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Posts posted by Savior



    I'm surprised nobody mentioned this. Stick a 15-20lb weight on your stomach while doing sit-ups/crunches, it helps a lot.








    No it doesn't. It strains your lower back and if you do it enough, you will have back problems in the future.








    I'm just going by personal experience. It works for me so I'm going to keep doing it.








    actually if you put it behind your head and do 'crunches' then it will add mass to your abbs... Also the more reps for abbs comment is ridiculous, the abbs just like any other muscle should be worked in reps and sets. You dont go out and benchpress 100 reps do you?

  2. Note- I'm not very religous








    My theory on everything is that during the aztec and mayan time ( also egyptian...) Aliens came and visited us and mated with us. How else could we have evolved so fast? How else could we have made the pyramids? I think Jesus might have been one of these "advanced beings" and was just using technology or just his brain when he was healing us mere humans. People saw this , wrote a book, presto religion is born. Yes I believe there is other lifeforms in the 630 sextillion planets out there. Or maybe im crazy, I don't know....

  3. Wow man, it takes a lot of guts to do that. The fact that no1 was the slightly suspisous of you is what realy makes this just... wow.








    Very cool to see you owning up to this, and admiting your wrong. You probaly could've won that competion, got a lot of cash and everyone would be happy :), But you did the right choice man. And i realy envy yah for that, i know it would be hard as a sig maker to do that.
















    Yea alot of guts to tell people you ripped a sig on an online community where no one knows who you are... real guts ya... :roll:

  4. In that case, Froth.....








    Hope I don't get in trouble for this, but I tried my hand at the style...
























    Hope you also don't mind the extra hair I added in, I think it looks a bit nicer, and it makes me feel like I did more work than just throwing some stuff on there. Let me know if you want any ideas fixed up on it.... :)








    Well, obviously Keiphus you still got the touch. :wink:




    Looks great... Guess I'll use this one. Thanks.


    *puts out a "rodent" Trap*








    Here rodent rodent.....








    awsome sig btw m8 :)








    Please explain what is awesome about this sig, because I don't see it.
















    They are all friends... so of course their friendship will be in that scale somewhere.



    dude you got attitude, im not going to buy somthing i dont like, im sure you wouldn't either. The sig was ruined by dreamloves changes and then she bought before i could. i don't like it, its not my fault we don't see eye to eye and to say you will never do buisness with me again is immature, you make one sig that i dont like and there goes everything, i think you should reconsider. Well if you won't make any more changes i'll stop spamming your topic.








    What can be changed though? Honestly, you seem to like dream's so much and I can't replicate it correctly apparentally that maybe its' worth asking dream if you can have the original one you wanted? As for my comments, I'm just frustrated that it won't turn out correctly. I don't blame you, that last sig I posted wasn't very good imo, but I made the changes I thought you wanted.








    yeah, that could be worth asking.








    Plus, no offence to anyone else, but except for Ven realy your not going to find any space artists on TIF.... :shock:








    bump :)








    Uh yea you can , but they dont find a need to play runescape.




    btw- half of that one sig is ripped from a d12 logo....

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