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Posts posted by HiiTiffHere143

  1. Well, I decided to play runescape again after a while.


    And I saw this today is lumbridge castle while spinning wool.


    Its not funny but very nooby.


    Technically its not me and I witnessed it but part of it was me I guess.




    Noob to another player:I want to hack someone.


    The the person ran off and the noob started to follow me.


    Noob: I want to hack someone


    Me: I see..


    Noob: My main is lvl 90. (The player he was on was lvl 6.)


    Me: That's nice to know.


    Noob: But i'm quitting.


    Me: k..


    I went up to the bank to get more wool.


    I went back down to notice he was trying to hack a person who was about lvl 63.


    Noob: Can I share accounts with u?


    (Reporting noob for encouraging other to break the rules.)


    Lvl 63: Ya


    Me in PM to lvl 63: You know he's trying to hack you. Don't be so blind.


    Noob: U passed the quiz.


    (Theres a quiz for hacking?)


    Noob: The 1 ur on


    Lvl 63: ?


    Noob: Can we share it?


    Lvl 63: No


    Noob: And You share my 90.


    Lvl 63: U gonna hack me


    Noob: Ok you have failed (I thought he already passed :roll: )


    And then I went back up to the bank and missed 15 seconds of the conversation.


    Lvl 63: Your gonna hack me


    Noob: No I wont!!!!!!!!!!


    Lvl 63: Fine


    (Reported for password scamming)


    Noob: Whats ur pass? Letter bye letter. (Yes he used the wrong type of by)


    Lvl 63: H


    Lvl 63: 2


    Lvl 63: S


    Lvl 63: N


    Lvl 63: I


    Lvl 63: P


    Lvl 63: E


    Lvl 63: H2snipe


    Noob: H2snipe


    Lvl 63: Is mine


    noob: Ur lieing!


    Noob: You can't see your password when you type it!


    Noob: See? *******


    I then had enough and left. :wall: -.-


    Noobs these days.

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