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  1. No offense but I played RS probably just as much as you and I still maintain a job, sports teams, friends and a girl. It's not hard to maintain time, just gotta be organized and not be a lazy SOB. All the people here complaining about it "ruining" your life should just shut up and do something. Thats why there is a "X" button on the top right of your browser. Click it, take a break, enjoy THE OUTSIDE WORLD and see if you really want to waste your time on this game. Hey, if you can play this game and still maintain a great social life then your not wasting your time on here. NO. NEVER. THATS UNTHINKABLE MAN!!!! you are talking to "das uber geeks", what did you expect+my "X" button is in the top LEFT corner XD
  2. Well i have little spare time as it is, seing as i do the house wotk. I might be in better shape, seing as what spare time i have i use doing what i find interesting, RS and WoW......
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