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Posts posted by Dracheauge

  1. i doubt your gunna go broke from farming, but with herby too maybe?

    are you working on herby at teh same time or after farm/fm?

    i see ur rcing is that till 80 or 99?

    lotsa questions ikr lawl but it seems u've changed ur goals yet agin lol

    gl tho

    Edit: i like the questcape shot at the top but its a bit blurry...i assume u'll update it but have u been able to get into ur photo thingy yet?


  2. :thumbsup: to you too!

    Raven Said:

    Woot! Blog is back up now!!



    omg i love it, way better then the last one imo.

    gl on def, doing good and bandits are mega fast!!

    how do you like the new tip.it forums? idk if i do yet, too much white and they seem a lil awkwardly streched out on my screen <_< guess i need to get used to em? i wonder if theres a function to change the backgrounds and such so its not so bright white anymore? if u find out let meh know! oh and idk why but the quote thingy wouldn't work for me go fix it :angry:

  3. ty and i did listen i thought? didnt she quit or was it that she was gunna try wow like a week before vacation? i swear she left and omfg when did u get 96 fletch!! u still need to work on farming tbh its still reallllly noob come on 82? wtf is that it shouldve been like 90 at least by the time i got back what the [insert spam/ducks here] is that huh? ok rant over also thax again for that lovely push into the pool -.- and yea i will keep bringing that up!

  4. ^^ thats some crazy power farming there girly lol!




    Ayden can go lick a umm toad cause you were just doing what was right and now he lost all the clan except those flamers and i told Ayden off as soon as i found out from zigz, you should have seen it omg! but yea im glad that farming and herb are going good when boe sees that cape shes gunna be like "0.0 <3 we is twins now!!" or something rofl




    lots of luck cause then its back to 200m xp in wc for u!!!

  5. -.- i love how you walked like 3 squares away said,"thanx for the ags jenih i'm gunna run away with it now!!!" and teled off to wherevr u went and didnt own the n00bych00bs at boe's but aparently u got 85 str so gratz!


    i told u power rcing would be great and that time frame i gave u for getting ur AGS back is an approximate so it could be less time then that an i bet u love me right about now ::' your soo welcome rofl too bad u didnt already have 91 so u could get it in half the time :? so me and boe will have to trade off on assisting u for double nats a bit if u want i know i wont complain lol boe might since she has issues sitting still and is usually camping at arma which gives me an idea ...... ill pm u but i bet u wont figure it out even tho it seems as tho im refering to u going to gwd im not helping u camp would be a pain with ur lvls rofl

  6. i dont care if you've been up a week straight no more alching ANYTHING ever for you, plus it'll probably save u tons on replacing whips and now a ags ffs!!!! -.-


    You ask me from now on when u have to alch something!!


    I'll lend u my ags or claws if it'll make u feel better after pwning some noobas in boe's dungon? and me and boe will give u our spec bars + veng!!!?!?!?!!?? then back to rcing? and i'll even let u borrow my non-alchable ags till u get urs back seeing as how mine just sorta sits there...

  7. omgomgomgomgomgomg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Boe just told me what u did!!!!!!!!! :wall: :wall:




    I kno u have a tendency to alch ur whips but an ags alched by accident wth were u thinking?


    *slaps in the head*


    u is going wcing right now missy and your getting another one that i'll hunt u down and kill u if u alch!!!




    Edit: lol you updated right as i posted so i'll rc with u hurrrrry up meet me at the ge!! were getting u a new one fast as we can!!!!

  8. [hide=]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/hide]

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