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Posts posted by AgingMiser

  1. how do post this as a picture but still have it change prices?


    I assume you want to share it without letting anyone change it. Just share the document and restrict permissions when you share it, then give people the link.


    How would someone go about grabbing data from the third column, isolating the first character and doing a comparison of whether it is a + or - sign?

    No offense, but I don't think what Morionic said would work. Use a string comparison command for that; it's in GDocs help somewhere.

  2. I would like to know how to write a script like the one you suggest!


    Ciao! :)


    If I knew what to write the script in (whatever runs a macro would probably do, but I don't know that), I could easily set up a loop that took an input, searched for said input and returned the object #. Essentially, it would look something like this. The most tedious part would be setting up a method to produce the URL (easy if done by hand, but you have to go through multiple strings before you can convert an item name to a search query URL) - unless, of course, the macro could just go and search a string. After that, the code would identify the link and copy the URL, then reverse the first method to isolate the item number.


    Would probably take me a couple hours to be honest, simply because of the tedious nature of the necessary work.

  3. Obj numbers...


    Great guide! Thanks a lot. I was thinking for a while to do my own calculators and didn't know where to start from. Thanks to you I managed now! :thumbsup:


    I still have a question though...: is it possible to know the "obj" number of all the items? It would be nice to set the URL to go directly into the GE and take the whole table of the results to work on the data on there.


    To be clearer I will make an example:


    the link "http://services.runescape.com/m=itemdb_rs/viewitem.ws?obj=5933" will show the GE page for the Willow branch. I would like to know that Willow branch has obj=5933 by just querying (somewhere) for the name Willow branch. How can I do that?


    Thanks in advance for your help! :rolleyes:


    Funny, I myself used to wonder about this. Unfortunately, Google Docs is incapable of returning a URL; consequently, it can't be used to determine object numbers to my knowledge. However, it should be possible to write a script, in which you input the item's exact name, and then returns the object number.

  4. I followed the directions exactly and I got the data, but it doesn't update the prices automatically - they're the same as they were 2 days ago even though GE updated. Does anybody know why? Here's link to the spreadsheet if you wanna check it out for yourself. http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AvcoIS071M0MdEFyeGhVblhvbnZEZHJuNXdWcnJJcHc&hl=en

    It could just be because I don't have access to edit your spreadsheet, but it looks like you just typed the prices in instead of putting in the code thing,


    You're right, he didn't type any data retrieval formulas in; you could've confirmed it by going to formula view.

  5. [hide]

    I agree running is a valid tactic, but about... oh, I'd say 70% to 80% of players that run around are total idiots. To quote a friend, "WTF ARE YOU DOING." I've had, in my entire time playing FoG maybe... 10 people in total that could actually run properly (one of them being a friend, of whom had a 355-game winning streak 'til I broke that :lol: ).




    There are two types of idiot runners.




    1) Stay on the edge and walk around there.


    Subtype 1a) [book it to the center (or teleorb there) once your opponent finds you.] Granted, if your hunter's an idiot that doesn't know how to find his hunted with the available methods, this works. Totally inefficient if your stats are even in the 40-50 level range. The low rate of charges just isn't worth it. It's much more efficient to hug around the houses, etc.


    Subtype 1b) [Lead me sprinting around the arena until your run is exhausted, then book it.] (Again, works if your hunter's an idiot) To quote a friend, "WTF ARE YOU DOING." I can still hit 10s on you with range while I'm chasing you, ya know. (Even if I do run out of run energy, I have a ring that can replenish my run and I'm still going to be following you because I clicked "Attack -----")


    Subtype 1c) [Walk around the edge even while I'm attacking you until you die.] I have nothing to say.




    2) Sprint to the edge of the arena then teleorb back to the center.


    2a) [Run straight to the edge, then teleorb it once I get close.] Yeah, buy yourself 50-100 extra charges. Like that'll help.


    2b) [Run to an obstacle on the edge, trap your hunter on the side away from the center, then teleorb.] You're using your brain! Finally![/hide]




    In short, if you're going to run, don't be an idiot about it. :wall: Annoying, because I'm a lazy bum, but hey, at least it's a viable method being used by someone with a brain.


