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Posts posted by ssbmbeliever

  1. I found a new place for willow logs, if you want it,the zoomed-in, and zoomed-out.












    Wow, not a bad spot. Thanks for this ::'


    even cooler...


    I found this spot when walking around on my 2nd dude while training him and saw someone using it then I'm like what the heck worth a shot :P.


    btw this is more of a drop spot, as there is no good fire line, nor is there a bank anywhere nearby






    [hide=regarding post above me.]L L L L


    L X L L


    L L L L


    L L L X


    L L L L


    L X L L


    L L L L


    would look like this:




    I tried it out shortly after I took this picture, and it works well, so it's worth a shot.[/hide]




    only helping...

  2. This is an odd conversation I had with a guy who openly admitted to me that he plays [Caution: Jagex Rule Violation], yes I did report him as soon as he home teleported out. He was a level 65 and had what I thought was a hunter's crossbow, but he said and now I think it was a Dorgscheun C'bow, or however you spell it. Anyway here it is.


    [hide=]Me: ye?


    Him: you play mopa


    Him: r scape?


    Me: nah.


    Him: k.


    Him: I could get you owner.


    Me: you don't do you?


    Him: I play.


    Me: Lol


    Him: I own a server.


    Me: Noob.


    Him: Lol


    Him: Froob


    Me: No offence.


    Him: Want to see my main froob?[/hide]

  3. Got this screenie while I was runecrafting my rune essence for 52rc, happened just today.






    SPOILER: No this was not staged, I just happened to see it, took a screenie, and runecrafted another batch before coming to post this. Hope you like it, and can anyone tell me what is so special about this number. I think it represents a year, but I'm not sure.






    Edit: too late.


    Ok thanks, now back to my runecrafting...

  4. Got this screenie while I was runecrafting my rune essence for 52rc, happened just today.






    SPOILER: No this was not staged, I just happened to see it, took a screenie, and runecrafted another batch before coming to post this. Hope you like it, and can anyone tell me what is so special about this number. I think it represents a year, but I'm not sure.

  5. Edit: And responding to Ssmbeliever's last post, the reason that it's nice to play with the holiday items is the satisfaction of knowing that not every Joe and his dog has one.


    Not for me, I see people who are like where do you get snow globe, and i wish they had been able to make the event, cause it funner when you can hang in a huge party of fiernds, all of whom have say a yoyo, if that's how you think, then you're a self-conceited pig. no offence.




    How does that make me a self-conceited pig? I think you're the one that is conceited, because you believe that you are entitled to having holiday items even though you weren't around at the time. Gf son. Oh, and just for the record, I'm playing with my yo-yo at the moment.




    Oh, and nice double post.


    It makes you look conceited, because you feel that it doesn't matter if someone else didn't get it, you're happy they didn't infact, according to your post.




    OT: I usually double-post, because I read something, quote it, then read a new thing after that. Next time hide big pictures btw.

  6. No. This has been discussed before. The only possible way this could happen is release the items in different color schemes, and we know Jagex isn't going to do that because it's going to make all the people who got the originals angry anyway. You don't see me crying because I don't have bunny ears, a scythe, a zombie head, a party hat, or a santa hat, do you? THOSE ARE THE ONLY HOLIDAY ITEMS I DON'T HAVE AND I DON'T CARE THAT I DON'T HAVE THEM!!!!


    again, I don't care about the items you mentioned.




    Then your topic is pointless, you originally meant all holiday items.


    I mentioned all holiday items yes, but for one not tradeables, and two I said I (I I I) don't care for the dropped items, only for those requiring events.

  7. Edit: And responding to Ssmbeliever's last post, the reason that it's nice to play with the holiday items is the satisfaction of knowing that not every Joe and his dog has one.


    Not for me, I see people who are like where do you get snow globe, and i wish they had been able to make the event, cause it funner when you can hang in a huge party of fiernds, all of whom have say a yoyo, if that's how you think, then you're a self-conceited pig. no offence.

  8. No. This has been discussed before. The only possible way this could happen is release the items in different color schemes, and we know Jagex isn't going to do that because it's going to make all the people who got the originals angry anyway. You don't see me crying because I don't have bunny ears, a scythe, a zombie head, a party hat, or a santa hat, do you? THOSE ARE THE ONLY HOLIDAY ITEMS I DON'T HAVE AND I DON'T CARE THAT I DON'T HAVE THEM!!!!


    again, I don't care about the items you mentioned.

  9. Back on page 2 of this I mentioned I wanted a Sycthe...




    I wasn't saying Jagex should give me a Sycthe or anyone else one, if they did that it would just become another item and it would totally loose its appeal for me then I wouldn't want one, I didn't start playing this til November 2006 though...




    I guess I should of said "I wish I was around to get a Scythe"...






