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Posts posted by money123678

  1. I'm confused about what you are asking us to discuss. I've read through your other two threads (http://forum.tip.it/topic/330181-will-it-ever-get-fixed/ and http://forum.tip.it/topic/330181-will-it-ever-get-fixed/) and understand the context behind starting this thread and the frustrations you've been having.


    I saw a lot of anger in the first thread, and quite frankly the statement 


    May all fan boys/girls die when Runescape does since they can't seem to live without it.


    is still excessively angry in my mind. It's perfectly acceptable to be angry, but it is not acceptable to wish for the death of others. I have no authority on this board, but I'd like to ask you to kindly refrain from this harmful writing.


    On to the topic at hand, the original post contained the following statements.


    Whether or not you pay the farmer to take care of your plants, they may suffer a disease tick which makes them take longer to grow. That is a correct statement.


    However, when the only patches that do not update or have not updated 24 hours after you planted them are the fruit tree patches with the exception of the Tree Gnome Stronghold patch that is a bug. You should file a bug report. When that happens over and over again exactly the same way, that is a highly annoying bug.


    So if you take the old grow times as a guideline, that means that the disease ticks happened over every single tick for at about 10 hours and only on the tree patches other than the Tree Gnome Stronghold one which never seems to have them and is always full grown the next day if I replanted it the day before.


    These seem to be mostly factual statements of what happens in this game, and then there is an opinion that something is a bug and that we (the forum readers) should file a bug report. I don't see any actual discussion content though. Are you asking for our opinions on whether this is a bug? Are you asking for explanations of the above statements? Are you just ranting (its fine if you are, although there is a dedicated forum for that)? Are you here to insult people (please refer to quotation #1 above)?


    I really am curious. What is the discussion that you are looking to take place in this thread?


    Thank you,



    EDIT: Fixed some grammer and spacing errors.

    • Like 1

    Have they posted any word on whether you will be able to reset a currently existing account into an ironman account? Obviously this would cause losing all stats, possessions, etc.

    They haven't mentioned it. It would be nice to be able to completely reset an account into Ironman mode to avoid losing settings and the name of that acc.


    I agree, but I didn't see anyone discussing it, so I figured I'd check just in case I missed it.


    Thank you.

  3. Deletion does have a valid point, in that it's the player's responsibility to quit if he/she is no longer having fun. I'm not arguing with that. The point I'm trying to make is that the grinding aspect is generally a flaw in the game which ultimately harms the game more than it benefits it, and therefore changing that aspect would benefit Jagex and the community. The game as it stands now has shifted more towards necessary grinding and less towards fun and balance like in the past.

    To be quite honest, I don't truly believe that the game has changed to become more necessary grinding, or atleast that it has not directly. Instead I would argue that the community, the users, became more goal oriented, and the game followed it's users in providing them ways to express and display their achieved goals. The game will follow it's users and community.


    There are people who a greatly fond of the current grinding system, and their are people who feel the current grinding should be replaced or else re-worked so that there is a higher element of fun involved. In my mind the game is currently at a stage where it's community is redefining itself. I did not play in the early days of RS, so this is just my interpretation from what I have heard, but it would seem to me that in the early days the community looked for fun in the actions they performed. Whereas nowadays, fun it looked for in the rate of achievement.


    The community has started shifting to be closer to this notion of maximizing XP or else GP an hour, and it has stressed the achievements of these maximum rates as fun.


    In the original scenario of the game's origins true grinding as exists now would be horrendously boring. In the current shift of community it can be considered fun.



    Guess I kinda rambled on there. Hopefully you get the point I was hoping to get across.


    I think that simply increasing the XP rates for most activities would be enough for me to have fun training a skill.

    Because whenever I'm doing something that has a super high xp rate, I go like "Awyeah, I'm getting XP super fast!" and enjoying it.


    The problem with this idea is that it would only feel "super fast" because you were used to the old XP rates. After a week or two the new rates would feel old and boring again.


    This is why it is necessary for a game designer to either increase a maximum achievement in these kinds of games, or else to play careful attention to how quickly the increase the rates as time goes on.

  4. Title is the message I get when trying to login what is this about? A problem many are experiencing or something unique to me?

    I'm experiencing this too, so it's not just you. As to the reason I'm still trying to figure that out.



