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Posts posted by Snapdagon

  1. I made this as more of a "Man I HATE People who do this!" rather than a "FIX THIS NAO" rant.






    I usually do turn the public chat to hide. But when I'm trading and such I need it on. :/


    Then I sometimes just forget.

  2. Because


    1. It's hard to ignore half the users in Runescape. Most just go "n00b" and walk away. That player was just more persistent then most which leads me to number




    2. I did it for the lulz.


    It was pretty funny. Just a little annoying. The overuse of the word "n00b" annoys me to death. People acting like idiots about it are funny.

  3. EDIT: Because people too lazy to read the ENTIRE thread or realize I do not accually WANT the word censored :shame: I'm going to add this: This is a rant about how people are stupid and the word is over used. I'm not saying Jagex should accually censor the word. That would be pointless. I'm saying that the word is annoying. I changed the topic name to clear this up ::'






    It seriously annoys me. Alot.




    Today I decided to bring up my pitifully low ranging level at the zoo to wear that awesome looking dragon hide I just won. So I'm training in those frog leather outfits and this player,only one level higher than me says "N00b this is where I train" I reply that anyone can train at the zoo. So he sits there and just waits until the Jogre is almost killed. Then he goes and telegrabs my arrows. Then he says "Hey n00b want your arrows back?" "Too bad n00b you're a n00b who doesn't need them" "Just cancel your membership n00b" and variations of that. Oh please. It was 50 of the 2k arrows I had just made. So I laughed at him and said that I had more than that take them if he wished.




    My entire time training he telegrabs all of my arrows. Oh how horrible. :roll: All the time calling me a n00b for taking HIS jogres.


    At the end I start to leave, sick of him, and he goes "Hey n00b finally give up?" I run to the bank and get out all my bronze arrows(about 900) I trade him all that I can and say "No. But seeing as you needed all my arrows I thought you might want these. (:"






    Thats only a personal rant-story though. But everyday I'm a n00b. N00b for low combat, n00b for a higher combat, n00b for getting birds nests, n00b for not being able to afford a dragon item, n00b for not wanting to buy your items, and n00b for training on your monsters.




    It's come to the point where my friends greet me with "Hey N00b want to go train with me?" "Hey n00b how are you?"


    It's a pointless word that has now lost all it's meaning and come to the point that it's ignored by nobody and used for the tiniest things.




    JUST because I'm better or worse than you does not make me a n00b.




    It gets so annoying! :evil:

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