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Posts posted by coffeesloth

  1. I'd never tried Pest Control at all before the quests based on it started. I was surprised to find I liked it. I even like Conquest, but not really as much as P.C. or Stealing Creation. They should continue to use the quests to make sure everyone at least looks into the minigames (Except the Burthorpe Games Room, which has nothing to do with Runescape) but forcing us to play them is a little heavy-handed.


    The changing names....Well, i only have about 50 people on my friends list, and that was a high point, I'm now at about 40, and if I haven't heard from someone in two weeks or I haven't talked to them in two weeks, i delete them. If there's a name on my list I don't know, I delete it. Nine times out of ten, when I delete a name from my friends list, that person messages me within three days. I don't know why. When they do, I am not afraid to admit I forget names very easily, after all, it took me a year and a half to remember my brother-in-law's name and he lived 100 metres away at the time.



    Hey, I just noticed, I'm not a chicken feather anymore! Wootness!!

  2. I guess you could say I'm grinding right now. I don't see it as such, myself, but it could be called grinding...I am looking for a champion challenge scroll, and therefore killing hill giants for hours at a time. It's not terribly interesting, but at least I'm not still fishing!!! (For those who don't understand that reference, I worked my way to 99 fishing and then caught my own fish to get to 99 cooking. It took FOREVER!!!! Well, actually, about a year all together, what with some breaks now and then. I am very proud of my Cooking cape.) At least they drop a decent number of herbs and there are limpwurt roots all around the cave for potion making.

  3. My first name change after the name change update was to Xinix_Xaxx. My second name change was to Xinix Xaxx; I didn't know I wouldn't need the underscore. I changed it to Xinix Xax because I'd wanted the name with one X to begin with, but then back to Xinix Xaxx (after popular demand) and there it's stayed. I wouldn't have changed my name at all, but people kept calling me "Bend Over" and that gets old in about half a second. There are people on my friends list, however, who have changed every chance they've had and I have no idea who they are. I just keep deleting them, but as soon as I delete someone, they start talking to me again within four days. Then I figure out who they are, and lather, rinse, repeat. To be honest, I'm not too far from deleting everyone with the name change icon at the end of the year and staying on "Private: Friends" only.


    I did sign up here with my user name, but unfortunately, I forgot the password, hence this account.



    By the way, what does/did "DDS" stand for, exactly, referring to the poisoned dagger, not "Doctor of Dental Surgery."

  4. Oh and if anyone want to grammar/spell check my writing, PLEASE DO. I appreciate the critism!



    First, sorry if I got the quote part wrong, I think I did it correctly. Second, I'll see if I can get my wife to look over your stuff. She's a professional transcriptionist and really knows her spelling and grammar. Why do you think I never ever use the often accepted abbreviations? I'd get in trouble!! I'll have to try to talk her into it, she knows nothing about Runescape, and so has little interest.

  5. Adding the word "personally" indicates for whom the writer is speaking. Simply saying "I" is inconclusive. The writer could have been saying "I, as a member of the Supreme Court of the United States of America" or "I, as a woman," or any of a thousand thousand other possible combinations.

    If you use "I" you already are telling the reader for whom you are speaking. Anything else is irrelevant, it's just wrong.


    Explain, then, how both these sentences are true and how you would clarify them, if at all. They are both the same speaker and used in the same paragraph.


    " I, ________, wouldn't urinate on Paul Reiser if he was on fire."


    "I, ________, would work to keep Paul Reiser alive using all means available to me."


    You just don't like adverbs, is that it?

  6. I refuse to read Racheya's articles for various literary reasons.


    2nd one was a nice personal piece.


    BTW: I have an idea for a Times piece I'd like to write. Who do I get in touch with?


    I personally saw nothing in the article to criticize her writing skills.

    Hahahahahaha. Okay seriously this was too easy, if you say "I" at the beginning of a sentence, you don't need to put "personally" before the verb you are using. When using first person we already know that whatever you say, see, etc. is going be yours.


    I personally believe you have no English skills ;)


    Adding the word "personally" indicates for whom the writer is speaking. Simply saying "I" is inconclusive. The writer could have been saying "I, as a member of the Supreme Court of the United States of America" or "I, as a woman," or any of a thousand thousand other possible combinations.


