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Posts posted by Flamewhisker

  1. lulz what ever happened to the good old days when scammers stood in the varrock bank basement convincing people that if they typed their password and then pressed alt+f4 then the bank vault would open?






    Lol, i actually never saw that and i've been playing for a while, but I miss the days like that, where the poor sad noobs fall for it. like the scams "trade me your rune plate and i'll trade it back and give you 100k with it" I never understood the logic behind those o.O

  2. My username if Flamewhisker (its that for like every account anywhere of mine lol) and yes i'm quite proud of it




    I aggree, numbers on a username are quite silly (i have a friend of mine who is copying what i do by using the same username everywere....she randomly puts a 1 at the end of it for no reason, its quite stupid)






    And if I could, I would prob change my username to Blazestorm :P but Flame is my internet nickname so it wouldn't really work out well lol

  3. Prius :P




    I just like them for some reason (other than the gas saving thing) but my mom said to me once when we were driving to school (i can't drive yet if u didn't guess) "oh that person is a tree hugger" when someone pulled infront of us in a prius (in a weird way, a scarcastic bad thing...make sence?) so i point out the ovoious and said that we were in one too. she said "We're not tree huggers, were tree lovers" lol




    Kinda random, but funny

  4. I'm not in the least bit sheltered, which makes me SO happy (especially because one of my friends who is 14...well her mom treats her like shes 6, and i'm serious! So sheltered that my friend is sometimes told when to ware a jacket at school and she actually listens...honestly makes no sense; especially when its like 80 degrees outside now o.O)




    But my mom just bacally says the usual parent stuff (brush your teeth, get good grades, don't do anything from the list of stupid stuff teenagers do and etc) and shes let me have a tv in my room since i was 4 (no blocks and with cable) Have a some form of a gameboy and allowed to play it whenever, got a computer in my room when i was about 8, was allowed to surf the internet (when i had actually figured out what the internet was...its kinda funny looking back now) soon after that (different computer tho, since the one in my room was a lame windows 98) i've always been alowed to play some TV game concol.




    And i'm not some sorta idiot... A, B+ student (never have gotten a C on a report card) and i have done any of those stupid things teenagers do :D




    i'm just a bit random o.O

  5. I found it by asking how someone was so good at doing a quest (when i was like a level 10 nonmember) and they said they used a website, I asked, and they told me..... Ive used it ever since. I like it because its updated and loads fast and and only thought of joining the fourms late 08 (when I was bored in my computer class because I had a teacher who couldn't teach and I knew all the stuff anyway)

  6. Hmm, first attempt at 99....




    -epic fail


    -still have 69k pure ess still left




    2nd attempt of 99....




    -40 to current level in one day


    -next week got bored, made a good bit of money




    3rd attempt of 99




    -It was going good until i got a horrible teacher at school so i have too much homework


    -i have like 8k chins in my bank and as soon as summer comes around, i'm starting back AND I'M GETTING IT!!!

  7. Agility: 50 (Fast runner, and I can move into weird positions, including getting suck under a bed once)


    Attack: 60 (Rawr, I attack you in rugby)


    Strength: 60 (umm same as above)


    Defence: 40


    Construction: 40 (Ive helped my dad build decks around the house)


    Cooking: 10 (Eggs or noodles anyone?)


    Crafting: 60 (Pwnage Origami maker lol)


    Farming: 20 (I can sorta grow a plant-i kill house plants tho!)


    Firemaking: 20 (I'm good at making a fire in my fireplace)


    Fishing: 99 (well prob not really, but how many people can say they caught a fish with their hand?)


    Fletching: 1 (...)


    Herblore: 10 (I can identify like 5 herbs lol)


    Hunter: 10 (stalking my cat count?)


    Magic: 10 (I can do a trick with a penny!!!)


    Mining: 1 (...)


    Prayer: 80 (I go to church and stuffles, just not super super reglious)


    Ranged: 20 (i can shoot a bow, bairly)


    Runecrafting: 99 (Idk, i'm just cool like that [rc=fave skill in game])




    Smithing: 1 (O.o)


    Summoning: 5 (i yell dinner and my cat comes! fear my power)


    Thieving: 20 (I don't steal stuff from stores, but playing jokes on friends)


    Woodcutting: 10 (Chainsaw baby!)

  8. I was once trying to walk from lumbridge to cw with a friend in a pvp world (got killed 3 times before i could get to cammy btw) but when we finnialyl got to cammy, we walked up to this wcer chopping down and hes like "please don't kill me" and we said we wouldn't, and so we chat for a few minutes. Well my friend pms me and tells me to folo him to the bank; then he tells me that hes gonna get super attack and super str pot and a dds. so he pots and has the dagger in his inventory. we walk back up to the guy and start talking again and my friend pulls out the dagger and specials the wcer in one hit. As his character hits the ground, he said "Y?" then got taken to lumby. It was just priceless to see that Y? lol

  9. Blackle has been around for a while, there was a time that it was a phase at my school where people only used that (its amazing how they couldn't find enough info for their research project)




    the side google search pages are just jokes because they don't search as many pages. i belive more pages searched are better

  10. I'm probally the most random person that any of my friends know, it just stinks that everything funny i say is a one time thing...




    well one i sorta remember that i sad reacently, i said stummy (stomach and tummy mixed together) and my friend thought i was insulting her lol

  11. Just reading through the first page i literally have to agree with sooooooo much of it.




    Pokemon cards/games were a massive craze when it first came out, it was new and different so everyone wanted to be a part of it. My brother and I got a pretty good collection including a charzard (which I saw someone bring up) so all was good, for like 2 years o.o. Now, if you mention you like pokemon in the slightest people call you weird (but its amazing how many people still like it in secret because one someone left a pokemon info card on my band directors stand and he asked if it belonged to anyone and someone yells out "POKEMON, GOTTA CATCH THEM ALL. THATS A MUDKIP!" totall random, but everyone start laughing lol)




    Yu-gi-oh came and went faster, but i think my brother and i joined in late lol, tho i have to say its a better card game than pokemon




    when i got into middle school, those livestrong or what ever bracelets or bands, heck with it! i don't know what they are called! but those yellow things people wore well other companys would make diffrent colors and some with diffrent text on them and it seemed that the more you wore the cooler you were... this one got kinda freaky.... i saw this one girl who had so many on that it almost went up to her elbow i saw that and was like WTF!? this died out, but people do still ware the yellow ones, but not as many




    One thing that is still going around with most girls (well the ones in the "in" group) is to draw out tie-dye like designes using sharpies then to write some other kids name (or teacher) on it and then give it to that person. majority of people would stick them on their lockers, but then it was making some kids feel bad for some reason when they didn't have any and so one day the principle said over the annousments that nothing was allowed on the lockers. now people just have like 20 on teh front part of their binder




    rubix cubes were a massive craze last year, there was even an afterschool class that tought how to do it!!!!!!!! but never in my life have i've seen so many of those colorful cubes in one spot o.o




    There have been tons of clothing and other worthless just crazes but i think they are all pointless because the stuff is way over priced and reallllllllllly ulgy






    the only ones that i've ever gotten into from what i have listed are the pokemon and yu-gi-oh (sorta, we never bought cards, my bro just got his friends doubles)








    EDIT: one more thats been going around my school is being gothic/emo. aparently people like looking weird, wearing all black (and with half the guys smelling like my cats litter box + major BO!)

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