    So I was hoping that there would be a post on the forums (Official) as the the reason, but those seem to be down too.


    Ok, the forums are back up but it doesn't seem to mention it. I'll keep looking though.

  5. The Workshop is definitely now the most reasonable method to train in f2p. I don't know at what levels the P2P stuff takes over, but you'll probably end up getting the best bang for your buck in the Workshop.


    In P2P, making Adamant Ceremonial swords is a very fast method right now. Mithril works pretty nicely too. Basically, ceremonial swords are where it's at for high level training now.

    The thing is though, that all Ceremonial sword methods are p2p, not just the higher level ones. So really the question is whether the burial armour is a better method than the conventional methods.

  6. Ok, so here it is. Basically, I haven't been playing for quite some time, and I noticed the release of the smithing update a couple of weeks ago. Now, I've been looking to train smithing, but am now f2p. So the question is, what is currently the best way to train smithing in f2p, and does the new update have any impact on said best method?


    Current stats that may apply, 95 Mining and 93 Smithing. Money is not really an object, although I would like it to take a slight application into consideration. So I.E, an expensive option, and middle option, and a cheap option.


    Thank you very much,

    A Lurker



    Accidentally said p2p instead of f2p on the second occasion of said word. Thank you Helm_Lardar for pointing it out =)

  7. So getting to the point, logic would lead us to believe that Jagex is actually telling us a lot of good has come over these 3 years, not that the amount of time it's been really matters. Free trade was removed to limit and extinguish RWT while Jagex worked at reducing it as much as possible. The fact they're reintroducing free trade, or considering it rather, tells us that since 2007, Jagex has become efficient enough in detection and removal that limitations are literally no longer needed. We're so far beyond "square one" at this point, even with free trade, everyone should be happy. Jagex isn't pulling a 180, they're moving forward.


    While yes, that would seem to be the logical conclusion to come to, the fact remains that it has yet to be shown that Jagex has become efficient enough in the detection of and removal of RWT. There are still tons of bots at many areas, LRC and Green Dragons being to examples. There are also many active websites and services that has others training the accounts for you in exchange of real world money, upon which we also have no statistics showing whether or not there has been any improvements of detection and removal. Also, As the post above me states, even if they have the best bot detection software possible, you would still see a delay in the amount of time from the bots collecting resources to when they are banned, which is clearly long enough for the bots to achieve their goals, or else they wouldn't be used anymore.


    Secondly, while reporting bots may help a tiny bit, we can tell from the given track record of from when a report is sent to when action is taken place that it generally takes at least a day for the report to have any action taken, and if everyone reported all the bots, that would just overflow the people responding to those reports, thereby making it take even longer for action to occur.


    To be blunt, I don't see the problem with the poll either, phase one or two. The options are very clear cut honestly, and you're not required to vote. So, maybe Jagex likes to implement a couple useless stunts here and there, why complain about it? It's like complaining when a commercial you dislike comes on DURING the allotted time for commercials during a program. There's absolutely no sense in it all.


    You don't see the problem with the poll? While phase two may be decently well planned, the first one was horribly planned and implemented. As said by Ts_Stormrage,


    Fact remains, 1.2m votes in 24 hours vs. 835k votes in 9 days... We all know how those first million of votes got into the "petition"...


    If you don't see the problem there I really don't think there is much I could do to help you.


    Addressing wilderness-located activities considered "safe" post-2007, Jagex is working on tweaking many activities to accommodate a dangerous wilderness as well.


    Essentially, there's really nothing to blow up on. Frankly most arguments against Jagex can be dismantled within a few minutes.. I don't know. Take note I'm not typing this up as a rant, it's just a few observations about current events and how people are handling them, where most signs are pointing to "not well." I'm just wondering if anyone's on the same page, or has a different opinion, or a different defense, or take on the matter. I think Runescape's future is about as bright as ever, but only if we make it that way. Negative outlooks tend to produce negative outcomes. I'm not saying it's everyone doing it either, pretty much just the individuals representative of the forums. So, shoot, because while this topic focuses on the free trade poll, the phenomenon applies to so much more!


