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  1. That is neat, again.. I am planning to make it better :)
  2. I will keep this in mind and hopefully revise it so you can use both methods. (Drag and drop and simple-point-to-place) :)
  3. I second this notion. Thank you for your motion. :]
  4. It's whatever works for the person. Not everyone would be the same and some people work better with a visual tool. :) just saying, this tool is useful for beginning keyers but more experienced keyers should definitely work toward relying on memory or short notes. there's definitely a level of personal taste but i can say for sure that this method may slow some keyers down. It's whatever you're comfortable with and I agree some tools may slow people down, but until that point.. some people may need some assistance. Not here to really argue with you, but you do bring up a valid point.
  5. It's whatever works for the person. Not everyone would be the same and some people work better with a visual tool. :)
  6. When I was Dungeoneering with my team I thought of a tool to help everyone, a key mapping tool for the keyer that will allow the keyer to map out where things are and become more efficient! I whipped up the idea and brought it to life in an instant, and it helped my team go through some large dungeons more efficiently. (No more scratching my head on where a certain key goes!) I had ease of use in mind and made it as simple to use as I could.... Dragging and dropping! ---- I want to invite you and your team to use my tool and help your dungeoneering experience go smoother, and maybe you can help me make it better! I would really love your feedback :) http://www.runelegion.net/dungeonmap.php --- If you really like it, or just want to say anything to me, you can drop a comment in this thread or send me a message on RuneScape. My rsn is Baldwin! Thank you for your time, and I hope I helped you! --- Change Log [i will denote changes suggested by this forum by a *] v1.0.1 Accessibility Change (Changing cursor to a hand where a draggable instance is hovered over) v.1 - Release (Jan-04-11) -- Suggestions that have my attention - Point to place
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