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Everything posted by imawinner5677

  1. lol nice all i play cos its fun and i feel i fit into runescape unlike other mmorpgs
  2. Why do you play Runescape? Is it cos of your sibling, addicted or for the sheer fun of it? Post it here!
  3. imawinner5677

    Def noob?

    When i was vrsing somebody same lvl as me in duel areana, he kept on calling me a def noob cos i wear addy. It got really annoying when he continually said nub all time. Wouldn't you hate it if someone called you a noob cos u got higher defence? He sure was a blind noob!
  4. thanx for replying \ Some day i will edit and add pics
  5. RUNESCAPE MONEY AND GENERAL STUFF By Runescape enthusiast Mitch van Boredan Runescape Guide Hello and welcome to this guide. This guide is to help you to develop your character and learn how to make good money. I thoroughly hope you enjoy!! What to level up on First, you might want to level up first (LVL3 - 50), so here is a short guide for any type. LVL3 - 5 = GOBLINS LVL6 - 10 = HIGHWAYMAN LVL11 - 15 = MINOTAUR LVL16 - 20 = MONK OF ZAMOROK LVL21 - 25 = BANDIT LVL26 - 30 = HILL GIANT LVL31 - 35 = HILL GIANT LVL36 - 40 = DEADLY RED SPIDERS LVL41 - 45 = FLESH CRAWLER LVL46 - 50 = HOBGOBLIN So now Im going to tell you the some ideas for money making. Mining If you are a serious miner, you can make a fortune. Say if you just began mining, I would recommend you to mine rune essence(after you finish a quest). After you have collected a hundred rune essence, sell them at the Grand Exchange at 38 gp each. Thats 3.8k!! Now time for serious money. If youre starting off, you can begin to mine clay. Many players overlook this way of money making as they think level 1 mining wont get you anything but theyre wrong. Mine until you have at least 100 clay and then withdraw 27 clay along with a bucket. Go to a nearby water source and fill your bucket with water then mix it with clay. This will make soft clay and it can sell for 160 each in the Grand Exchange. So 100x160=16k in 30mins! Superb!! Once you are LVL15 in mining and have an iron pickaxe, mine some iron. Store plenty of it and sell it at Falador or the Grand exchange for 50-100gp. Lets say you collected 100 iron ores and you sold it at 99gp each, you would receive 9.9k!!! Not bad. Once you are LVL 30 in mining and wield a mithral pickaxe, you should mine some coal. Collect about a hundred of those ores and sell at Falador at 192 gp each. Thats 19.2k!!! Sweet. When youre LVL40 you should mine some gold. They sell for 500gp each at the grand exchange so 100x500=50,000gp!! Thats 50k! At LVL85, you should be making money at your peak. Mine runite ore and bank at least 50 as they are extremely high priced and demanded. They sell at 12k each. So 50x12=600k!! Now thats what Im talking about! Combat First if youre desperate for beginners money, DO NOT beg for it. Go to the dungeon of security at the hole in the centre of Barbarian village and run through the maze. In the end, there will be a cash prize of 2k!! I must say, its quite some money for a beginner. You can earn easy money by collecting bones from just about anywhere. Bank at least a hundred and sell it at the Grand Exchange for (approx) 92 gp each. 100x92=9.2k! If you are LVL10ish, you can attack cows. When you have killed the cow, you take the cowhide. Make sure you have 10 gold on you before you do this trick. Use the ten gold and pay the Al Kadrid guards. Once you are there, go to the bank and sell your cowhide for 100 gold each. Say you have 20 cowhides, then altogether, you receive 2k!! Pretty good. Your on your way to be rich!! So now lets go on to combat. If your LVL 30+ and have at least full steel, you can go fight some hill giants. Collect the droppings(big bones, limpwort root, etc). I have told you to collect the big bones as buyers buy them for 350-500 gp each. And limpwort roots sell for 400-500 gp if there are willing customers. The best area to sell these items is the west bank of Varrock in a crowded world. Lets say you have collected 50 big bones, then you sell them, you will receive about 20k!!! Now youre on your way to your first 100k. When you are LVL40ish and want to make a profit without fight, you can collect the eggs nearby the deadly red spiders.. You can sell them in the grand exchange for 318gp each. So 318x100=31.8k!! Now where starting to talk! When your level 80 or so, you can fight lesser demons. They drop awesome things like rune med helms and mithril chain bodies, which you can sell for 12.6k altogether! Thats