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Posts posted by r4ngewarlord



    stop being nostalgic. Its disgustingly old.








    and im tired of people like u, they ruined a game, thats all i have to say...








    I ruined the game because im sick and tired of rsc players saying "oh i wish i could go back in time to when there were more macroers etc", i played rsc but i dont go on as if it makes me a god/gives me the right to be nostalgic in the runescape 2 general forum. Shut up.








    i didnt say you, they is many people, jagex, autoers, young kids, etc... and if u had actually played rsc and gotten to a decent level you would understand.... im level 93 in rsc and loved it, i just want to be able to play again.... now u can see how many levels ive got in rs2... and i can be nostalgic anywhere i f-in want to, u act like i made the topic, get a life and grow up












    PS-there are more autoer these days, back then 30k people played MAX, now over 200k play.... RS is just bigger, but they are around, and they hurt RS2 even more than rs1by making jagex make more randoms....

    :thumbup: Select a use, your hate of nostalgia isn't doing anything any good, let them reminisce, I for one have enjoyed reading about runescape classic as I used to play a little back in the day.

  2. You're right. I've gotten spoiled and used to updates that are good. Clearly I should sit around and keep paying them sleep inducing updates.

    There is one pretty simple solution. GTFO ... really. If you're not happy stop complaining all the time (YES I AM WATCHING YOU ... ALL OF YOU ... SILENTLY IN THE CORNER ... anyways back to .. >) it's getting old =/.

    Stop complaning about people complaning about valid things.

  3. Well, my memory is like a shaky straw skyscraper built on a windy seaside swamp and yet I've always been good at maths, so I just doubt you are taking the right approach to it if you say it's too difficult because of the memorisation.

    I'm the same my memory's horrible but i'm good at math, I can't spell to well though.

  4. lol personally I think this is a great idea for a thread...but seriously, nothing can't be something. That is not possible in the least. To the root, nothing is the opposite of something. Just because humans can't even come close to fathoming nothing doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And yes we can easily name something without being able to even think of it in it's entirety.


    And as for something that can't kill you...obviously weed can kill you. Not from smoking it, but from possibly getting high and getting in an accident. In a round a bout way weed has killed you. Neutrino things or whatever, I've never heard of them, but sure, millions of them pass through me everyday lol


    And a cloud could kill you, it might just drop acid rain on your booty. I'm pretty certain that the one thing that can't kill you that you can physically see without any microscope or anything...actually I'm fairly certain that a hair shot in a straight line even at high speeds, wouldn't kill you, cause it's so small, it would hurt like a beez but you wouldn't die :P

    Could a hair go fast enough to penentrate the skull?

    How about water vapour thats heated to 16 degrees.

  5. How long would it take to get 99 fishing from 40 fishing, if I was a member.

    I would start of fishing lobsters till 50 fishing then I would fish swordfish and tuna at level 50, and finally I would get 76-99 by fishing sharks at the fishing guild.

    I probably wont do swan song.

  6. It seems masks and santas have broken the trend this year of always crashing after their respected holiday. The last few years they would rise in anticipation of the holiday and crash sooner and sooner as people tried to cash out. I normally sell about a month before the holiday, but I decided to hold onto my masks for good reason.

    Santas did crash durring Christmas but the sheer amout of GP in the hands of newbie merchants sucked it up really quick.

    It's going down again, 2mil loss in 2 days. :(


    You haven't lost anything unless you sold. It is highly likely to go right back up. In fact, if you have more money, this would be a good time to buy more.

    I know, thankfully I still have mine. :)

  7. It seems masks and santas have broken the trend this year of always crashing after their respected holiday. The last few years they would rise in anticipation of the holiday and crash sooner and sooner as people tried to cash out. I normally sell about a month before the holiday, but I decided to hold onto my masks for good reason.

    Santas did crash durring Christmas but the sheer amout of GP in the hands of newbie merchants sucked it up really quick.

    It's going down again, 2mil loss in 2 days. :(

  8. So all the masks are rising like crazy now. Usually when small rares rise steeply like they are with masks, dont they dip in price eventually? I mean masks are showing no signs of slowing down and the worst part is that i sold my mask right before the rise. Are they ever gonna stabilize or drop?

    RSW44 and I were talking about the economy and came to the conclusion that people are starting to realize that items are maxing out (who wants to pay 130M for a GS?). So instead of buying high end armours and weapons and waiting for them to rise people are shifting over to rares. Rares are really the only items that are guarenteed to rise in the long term. Most of the time items coming into the game forces the price of armours, etc down. Hyperinflation is hitting it's maximum effects on these items so people are going back to rares.

    This is fantastic news for me because I just got P2P and bought 50M in armours and weapons.....oh wait....crap!

    Santas are rising steeply as well, I think it's time to invest in rares.

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