    Again, this.

  6. There are actually people that try to insult or argue with you on Runescape? You either must be really unlucky or are just ranting for the sake of it! :blink:


    In my 1 1/2 years of Runescaping, I have never, ever met somebody that tries to insult/argue with me. Ever.


    My homeworld is even World 1, the world full of all those people that hang around in Lumbridge Castle just randomly chatting. :rolleyes:


    Reading your first two sentences, I thought you were opening with a troll. Then reading on I realized you were serious.


    I'm sorry, but I now believe you're blind.


    OnT: Welcome to 'scape. It's the truth.

  7. [troll]D00d 1t c4ll3d 99 str 0wn4g3[/troll]


    But seriously. What I find stupid about this thread is that people claim that def > str. Hell, one guy even posted a no food DA vid of him fighting 99 strs. No food is pure luck, so that's just plain pathetic. Str may be overrated, but last I checked 1 str doesn't hit 20s. 'sides, there's a reason range tanks are considered the best type of p2p pk build.



    No food is just luck ???? dude yeh sure i got lucky like 10 times in a row because i wasnt safing....doesnt that make sense.... think before you post


    "i got lucky like 10 times in a row" Yeah, I believe you. "i wasnt safing" There's no food. How the heck is safing possible.


    Why don't you try thinking first?



    I wonder how someone would react if I trained 60 attack to 5 strength just to pull out a dragon axe while fighting a strength pure with steel.


    Which is exactly why Woofius needs to go PvP.

  8. And I dislike being swarmed by people asking tons of questions simultaneously. They are an inconvenience to me and I therefore choose to ignore them. What's the problem?


    And you assume alot about me for someone who has never bothered to hang out in the same clan chats as I do or get along with my fellow clan mates. Just luls.



    You choose to ignore them, so you don't actually need a different world to do this. You talk as if other players are such an inconvenience to you as if its only you that matters or exists. Oh and the ad-hominem thing has been done before by players who don't like me challenging their arsey attitude. If you don't like it, don't post. Other players have every right to ask questions. You have every right to ignore them. Now get over yourself


    Your argument implies that someone who doesn't appreciate questions is therefore an idiot with delusions of grandeur. "Other players have every right to ask questions. You have every right to ignore them. Now get over yourself." I wonder if you actually read his posts, because he's simply stating his own opinion. It's a sorry truth, but at a minimum, half of 'scape players likely have a double digit iq - and that's assuming that they have brains and not just a lump of [cabbage] in their skulls. Consequently, the questions they ask, one in ten of which is "?????????????????????????????????????[...]???????????" are generally an inconvenience because they aren't questions. It's spam that's technically a question.


    Although a legitimate question, such as "What's the xp rate doing so and so to train this skill?" is in my opinion nothing to ignore, because it's sensible. I can also understand a lv5 asking how to make money, but someone simply begging their way through to start an account? To quote Sonic, they're being Lachtophers.


    I personally don't agree with them. I don't see how its a crime to be asked for help by other players. I see the word 'noobs' being used more than once, but the fact is we were all 'noobs' at some point, and always will unless you're ranked number 1 because you'll always be a 'noob' to someone else. Players are always quite happy to show off to the lower levels when it suits them so take the rough with the smooth.


    And how exactly are 1000+ total worlds a means of ignoring requests for help from other players? They're simply another high-level feature for players. Perhaps they do isolate some sects of the community, and perhaps they do encourage elitism to some extent, but for those people that say "1 h4v3 99 c00k r0f1 n00b i 0wn u" wouldn't people relatively new to the game be much better off unexposed to these people?


    The question was "What's your opinion of 1000+ total worlds?" You've veered off on a tangent that you're unable to connect to the actual question.


    And again, my personal opinion is that the point of 1000+ total is to be a high level requirement. 1000+ total is a joke in p2p; hence, it should be some sort of total xp requirement. I see far too many people that brag about having 1200 total and then have an amazing 7 digit total xp.