    While people are tearing apart spelling and grammar and such, can anyone tell me why the spellcheck is flagging "combinations" above? As far as I know, I am using the word properly; I don't know what's wrong.

  7. Well, since there's nothing I can do about the update, other than stop playing the game (And I won't) I'm not going to complain. I will offer a speculation. My theory is that the people who made the money are being given a gift from Jagex. I'm a cynic, and I'm sure people will not agree with me and will sling darts at this post, but I don't care. I think Jagex wanted to give something nice to a few players, so they did. Maybe one day I'll be lucky enough to be one of those folks who get accidentally included in a big gift like this.

  8. Could someone tell me why this update makes RS into wow? I have never played wow, and, other than saying "You hit big numbers" how did this turn Runescape into anything? I would really like an honest answer that can actually explain it, not just a couple off hand comments as if I know wow as well as I know the back of my hand. I haven't asked this before, not on a forum, but I have in game, and never got any decent answers.

  9. I think the best part of the update is watching people whining and screeching and boo-hooing over not being able to drop the last digit and tell if they need to eat. It's been funny, especially the "riot" I saw on world 66. Other than that, I haven't cared. I don't really enjoy combat so I don't do much of it. This update puts more stress on defense rather than strength, so in that respect, I guess I like it, since my def has always been my number one combat skill. All in all, it really doesn't matter to me. They could change it to we have 9.90 hp instead of 99 or 990, and I'd still not care.




    Has there ever been an update that Jagex actually undid/removed/put back just because of player complaint? For some reason, I do not think that has or ever would happen.

  10. JoeDaStudd, that's why my first question was "how hard would it be?" rather than "Why haven't you?" :thumbsup: I wanted to just plant the seed of an idea, rather than make a demand or anything. I know nothing about programming or website construction or upkeep (How do you spell main-ten-ence?). I think I said this before, I just thought it would be the next step in evolution.

  11. A new box under the bar that says "Aggressive" "Retreats" and so on would be good, and it could say


    MAX HIT...Melee 45 Range 0 Magic 7,958


    Does that seem reasonable? I'd add a graphic, but I don't know how I'd make one.




    If this does happen, I'm going to brag all over the place it was my idea! Ha ha!

  12. I'm sorry but I honestly stopped reading after "The concept of roleplaying games was popularized by the Dungeons and Dragons game." That's definitely an oxymoron: Popular D&D.



    HAHAHAHA :rolleyes:


    It was popular. Back in the 80's, it was a popular game. Unfortunately, attitudes shifted toward instant gratification and collectible card games slowly pushed AD&D off to the side. Since that point, the game seems, at least to me, to have lost popularity steadily. I could be wrong, the new Hasbro game they named Dungeons and Dragons (It's not the same game I learned in 1979. Not at all.) might be more popular than I think. It would have to be, if it's still in publication.



    The post you have just read, and probably snorted at, is based solely on my own experience, observations and chats with the guy who owned the gaming store on the floor beneath my apartment. Things may have happened radically differently in your area.

  13. I thought there would be more people with 99 fishing. Not only is it good money, but with the rocktails and cavefish, you can really rake in the xp. I am not at all surprised to see the combat skills positioned as they all were. In fact, I was a little surprised to see any other skill in the same area as the combat skills. Well, maybe not fletching, since most people buy the logs and all. I'm going to be slow getting any and all my 99's because I try to spend as little on training as possible. I'm cheap that way.

  14. That's exactly what I worry about. Even if it's not just one hit, but two or three, in a multi-way combat area you could be killed just as fast. The Chaos Dwarf Hand Cannoneers killed me three times one day, once when I was trying to fight and twice as I tried to get my items back. I had no idea they could hit for 35 to 40 hp damage!! Thankfully, this was when the place was brand new and there were a bunch of people there. Some good hearted souls kept my gravestone going long enough for me to get all my stuff.


    Anyway, I just thought it might be a nice addition to the monsters information. Maybe it could just be added to the more powerful monsters first, the ones who are capable of hitting for 30 or more points, and slowly added along to the rest? I don't know. I just thought it was an interesting idea. I have no problem with the bestiary as it is now, I just thought adding that "stat" would be the next step.