    In which case I want an untradeable White Partyhat, it's untradeable so what harm does it do to anyone else? And yes it would "harm" me if Jagex dropped the Bunny Ears again, I spent over 5 hours at Easter 2003 on Runescape, running around the world going to the places where people had said they got their ears from until I finally saw the "Happy Easter!" system message from Jagex. I even had to risk getting Pked with all my best items on me as the only ears that hadn't been picked up were in Edgeville low level wilderness near a bunch of pures that could have 3 hit me.




    Those Bunny Ears mean a hell of a lot to me and I the only time I take them off is for combat or minigames that I can't wear them in, they contain the last few remaining memories I have of RS1. Call me selfish, but there is no way I ever want to see them given out again to a bunch of rude newbies that expect everything for nothing, so they can run around pretending they were at the original drop in 2003.




    And regarding your PM, in this topic there has been ONE person that has agreed with your idea, yet you still believe that the other 99% of people are completely wrong because 1 person agrees with you.


    I don't think that anyone here is wrong, I've realized this isn't gonna happen, but until a mod comes and locks this I am gonna do my best to keep up my side.




    And again, none of the items dropped are in my list. Only the ones you had to do a set event for are included, and stated in the opening post I was saying that for the repeat event JAGEX could make the event twice as long maybe. Or something in that sort. Making it so that the original people still had an advantage.

  10. Asking again, because I'm pretty sure noone answered my last post:


    Can you make this compatible with firefox


    every time I go to install it this message pops up:


    • [bETA] Tip.It-MicroHelper 1.3 could not be installed because it is not compatible with Firefox ([bETA] Tip.It-MicroHelper 1.3 will only work with Firefox versions from 2.0.0.* to 3.*


    This is word for word, and does not deter what-so-ever from the error message.


    Thanks if you can get this working, if not I'll just keep to SK.

  11. in my opinon and to my guess droping more holiday items.:santa hat,h'ween masks,christmas cracker,phat...would destroy the perpose of droping them, which is to celibrate the holidays and gifts for those who have been playing runescape. if the original owners of them wish to give them away they have the right to. so no i am sorry they will not come back.reply to my post if you please


    Every item is not in the list I'm talking about.


    here a list:


    [hide=The Items I mean.]

    • Yo-yo
      skeleton suit
      hat and scarf
      rubber chicken
      zombie head
      easter ring
      wintumber tree, though for mems
      reindeer hat
      all the ones following reindeer (c2006) I got, but they're included.





    Also KingJD, to prove that you can get those emotes:


    • bunny hop - "this emote can be unlocked by playing an easter seasonal event."
      snowman - "this emote can be unlocked by playing a christmas seasonal event."
      scared - "this emote can be unlocked by playing a halloween seasonal event."


    just click on a locked emote to see how to unlock

  12. I disagree with what you are saying I feel your pain. I have been playing since the Rubber Chicken Event but the first event I actually did was the Haloween event where the Skeleton Costume was the reward :shock:




    Mainly because of being to nooby to understand at the time or qutting while all the other events had been done.


    Ok, can you explain? I don't how you "disagree with what I'm saying" and "feel my pain"


    And I have to ask, how did such a flamed topic become popular in a day?

  13. Someone said something about emotes...Umm, you can get all the emotes...(I got my ''Scared'' and ''Bunnyhop'' on my new character that wasn't originally around when they were given out the first time.




    tip.it emote guide says:




    The "scared" emote could only be obtained during the 2005 or 2006 Halloween event, the "rabbit hop" emote during the 2006, 2007, or 2008 Easter event, the "zombie hand" emote during the 2007 Halloween event, the Snowman Dance during the 2007 Christmas event, and the "Egg Transform" emote during the 2008 Easter Event.




    As you can see, they've done repeats, and I don't see any reason why they should discontinue this practice (I really wish I could get them now since I tend not to play during these holiday times.... as evident by my lack of holiday emotes now..


    egg transform? which one, the ring ro cape, either way it not emote, it a operate funciton as mnetionde in last post, and I wasn't here fo r06 halloween, but I got scared from 07, it happens eervy year, same for bunny hop, and sonwman dance prolly.

  14. Seriously, there a one time only event for a reason.


    1.They so how long a player has been dedicated to Runescape.


    2.The whole holiday event item market would crash.


    3.Any level could have one of the most exspensive items in the game.




    And finally.. 4.Its stupid, just a way for player's who can't be bothered to get money, to get a rare item.


    rare items don't have emotes, most of th eholiday items i missed have an operate function.

  15. In the middle of the Tz'haar bank, two people have this conversation.




    red--noob1 (level 119)


    green--noob2 (level50-some)








    (I think that the stars mean "to school" but I'm not sure.)




    I cant see the image


    quick tip:


    right click where the image should be (usaly a red x) go down to show image


    if that dosnt work right click again go to properties copy the link that it says and paste it into the adress bar :thumbsup:


    for us it only says Image, but right click the word, click view image, and when download menu comes up, press open.

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