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Posts posted by Dakr06

  1. I haven't looked too deeply but has anyone discussed the state of affairs that is the fact that more people play old school than eoc? I checked numbers posted few days and consistently there are more players on old school than eoc, not by much but there are more consistently. I wonder if a time well ever come when they put more effort into old school over eoc? Apologize if anything seems off, using Swype on phone atm so that auto correct could be exciting lol.

  2. I think Taverly/Burthorpe may be the new ideal location for JoT


    With all the skill tutors around the area you can train most skills, could even make a lap of it.


    Tele to thorpe lodestone.

    Cut a tree, fletch 1 save 1 (wc, fletch, 2)

    Mine ores and superheat (mine, magic, smith 5)

    Kill a cow (att, str, def, hp, pray 10)

    Tan hide and craft it (craft 11)

    Track a polar kebbit or catch a crimson swift (hunt 12)

    Cage fishing spot, light fire and cook (fish, fm, cook 15)

    Plant potato seeds (farm 16)

    Pickpocket merchant (thief 17)

    summ shop raid (summ 18)

    poletax shop for herb (herb 19)

    Agility course or range a troll (agil/range 20)

    Already quite near Xuans thorpe locale for turn in.


    Also potential to go for no prior supplies by ditching superheat for standard smelt and doing both agile and ranged at the end.

    You could also just rake the farming plot for the farm xp, but yeh burthorpe seems like the new ideal place for JoT.  I just ran all over the first time I did it, fished in taverly, mined in barb village.  Ha i ran everywhere, took me like 10 minutes

  3. I played the hell out of Star Ocean (Think I got around 65 hours playtime into it) I had the strategy guide so I knew all the tricks etc. I guess the final boss was a measly lv 64, but there was a special boss I forget the name now but it was a white thing at the top of some tower 99 floors or something and I think it was like lv 250. I never did beat the boss cause it would always use this 1 move that decimated my party, and I think the fight was a 30 minute fight usually even if you won. The .hack series was good, but it just got way too repetitive. I really wanted to beat the final game but the repetitive nature of it kept me from finishing the final game and I sold them all off. I did like the mini series movie that came with the games though if that counts lol.

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  4. I am trying to just log in this morning, and I just watched 1/2 of the servers crash to offline, webpage is down, lobby is screwed. What is goin on?


    I guess I am going to go play dark souls for a while now until this figure this bs out.

  5. This guys montage is pretty good (it's been posted on this thread before)



    One of the best montages out there in my opinion.


    There are some really really Terribad people who play BC2 on the pc apparently. 85% of the things he did in that video wouldn't be done on the console versions so easily, those people I watched him kill are just terrible. The montage is really cool though, but the people who play on pc, really bad.

  6. I look at it as a Wii controller combined with I-pad, DS, and the wii controller. It is way too big for it to be comfortable at all. When you play like a golf game, they showed the person looking down on the thing on the ground and it showed the ball in the sand on the screen, then hitting it out with the club. Interesting Idea but I think its a waste of time.

  7. Looks like more of a major PITA then something that could possibly be fun. Nintendo failed again, its just a smaller version of like an I-pad but people are supposed to use it as a "controller" for the wii, so dumb.

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