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Posts posted by Gandalf14141

  1. You should be able to because of your graphics card, note vista, I have heard does not suck, in fact just the beginning versions did but they have fixed the glitches and stuff and now is stable and fine

  2. Ok, so I'm getting my membership back and I already have 97 fletching might as well get it to 99 right? So I heard there is a fast way to get fletch xp by doing something with bolts, am I correct? If so, what kind, and what do I do to it?

  3. i think the D scimi is pretty nice if you cant afford a godsword. Can you afford the Saradomin Sword?if you can its really really good for str training




    Aye, if you can get the SS get it, if you can't get dscim and go to armoured zombies, heard they really good, or go to ankous with Salve Ammy(e) if you can

  4. No. Stop being cheap and get members.


    OK, you have no clue as to why I stopped being members so don't be calling me cheap.....




    I made a pure account that I'm using until I have enough money for members.It's turning out pretty good though, so I'll have to be sure to remember the password...




    How is this supposed to help?

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