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Posts posted by Nik1110Again

  1. Its unlikely to be a part of any quest storyline as it would mean spoiling some quests for those who havent done the earlier quests.


    It is unlikely to be a GWD boss as getting into the GWD also requires several quests and also is not for everyone.


    The most likely explanation is the release of a new skill available to everyone.


    The red mist and levitation suggest the armored zombies under the wildy chaos temple which also coincides with the direction that the players seemed to be facing during the event.


    The first possible skill that comes to mind is :NECROMANCY.


    But that would be too similar to summoning and not as useful.


    Instead, what we could really get is a useful new skill : FLYING.

    You can now race across the sky instead of running on the ground. The fuel results in some reddish mist surrounding you and the ground shaking during liftoff but that's just for special effects. It gets better once you get used to it. 8-)

    It could be necromancy. If it is, it just may fill the roll of a creature to summon and attack while in 1-way combat. Why they wouldn't just let summon creatures do that....I have no clue. (oh wait...they're Jagex) (joking of course. =P)

    The new skill starts with a b so it can't be necromancy.


    I heard that was later proved to be a joke. The new skill may or may not start with B, same goes for the rest of the alphabet.

  2. I'm just a level 91 (84 in f2p) that's looking for a good Pest Control clan in which to get full void. Of course, i'll help too. I have 70 range, and i'll use a rune c'bow with adamant bolts, and may or may not use a dragon scimitar. thank you for your time.

  3. Well, I think that the new quest could be a stand-alone quest. Both Legends and RFD don't continue some storyline, so more players have access to them. I think the same's gonna happen with this new quest. OR.......(this is a radical idea i thought of when i first heard about the 150th quest).....MAYBE the new quest is going to bring several storylines TOGETHER! that would be tricky, but if Jagex manages to do that properly they have a true masterpiece in their hands.








    On the "Forgettable tale VS MEP2" thing: The mods responsible for the dwarf storyline left Jagex, or so I heard.

  4. very nice guide!!! r0fl even i could do it (have the stats). i'd just need some money rofl. by the way, weren't purple sweets nerfed? im not sure how, but i heard that. if so, does this mean that they dont work anymore? if this is true, please put an alternative if you can. if not, it'd be appreciated if you added a note at the bottom or something :)















  5. well i don't know about actual weaknesses, but i heard an incredibly crazy but effective way to kill the beast, and even CAMP there. just get 125 people to D-bow+Drag arrow spec it. instant KO. also, in case the respawn surprises you, have each person take a cannon, so when it appears it just might die. not an actual weakness, but a really funny idea :lol:

  6. well at first i didn't know how to talk either, but that's not the first mistake i made. the first error i committed (i'm sure i'm not alone :lol: ) was to save up my hard-earned cash to buy some goblin armour, and then i found out i couldn't wear it! :twss:

  7. people who call me "noob", or something else that i don't like. also, people who do stupid things (close doors in your face, etc.). but whenever someone asks me for "PHR33 ST00f" or w/e, i give them 1gp/bronze arrow :twss:.

  8. wanted:bordem


    reward: many roflcopters






    You stole ma reply :(




    "Wanted:Boredom Reason:Made another victim"




    I got copyright on that :D


    (I kill fishys irl)




    fishys eat you!




    to unspam i was testing my hypercam :D




    noob @@@. your roflcopter doesn't fly, and your phailboat sinks. i blame YOU for causing the wetting and splatting of over 9000 Runescape citizens! youza gonna get arrestednes nao :twisted: .
















    P.S: first quote ever, so if it turns out wrong that's why :twss:

  9. whoa. mining is hard enough for me, and im 54.......i cant imagine getting 99 :shock: . really, i wish you well, and i hope you're the first (if someone else hasn't done it already ;) ) to get 200m mining xp, if that's your ultimate goal.








    btw, youmust have made some money from mining, so........




    PHR33 GP PL0X?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!





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