    (Edited to add)


    Thanks to whomsoever moved my thread.

  15. Being relatively inexperienced in the world of Roleplaying games, I have a few questions I would legitimately like answered by those who know more about it.


    To what extent does any roleplaying game actually immerse the player into a new world?




    No game can immerse you in an alternate world or alternate reality any more than you can imagine it, nor any more than you will allow it, nor any further than you are willing to allow it. I've been playing Dungeons and Dragons, Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (Not the newest version owned by Hasbro, the TSR games) and about 20 other role playing games for longer than a lot of Runescape players have been alive. I started playing in about 1979, give or take. I've had Dungeon Masters who were excellent, I've had DMs who were bloody awful, and I've run games for players from skilled to amazing to utterly rank. A roleplaying game an not take you any further into another world than you allow it, first of all, not matter how skilled the game master (or program) but the other huge stumbling block is the other players.


    If you have a group of six people sitting at the table, paper and dice everywhere, and five of them are very into the roles they are playing, the last player can ruin the whole thing. Imagine to your right is a person playing an elven wizard who is speaking with a fake accent, acting like their character (Inasmuch as you can act in a chair) and really getting into the game. On your left is a guy in a New York Yankees hat, blabbering about his baseball team, chugging strawberry soda and cramming his face with pork rinds. The Yankees fan is going to spoil the whole mood. You can't suspend your disbelief and let yourself really feel like you're talking to an elf when you're flanked by a belching oaf whose role playing skills peak at knowing which one is the six-sided die.


    That's my personal problem with roleplaying in Runescape. I have never met anyone who wanted to actually try to role play their character in any way. Characters talk about game mechanics, real life and other things they should never know. For me it's pretty much impossible to stay in character when there is no-one to be in character with; when nobody else in in character at all. If there was a roleplaying clan, a well known and exclusive roleplaying world or even area within another world, someplace where characters can actually talk to one another in character without having some goon laughing and doing everything he can to bring everyone back to reality. Well, as back to reality as you can get when in a game, I mean.


    I think a problem with roileplaying in the Runescape is the games that have been out for consoles and computers for years now that called themselves "role playing games." They were fantasy games, but you didn't play a character. You just controlled one. The kids (I am almost 40 years old, I can call a lot of, maybe most, Runescape players "kids.") who never played any rpg that made them sit at a table with nothing but books, paper and dice never had a way to learn how to play a character. They assumed that Final Fantasy 7 was really a role playing game. They were handed their character, they made him move around, they did the job, they finished the game. They never learned to talk in character because they never had the chance to do so. They think they are playing their character when they set him to chopping a tree and discuss what happened at school that day with their buddies. If you never learned that your character is not you, if you never learned that your character does not know what you know, you can't really play a role as such. You can just control a character.


    If anyone wants to actually try to get into character with me in Runescape, look for Xinix Xaxx. That's my character's name, at least the character I am most likely to be playing. Just make sure you type "out of character" text in parentheses (like this, you know) so I know when you're talking to Xinix and when you're talking to me, ok? B-)

  16. In my opinion, Runescape doesn't lend itself to role-playing. I don't even call it a role playing game. If you do the quests, at least, you can't really play your character as anything but a generic "walk to the right and kill the bad guys" kind of game.


    For one thing, you can not access the abyss unless you help out a Zamorak mage. No problem, unless you didn't want to play a character who agrees with Zammy's beliefs, teachings and/or alignment (For those who know what Alignment is in this context). When I started that quest, my character was wearing Saradomin armour and carrying a Sara holy book. If I wanted to unlock a very important pert of the game, I had to swallow my character's beliefs and morals and help his sworn enemy. No character of mine in any role playing game would have just cheerfully tossed his morals to the wind and trotted off to obediently work for his enemy.