    To be quite honest, this is a part that I agree with you on. We'll have to see how they implement each individual thing to be able to discuss those, so there's no use in worrying about them now. Also, it's was clear how the poll was going to turn out before they even enacted part two, so there's no use in "blowing up" on it either. We won't be able to change it. Really the best use of our time would be spent trying to think up appropriate and balanced suggestions on how to include the post 2007 wilderness activities, along with the other things that will have to be adapted such as the G.E, and finally, while I doubt we will be able to come up with something, someway to more effectively fight botting and RWT.


    --Edited Final Sentence to expand on possible topics of help.

  8. While they may not be rigging the vote, they definitely are biasing it. On the voting announcement they say

    "The number of players who registered their name on the petition and the feedback in the forums and on fan sites has shown how passionate you are about this matter"

    and tout how 1.2 million people is such an incredible manner. This very clearly is showing it in a light that means that many people are in agreement with the vote. What they don't mention is that anyone could sign the petition without the account owners permission. Also, they don't mention that 1.2 million people is only about 1/9th of their player base. Secondly, they reassure people that the Grand Exchange will remain, but they don't explain what ways it will affect the way that the Grand Exchange will be affected. They say that they will remove upper and lower limits, but will they keep a median price for us? Also, they don't talk about the junk item market and how the economy of the game will be instantaneously rocked. Instead of telling us how these things would be implemented, they just tell us that it will be okay.


    While I do feel that the vote would have turned out this way anyways, I thought that I'd share my two cents worth though.

  9. [hide=Inside the tent ... a bit]Tents2.jpg[/hide]



    It seems that there's some kind of crypt or table inside the tent. And there also seems to be atleast three of the larger tents, a red, green, and blue one.


    So, there are bland tents, but there are also a green and red tent, and i heard there was a blue one too (?). Aren't those the colors of the robes of the three dragonking in the epilogue of WGS?


    Well, this picture clearly shows the blue tent, and I haven't done WGS, but i do seem to remember them in those colors.

  10. Actually, when I got a D Pick there I had 72 attack, 71 strength, and 72 defence, so I don't imagine you would get to slaughtered. What you do is find a world where there are a lot of people killing the Choas dwogres and the Handcannoners but not many of the plain chaos dwarves. It took me 3 days of killing the level 48 chaos dwarves until it came, and supposedly that was pretty fast. Anyways, I just wore full torags - hammers + whip, glory, combat brace, although if you have barrows gloves i'd go with those, dragon boots, legends cape (again if you have a skill cape or fire cape that would probably be better, although there is a chance of dieing so i'd be cautious on the fire cape) and a dragon square shield. Just avoid the dwogres, take cover if the cannoners attack you, and focus on the level-48 chaos dwarves.

  11. Confirming that the Level 48 Chaos Dwarves do drop the Dragon Pickaxe.


    [hide=Dragon Pickaxe]






    --Edit: Just Saying, I was wearing a Ring of Wealth.




    How long did it take?




    I was there on the first day, and just got it about 15 minutes ago. I don't really know how long I played each day though.

  12. If anything cos they state this is a water based monster it will either use water mage or range attacks, and if thats the case its hardly new we have that with waterfiends.




    I know this doesn't really have much to do with drops, but it does have to do with what the monster is.




    [hide=Jagex quote]

    But I haven't told you the most exciting thing! I saw a sea monster! We were on the way back from Entrana, going around Mudskipper Point. The sky was dark and a bit of a storm was blowing up. All the monks on the ship were getting scared and praying to Saradomin. The captain monk was shouting for them to do something to the sails (I still don't understand nautical jargon), then suddenly there was a sort of CRUNCH as the ship hit something! The monks were too busy to see anything, but they wouldn't let me help so all I could do was watch. I saw something big and dark moving under the water beside our ship. Then the lightning flashed and I saw this thing sticking up out of the water, like an eye on the end of a stalk. It looked around for a moment and I'm sure it looked straight at me, then it went back down into the water and the monster went away.







    Could this possibly be the slayer monster? In terms of drops I do agree that it will be a mage or range based drop due to it being a water based monster. I think that a Mist staff would be too much of an imbalance to the game unless this monster has a unique challenge associated with killing it, such as maybe having to take a ship, then finding it with your hunter skill, lure it out of the water with mage or range (maybe an on ship cannon?), and then fighting it in it's own area.




    Also, this ship is not an intro to sailing :roll: , It would be something that you would rent from a npc or something.




