to the Muslims in the Middle-East. Why? Because if you said that you should spread Islam with the sword in a non-Muslim country you can expect trouble.








    I am no using this to critisize or insult Islam, but to understand why these "extremists" act the way you do you have to examine their deep-rooted view of the world. That view comes from Islam.








    I look forward to being warned for this....maybe even threatened with death....

  13. Heres something for you to think about....








    1. Palestinians are "starving" but they can afford foreign flags to burn?








    2. Where do they get these flags from!? Is there an anti-western shop that sells parafin-soaked flags of the west for those "special occasions"?








    3. There are tonnes of cartoons in Arabic papers that like to blaspheme Judaism and Christianity, but you don't see Christians or Jews going down to their local anti-Islam shops buying readily-soaked inflammable flags of the Middle-East do you?

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