    As far as a lack of races and classes, it really shouldn't destroy the roleplaying atmosphere in a game. There are the various skills you can specialize in, and these can define your character as easily as "Warrior" "Thief" or "Mage" can. For example, despite my character's level of 71 in magic, I consider him inept as a spellcaster. He uses teleports and that's about all. I've never played the mage minigames, and have no real intention to do so. The only time I train magic is when I discover I need a level for a quest, want to get to a new teleport spell or something like that. I only went into the mage arena place in Al Kharid to unlock the song tracks. (I got my Air Guitar emote that day) There is the thieving skill, there's a thief character for you, range makes a ranger, right? My character is a fisherman who bolts on the heavy armour to slog into combat when he must. I see him as sort of like myself, served in the military but didn't make a life of it, then went back to his old life. Sure, I'd rather play a dwarf. (5% of my ADVANCED Dungeons and Dragons {I am from the school that burned down before the old school was built. I played since 1st ed and when I got the name "Gamer" the word did not apply to video or computer games at all.} characters were not dwarves. Everyone always expected me to be a dwarf fighter/cleric. I nearly always was!) Who wouldn't rather play a completely different type of person once in a while? I always liked getting into the role of a person who was utterly not human. I used to love coming up with little pointless differences that made my characters different from humans. I had one race that would get totally drunk, fast and easily, from drinking sea water. That's not something people can do!! I can not do any of that on Runescape.


    I think the single biggest thing that precludes roleplaying on Runescape is the fact that it's never been important. it will be pretty much impossible to really get roleplaying going now when pretty much all the players discuss xp, levels and skills by the skill name (What's your level in WC?" "75"" instead of "How goes the quest for lumber?" "Well, I am ready to begin cutting the enchanted trees, I believe I understand the tree well enough to keep from ruining the wood.") To really roleplay, you have to be able to talk like your character. "You fool, no novice warrior can hope to understand how to use adamant armour as well as he can use steel! The metals have different limits and strengths!!" instead of "You're not high enough def lvl to use that armour yet." People would have to learn to type in one manner to express their character's thoughts and a different way to express their own. I type in parentheses to show when I am out of character.


    To get roleplaying really going, to really allow us to get into character, I think we'd need some entirely new worlds with little disclaimers that the world is for roleplaying and therefore conversations would not be the standard fare. We would need people to teach new players how to not talk like a modern person sitting at a computer. We'd probably be best off with worlds that were not even accessed through the same log-in area. I mean, aren't roleplayers almost always a breed apart anyway? Given the choice, I'd be happy to go to a different log-in page to get into Runescape to be able to play my character the way I want to play him. Unfortunately, as long as the game is being geared to younger and younger players, I doubt that anything as complex as roleplaying will come about.

  17. I liked slaughtering the turkeys. I hit a 199 with a whip! I saved a screenshot and I'll try to put it up, but don't expect much. I'm not good with a computer.



    Never mind the picture. I'd have to post it somewhere and I don't have any place to do that.



    I did hope for more of a Thanksgiving event, but this game isn't made by Americans and Thanksgiving is an American holiday, so I can't complain. I'm enjoying the cryptic clue thing so far, though. I'm quite interested to see what the reward will be.

  18. I just want to know one thing.


    What the hell does he need all the money for, especially if he doesn't play the game much?


    I just do not understand the whole "I have more imaginary coins than you, so that means I must be better than you." attitude. It's just too bad people are too lazy to earn their money, even in a game, where earning the money is part of the fun.

  19. I need help with the title but ill just leave it at that for now.




    Now u notice that jagex is missing alot of players. For example, why do other mmorpgs have so much more players. the other day i saw my younger brother watching his kiddie shows when pirates of the carribean online pops up. the commercial easily convinces him to make a new account, which he doesnt know how to :lol:




    the point is why doesnt jagex advertise? they have the money to invest in? why dont they do it? im pretty sure making a few commercials can bring in customers which is cash :thumbsup:




    I saw an ad for Pirates of the Caribbean as well. I tried to make up a character, and maybe I did, but I couldn't figure out how to play. If ever they have more players, it's because people make up characters and can't figure out how to use them, so they make up another one to see where they might have gone wrong.




    I'm going to get a RuneScape hat as soon as I can, that'll be advertizing for them. I do tell everyone I know who might enjoy the game about it, too. I don't know how much advertizing they really need to do, though, if they are the record holder for the biggest (free) MMORPG two years running.




    Final thought......With as much stuff as they keep adding, I don't think they could even keep the advertizements current anyway.

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