  9. [troll]D00d 1t c4ll3d 99 str 0wn4g3[/troll]


    But seriously. What I find stupid about this thread is that people claim that def > str. Hell, one guy even posted a no food DA vid of him fighting 99 strs. No food is pure luck, so that's just plain pathetic. Str may be overrated, but last I checked 1 str doesn't hit 20s. 'sides, there's a reason range tanks are considered the best type of p2p pk build.

  10. Total level is a bad requirement; it should be total experience, much like it is for the forums. After all, a p2per with all skills in the low 40s can log into a 1000+ world, whereas a maxed f2p skiller can't.

  11. Yeah this is my problem now. It's not like I have or am willing to get 2 billion worth of junk (that's how much I would need) so I can sell my items.


    Honestly, why can't Jagex allow free trade for *some* people? I've been playing for 8 freaking years and never a black mark with over 120 million exp. :thumbsup:

    Good point meili.


    I totally agree, I have been playing for at least 4-5 years, 130m+ total exp. without a black mark and still am not trusted with the ability to trade freely?


    You're a mod Nje. >_<


    And yeah, Jagex has stated that they sanction junk trading for the sole reason that junk trading creates a market for junk.

  12. Well, first as said, this topic needs moving.


    Second, if you're using Firefox, there's a lovely add on named AdBlock Plus. All you do is turn it to block advert.runescape.com, but be sure to turn it off and click the ads every now and then to make money for Jagex :) They need to make their money from us f2pers somehow :lol: :roll:

  13. I agree with Gandalf. Quite often, a small break from 'scape is all that's necessary to cure boredom. Or, as I did, I killed myself to get 90 mining, and my newfound desire for fun propelled me to have fun in the game again :D


    Perhaps go buy a dds and go 1 item in +1 BH? :P

  14. Now I live in NY and perhaps the system is different from you, but...


    Typically, people who receive ISS do not have it placed on their permanent record. Only OSS gets


    :o I do too! :lol:


    Might not be on your permanent record, but there'll definitely be a record of it somewhere... :x

  15. So Aging I can still do said 6 jobs then?... do they involve me gaining exp or can I just buy the items. I didn't read the Wiki article fully through so I am just assuming what it meant.


    Troacctid.. I am planning on getting more than 1 99 skill at once. (10 to be exact) And I was looking for ways to get the odd skills without leaving the area that I was going to get the 99's in... probably Fally ... maybe Varrock Square/West Bank.. haven't decided yet.


    Thanks for the info tho fellas.


    You can simply buy the items, though some tasks are rather tedious; e.g. you have to kill a certain amount of cows, spiders, scorpions, etc for some tasks. I'm not exactly sure what those two NPCs ask for though, I simply find it too tedious to use them.


    Keep in mind that after accepting a job, you must complete it, because you are only given 6 jobs an hour. Decline to do one and get another one in place of it, and you'll only get 5 done for that hour. You can only opt for an easier job; you're given two options, I believe - accept the job they offer or opt for an easier one BEFORE accepting a job. This does not count, because you haven't accepted the job yet.


    The NPCs will accept noted items; also, if they offer you a job to obtain a certain leather item, such as coifs or leather chaps, I believe that the easier job will always be to get an arbitrary number of cowhides. A bit of advice for conserving bankspace ;) (and saving the hassle of buying all that [cabbage]).



    I wasn't able to get the exp lamps form Sir Vant for Time Kitten.


    Maybe missed out on that.

    Did you try all the chat options? I believe you have to offer to help slay the dragon.


    Indeed you do. The only other way you won't get the options is if you did the Unstable Foundations quest as your tutorial, instead of Tutorial Island.

  16. The PJ timer should apply to monsters, that's the only change I really support here.


    As for running, that's all part of the chase. No pun intended. It's a package deal, and although there are undoubtedly people that would support it, I can't say I would.

  17. Amusing that this has yet to be mentioned. Lumby tutors formerly used to award you with an antique lamp (25x xp) every 15 jobs completed; you're restricted to 6 jobs an hour, and the hour is counted in terms of how long you've been online - not time that you've been off RS; e.g. can't just finish jobs, log off for the night, then come back on the next morning and do more - you have to play for an hour before you can do another 6.


    The tutors were removed, but there remain two people that will give out jobs.


    See more info here: http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Job

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