    (I appologize if this was mentioned on another thread, I haven't been able to be on the last couple days)






    Actually, I forgot that they said that this creature will be in an addition to the slayer caves :oops: , so nevermind about that whole luring/chasing thing I posted earlier.


    Today I Learned and went to the scouts


    We had a special day.


    [hide=long text about what I did today. putted in hide tag cause it was longer then I expected]We went to the "Akabe" that stands for " Anders kan best"


    In english it's somthing like "different is allright"


    It's a scouts for mental ill children. childeren who are 13-15-16 years but in their mind they are only 2 or 3. U see?


    We went to them to play some games <3:


    I had the greatest fun of my life


    at first I was a bit like mmmm weird and didn't realy know how to react at them.


    they ask the same question like 4-5 times and yeah it's kinda weird :|


    But realy they were so much fun!




    after a while a girl came to me.


    Isabelle was her name.


    she talked to me about cats and dogs and all of a sudden she sad to me that we were playing a game we were in the sea and we needed to swim.


    so we swim all over the field <3:


    I had so much fun.


    we sat down and did some girltalk hihi


    then I realised she wasn't that different as she looked..


    we Talked about boys and love and so héhé.




    and then :o


    we talked about games and she told me her brother who was "normal" played runescape to :lol:


    She told me her brother played with her on runscape and I was so shoked.


    I mean she couldn't hardly talk.


    and She loved to play runescape to. not as we do offcourse her brother just told her were to click and stuff. and well it's a hard to explain.


    But I was shoked that she was so mature. so normal. I feel weird :?




    Like I said before. she was 2-3 years old in her mind.




    But to conclude


    I loved this day!!! <3:<3:[/hide]




    My tekst looks weird and stupid but I mean real good. :roll:




    Awww ... that so sweet. People are so nice when they're young. Too bad growing up happens ...






    also, 71 Lumbering! Gratz!! although ... man, you must be getting some major Womanly muscles after all that chopping :-w !! I mean [insert Chuck Norris joke here :ugeek: ] and [insert other Chuck Norris joke :ugeek: :ugeek: ], you know what I'm saying?

  14. Ok, so I was sitting there, being all cool :ugeek: , and wondering what all those gold bars were worth. So I pulled out those 60k gold bars, and Price checker Baby! I threw those bars in there and ... :o . 11 Mill. Ohh Emm Gee. That's a crap-load of Money! So of course the first thing I do is sell all of the bars and find something to spend it on :roll: . Then I see it, The perfect Item, Something that's been constantly dropping in price the entire g.e graph, and probably won't stop. A Blue H'ween Mask. It was so Shiny, and So magnificent, and I just had to have it. So ...






    80k Profit!!! Woo Hoo!!






    Anywho... Mining Update.




    about 3.3k bars mined


    7006 needed for 88 smithing


    about 3706 left to mine. :^o :| :| :oops: :| :| :^o :twisted:

  15. nachalo




    I will say that to a certain extent I do agree with this. Now I also feel that people should still have an item that lets them prove how long they were playing, because to be one of the people in the beginning, one of the people who helped make this game stick around, they do deserve some recognition. These Items were made for fun though, not to be symbols (my opinion at least, it may be wrong), and so if somebody joins, and they really want that scythe, there should be a way to get it.




    Now, I remember a suggestion a tiny bit ago about a cape that would denote how long you have been playing, and those could be a solution to this. Make it so everyone can get the items, along with making them un-tradeable, but implement the capes into the game. This way people could still denote how long they've been playing, because they do deserve that respect, and others can still have fun with the holiday items.




    I did find a problem in your idea though, and it has to do with the Partyhats and the Christmas crackers. You said that they would became untradeable, and that the partyhat would be exactly the same. Well, you originally got a partyhat by using a Christmas Cracker on another player. Then it would randomly choose one of you to get a partyhat, and the other would get a random item (I believe a random item, but there my have just been alot of items). This would mean people could get free money through getting the Christmas Cracker, using it, and hoping for a random item. The other problem with this is that the partyhat would be untradeable, yet there is a chance the other person may get one, so wouldn't that constitute as giving somebody else a partyhat? And so you may have to make it so that you can get partyhats separately from the Christmas Cracker, and still make the Christmas Crackers available, just have them only do the animation when used, but give out no items (if they have an animation).





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