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Everything posted by assanaut

  1. RuneScaping it up

  2. Sadly, I never go on the Tip.It site anymore due to the increasing knowledge base and ease of access RuneScape.Wikia provides, but I do go to this site for 3 reasons: 1: The Armor compare feature 2: The calculators 3: The Tip.It Times I have never posted in the Tip.It forums, but I feel like sharing how well written the Tip.It times articles are written! I can compare myself to the writers of these perpetually pleasing yet pragmatic and philosophical stories/ arguments presented. In "They Shaped My View on Ethics," it was a down to Earth examination and comparison of ethics in both RuneScape and the real world, something I thought was long abandoned by players. In "Does RuneScape Have a Pro-Melee Bias?" (at the time of this writing, it is currently an unfinished work, with Part 4 due soon), was a surprisingly knowledgeable amalgamation of factoids, history, and meticulous calculations that only someone truthfully dedicated to to this site/ game would ever perform for the benefit of a simple article. I knew of the egregious imbalance in the combat triangle, but the writer Necromagus helped shine a light to the problem that had me really thinking about my combat choices in RuneScape. In "Underhand Methods Always Fail," I thought I was alone in the sea of gullible RuneScape players that were liking the MLP. I felt betrayed by JaGeX because my loyalty has been with them for 5 years and all they have to give me is a meager amount of "Loyalty Points" that practically spits in my face for the money and time I have spent loyally playing their game while trying to coax me into spending more money for "stylish costumes." The array of unlockables is disappointing and just sickening; especially when JaGeX released the brand new auras ONLY OBTAINABLE FROM MLP! Sure there are throw-away auras like Odd-Ball and Friend in Need, but the auras Reverence, Sure-Footed, and Jack of Trades are broken! They allow another player to receive an in-game advantage that can only be obtainable by spending real world money (AKA: Real World Trading, a growing threat to RuneScape that JaGeX has tried to counter for years just to abandon it all in favor of making more money at the expense of the thing making their money: RuneScape! I feel that RuneScape is slowly but surely devolving into Club Penguin or any game produced by Zynga! After reading Crocefisso's article, I felt that I was not the only one thinking that JaGeX is on a slippery slope to being a gaming industry simply fueled by avarice instead of the intention to entertain. I think your articles are very well thought-out and well-written, Tip.It Time Team, and I will continue to read your amazing and insightful articles in the future, as well as add a fourth reason to go to your website: 4: Post on the forums
  3. I was at the dig site and randomly pickpocketed a female student near the gnome glider, and found a peculiar item of interest. the examine says, "A lucky mascot." There is a Use option, a Destroy option, and an Examine option. I'm pretty sure that this cannot be alched. Tip.it, post this on your items page, please! I looked it up on your page, and there were no results. The item is named, "Teddy". [crew edit: since it is mentioned in the digsite quest http://tip.it/runescape/index.php?rs2quest_id=19 it appears to be an item we missed. someone should get to it soon, thanks!]
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