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Posts posted by Dreamtongirl

  1. MuffinMaddy, that picture was actually on New Years day, and it was a few hours from where we live. We had to drive to see the sun, basically. <.<


    Also I hung out with Becky (Wongtong) before she went back to College. Gonna miss my crazy asian.



  2. I vaguely remember my dream from last night. This girl from my highschool and I, and our favourite photographer did something wrong like not get enough points for something and so we had to die. I was sitting by myself in this Indian restaurant waiting for the people to come and collect me and when they come in I started freaking out a little bit so one of the secretary people goes "Oh it's okay. We can come get you tomorrow if you like, there's another meeting." But I stand up and finish my soda and walk out with them and we go to this court place where they work out all the details for the coming night - which is my death. I see my highschool friend there and we sit together and listen. My father then comes and picks us up and I'm talking to her in the car about how we think we'll go. "Will they shoot us? A knife, do you think? Or what about an injection?" My father says it will probably be an injection so I calm down a bit thinking it won't be so bad. I ask him if it will hurt much or just be instant but he lies to me so I stop talking because he's nervous too. That's about as much as I remember in order. Then something happened and our executions got postponed or something, and I think my friend and I considered running away. I guess I woke up then. Kind of annoyed, I would've liked my mind to carry it on.

  3. I can't really be bothered on catching up on everyone's faces. Just letting you guys know Wongtong and I are still alive. It was holidays a few weeks ago so we met up for the weekend.






    And a semi-unattractive photo of us:





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