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Posts posted by Foxtrot17

  1. But I have a feeling that if I was *really* in that situation, I would shoot them in a heartbeat.

    Even so, my original point...is that really a valid enough argument for gun ownership? That your family may someday be in a life threatening situation? Come on...


    I just wanted to say that I'm suprised that somebody would let their family die and themselves all because of a philosophical belief. What really ticks me off is that you think that because of your opinions on self-defence that it is justified to take firearms away from the populace to "protect" them. While I am against gun control, I do believe we need to treat the source of the problem, and not to take away guns from law abiding citizens. Also, just because you happen to live in a gated community doesn't mean that everybody else does. I used to live in southern Arizona and we had plenty of armed robberies and murders, and by taking away a means of self-defence that anybody could utilize (like your daughter or grandmother) to protect themselves from criminals who are physically stronger. My argument will probably fall on deaf ears, but it was worth getting my opinion out anyways.

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