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  1. I dont think that your memory was incorrect but i believe nobody explained this ruling in the right way and everyone started making their own conclusions on that thread. But the judge was really clear about the fact that 'virtual goods' are to be considderd goods as mentioned in art. 310 sr part of ruling (in Dutch): Nu de virtuele amulet en het virtueel masker als bedoeld in de onderhavige zaak aan de hiervoor genoemde criteria voldoen, is de rechtbank van oordeel dat deze virtuele goederen onder het begrip 'goed' als bedoeld in artikel 310 van het Wetboek van Strafrecht vallen en toebehoorden aan aangever.
  2. It is clear for me that this was a really easy avoidable mistake by Jagex. Every 3 year old with a calculator could see that it was really profitable. Why the QA team missed that i dont know but maybe they are focused to much on how it works and not about the economics of the update. First thing i always look for in an update is how can this benifit me? Not thats the only reason i play runescape but hey.. a man's gotta eat u know ;) So my suggestion is that the QA team gets some help form people with economic talants. (Maybe they should just walk over to the marketing or sales department :lol: ) As for the people that lost money due to the grim update i think they should be compensated. But i have a feeling Jagex is not going to do that. This is something thats been going on for a while know that they mess up in some way and players are the fictum of it. Maybe someone should stand up and take some legal actions against jagex and teach them some manners again. ( U say it that wont work, I say check the dutch ruling of a judge where stealing rs items is considered theft)
  3. Thanx for all your reactions, I really think this might indeed come up some time during the next master quest. Where i hope the temple nights show us some more of their true nature. As far as cristianity compares to saradomin in rs i think u have a point their when u compare their history and their symbols. Wat i like to add though is that chritianty is certainly not the only religion where followers used violence in the name of their god. In rs this aint really different as u can see: God wars all over the place ;)
  4. Hey everyone, Im new on tip.it but ive been reading here for a long time. Then when i noticed something i wanted 2 share with you so thats why i post. When is was watching the login screen with the moving camera positions of some runescape sceneries i noticed that the dying knight at the god wars dungeon entrance is holding an elite black knight helm! The knight was part of an expedition send by the temple knights (elite white knights if u can call them this way). So do top white knights and top black knights work together? Or did he just get it from a black knight when he killed it? Just thought this would rise some questions. Wat do u guys think?
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