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Posts posted by Pur304


    kthxbye...has got to be the worst.








    but y is u dissin m3 4 t41l1ng l1k3 d1s!?!?!? any1 ca t4lk d4 w4y d3y l1ke 1n1t y0 :roll:








    gloobajsd jooba mumphapfhurmt skeinjerteen meitfurer








    ^^ would you rather I spoke like that for all of my posts?








    Have dignity! Anyway in about twenty years time "peeps are gonna be mouthin like dis ting ere" in England. Seriously, our worst enemy is the SMS (text messaging).








    Example; "hiya iz emma how r ya? im gna go 2 da chippy so cya der"

  2. Just a quick point, you mentioned the church in medieval times. I assume you mean the Roman Catholic chruch. I'm aware they tried to destroy some scientific discoveries that would contradict THEIR teachings, but not all of the Roman Catholics teaching are in accordance with the Bible.








    Be careful not to look at one branch of Christianity as everyones point of view.








    Science is about physicalities, but faith is about life itself. Humanity can't go on through science only, because science doesnt answer the way we should live.


    Its probably been said before on this topic, but Christianity isnt a "religion". It's a relationship with God.








    And another thing, from a philosophical view its bets to be a christian. Say there were 2 people, an athiest and a christian. They both die and the atheist is right. Neither suffer damnation or experience Heaven. But if the christian was right, he gets to stay in Heaven and the atheist suffers.
















    Go to the eye hospital then.

  4. Its probably been said before on this topic, but Christianity isnt a "religion". It's a relationship with God.








    And another thing, from a philosophical view its bets to be a christian. Say there were 2 people, an athiest and a christian. They both die and the atheist is right. Neither suffer damnation or experience Heaven. But if the christian was right, he gets to stay in Heaven and the atheist suffers.

  5. Who can't believe non of you mentioned Honey. Everythign except the choreography is stupid, predictable, and well best put it...crap.








    Everyone I know who likes that "film" have a less than average intelligence, really.








    Worst horror movie- The Ring, Second worst is wait for it...The Ring 2!




    Worst comedy- Havent decided




    Worst superhero film- The Hulk




    Worst porno...whoops shouldn't mention that. :P

  6. Scallies (chavs) are like wolves. They hunt in packs and cant hunt on their own.








    I think there should be a law in Britian where you can shoot the bolecks off them anytime any place, they ask for it....

  7. I have an eye I cant see out of.




    I live with a couple of nuts.




    My neighbourse a real arshole.




    Blood rushes to my head when Im excited,




    and when Im really excited I throw up!








    Also my owner beats me for fun.... :twisted:

  8. Haha, that's either irony at it's best... OR the builders of the place done it as a practical joke. :P
















    Or it's complete I think I can dodge the censor








    Mod: don't do it again.

  9. BlueLancer I understand what you mean, but you don't understand what "turning the other cheek" means.








    When that was written, if you were struck on the cheek, it was intended as an insult, not as assault. So really it's just saying don't retalliate if you're insulted.








    And yes, I think thye won't leave Iraq either.

  10. I went to the shoppping centre and I went into a games store and I was looking on the back on a certain game. I noticed the bar-ode and suddenly felt an urge to study it (wierd I know :? ). I noticed that at the start, middle, and end there were 2 identical lines which were longer than the others but werent marked with numbers.








    I thought, thats wierd and I noticed that there was a 6 in the code. The 6 matched up to two lines that were the same as the pairs at the beginning middle and end of the entire code. So then I realised that these pairs of lines actually read, you guessed, 666.








    Perhaps it's the everyday barcodes that's the beginnign stages of the mark of the beast described in revelations in the Bible? Dont believe me? Get a Bible and get some items with barcodes on them. You'll be surprised.

  11. Now, Satanism on the other hand, seems to be about ideals and lifestyles and other such things! That's a religion to go for if you ask me.








    What makes it better to Christianity? Just remember, as there are different branches to Christianity Im sure the same goes for Satanism.

  12. So many of you are talking about the Pope. Note he only rules one branch of "Christianity" and not them all. That branch is Catholicism.








    Someone also talked about Finland? Yes those soldiers that marche dinto finalnd would be soldiers in the Popes authority. Many banches of Christianity actually consider the Pope to be Anti-Christ.








    Now when you talk about "Striking at the Muslims". It was the Muslims that first struck by invading Palestine, Egypt and Syria. These were nations under the Popes order since thye were mainly "Chrisitian". The Emperor pf the Byzantiums called for help in stopping the Muslim invasion. There were atrocities on both sides accounts but the crusaders were acting in defence. The Muslims definatly werent. Oh and yes guess who had authority over the crusades, the Popes!

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