awesome! Remember when I said about the dungeon of security, you can now go on and do the remaining levels if you feel like it.:] Merchanting Have you ever heard of merchanting from so called pros? Well, Im here to help you to make your merchanting simple and make you rich. If you have around 2k, you can buy something good, like a mithral long sword. Then try and find a buyer who is willing to buy your sword for a higher price. For example, you bought it for 1.3k, and a person is buying it for 1.8k, then sell it. You get 500 gp profit. I personally believe that merchanting is a difficult skill to develop, especially if other players think your items arent very good, so I recommend that you use this skill at your later levels. Now it is almost impossible to merchant because of the balance system. Wood cutting Wood cutting is a terribly easy skill to level but terribly hard to make money. You see, not many players have much use of fire making, so demands of logs are a minimum meaning that the prices for logs arent so high. Anyway, for a start, cut normal trees and bank them. I would cut at Lumbridge. After you get around a hundred, sell them at the Grand exchange. 100x28= 2.8k! Its alright but you could make more money in that time. Keep on cutting down logs (not willow or oak as they dont give you as much money.) . When you reach level 60 (I know thats a long time) you can cut down Yew logs. There are a few yews at the back of Varrock castle and when you have a few inventorys of yew, you can sell it in the grand exchange for 409gp. 100x409=40.9k!! Now your on the right track. Starting and maintaining a successful business To start off, you must at least have 20k. A business can be really profitable. There are many workers that want a job and you can give it to them. To begin, hire 1 worker or 2 if your rich. There are many items to make a business from but Ill so you the most simplest. Hire workers to mine clay for you. Pay them 100gp each clay they mine. When you have around a hundred, tell your worker to relax and chill with his money as you wont need him/her for now. Now you make soft clay as explained above. So you spent 10k, but in return you received 16k. 6k profit from effortless work!! Bear in mind if your worker wants to mine more, tell him/her to bank it and give it to you altogether in bulk. Be kind to your workers and if they work really hard, and ask for a pay rise, give it to them. You would want to keep your workers happy to work for you. Random Events As many people ask what to do in a random event, I wish to include this section in my guide. MYSTERIOUS OLD MAN: The mysterious old man has many things it can do such as teleporting you to the maze, giving you a strange box, a miming act and pinball. CAPN HAND Speak to him to obtain an award. THE CERTERS Go through a test and receive an award DRUNKEN DWARF Talk to him and receive a kebab and beer EVIL CHICKEN Either attack it or run! FROGS Kiss the frog with the crown and receive a token redeemable for a frog costume. Mini games Clan Wars: The objective of the game is to join a clan and defeat the opposing clan. Enter the portal when a notice is like this: Duel arena: The objective of the game is to kill the opposing player. There are options for a duel. Friendly or staked. Stacked means putting items up and the winner claims all. Killer PK tips A sucessful PKer has the ability to finish off a similar opponent. To begin with, it is always good to have a 2 hander sword in your inventory as it will deal the finishing blow. See, as a player is in low health, it won't have much of an ability to win. And a 2 hander has excellent attack stats. So to begin a duel, go ranging/mage/warrior and to do a finishing blow use a good 2 hander sword; at least mithril. Scams All of us now those annoying scammers on the web who ask for your pass and username. If you ever receive a email from people claiming to work at Jagex, you should ignore it and put in your spam folder or even better, delete it. If you see websites asking for your pass, ignore it and report it to Jagex. ONLY ENTER YOUR PASSWORD AT RUNESCAPE OR FUNORB. Well this is the end of my guide. I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for reading my guide. Hope to meet you at Runescape!! Reference: http://www.tip.it/runescape/ http://runescape.salmoneus.net/ http://itemdb-rs.runescape.com/frontpage.ws http://www.heaven-scape.co.uk/heavenscapeshop.htm And of course: http://runescape.com/ Created by : MItch
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