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Posts posted by RussianFed55

  1. Not "president" but "The President." It's definite, it refers to the position or a specific person.




    And Global Warming is an idea invented by one person, therefore it is a concept that has to be capatalised just as I capatalise Wal-Mart and Tip It. Although, I don't know if Al Gore ever trademarked it, still, it's HIS idea so therefore it is not a general concept, but a concept attributed to him.

  2. Heh, I have the opposite pet peeve. Not that it matters, but Americans are generally horrible with punctuation, capitalization and grammar.




    I can't count how many times Americans (even in official magazine interviews etc.) capitalize things like "the President mentioned Global Warming as a matter of National Security". I've seen it thousands of times, they capitalize all sorts of words and phrases that shouldn't be.






    It's so annoying, because some languages capitalize and some don't. In Swedish and Finnish weekdays, months, and nationalities aren't capitalized, so I have to change every time I switch.




    Fix'd some more.

  3. Flashlight is a ridiculous word.




    I hate it when people say you shouldn't combine words, or hyphenate them. English is a freakin' Germanic language, we have the ability to combine, and I'm gonna do it! Also, I hate it when people don't capatalise proper nouns like Bible, and any other proper noun, again, English is Germanic, so we can do that.

  4. It was a theomachy of such power one would wonder if there was any left. Then I heard the microwave ding, so I only had to assume. The generator went out during those reruns of Dr. Who last night. I was in despair after that, I still don't believe all events proceeding that, so perhaps I never witnessed such a theomachy.

  5. I notice a lot of people saying they have "studied" more than 4 languages. What do you count as having studied them? Do you mean you took a class with a real instructor in them, or you bought a self-teaching CD on the language?




    Active study in all four areas: Writing, Reading, Speaking, and Listening.




    I'm also going to start leaning German as soon as I can find a free interactive site to learn it on.

  6. Yo estudio en la clase de espanol (can't get the squiggly thing over the N). Tu eres feo. ::'




    I'm in the lowest Spanish class at my high school. I plan to take all 4 years of it because I really need to know a second language, and living near Chicago where there is a high Latino population, knowing Spanish can be a deciding factor in many jobs.




    Estudio* Estoy feo* ;)

  7. Where to start. First, Governor Blagojevich was arrested today for trying to auction off Obama's Senate seat behind closed doors. Then he forced the Chicago Tribune to fire editors who wrote unfriendly articles about him in order for them to sell their Riggley Field.




    Now they are calling for his impeachment. He better step down or face it head-on.




    You can read the full story here.




    Corruption is why the Republicans lost Illinois, now the Democrats have fallen into the same trap. This whole thing will become a legal nightmare. Illinois is corrupt.

  8. I would turn America communist and then urge the rest of the world to do the same.




    Communism, like Anarchism, is completely impossible. I recommend you read Thomas Moore's Utopia if you haven't, or more distantly George Orwell's 1984 (which isn't Communism, but follows certain trends of ideologically impossible political ideals).




    The USSR and Soviet Union, Soviet Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Albania, and East Germany (DDR) were all Socialist. But has been proven, only mild Socialism works, to which is in itself undesirable. Unless you are a member of the FDJ, and I wouldn't find that shocking.

  9. My native language is American English, and I know conversational Spanish.




    Currently, I am studying Lithuanian. I want to study Greek but the gender and cases freak me out. But I don't understand why I would be freaked out as I've attempted with some luck to learn some Serbian. I've also studied some Swedish, but I can't do much but form basic questions and count to 100. I've also tried my hands at German, French, Italian, Romanian, Dutch, Czech, Finnish, and Akkadian, but I can't manage to stick to them. I would love to study formally the Russian language, as of now I can only read and write the Cyrillic script.




    So what languages do you speak? What languages are you currently studying? And what languages do you want to learn?

  10. This thread is living proof of the loss of work ethic in society.




    Why should people who get the material have to suffer from homework?




    Practice. Do you honestly believe kids will do homework if it isn't mandatory? I had a math class where homework was given but never graded, I did NONE of it, and I failed because of it. You don't do what you don't have to, that is the mantra of this soceity it would appear now-a-days.

  11. Yes, ok, so? We are, by law, to attend school up to the 12th level. Whereas college is not; so it would seem logical to pay some attention to the folks being dragged into it by law.




    You only have to attend until you're 16. But if you drop out you'll probably be living on the street as trades move abroad or are hurt by the economy.

  12. Oh, and another thing. This ain't college.




    The idea of High School is to prepare you for college. You're lucky you can complain in HS, you can't do that in college, you're paying for the class, the professor could care less if you pass or do anything, and if you don't like it, they won't care for the slightest minute.

  13. Yes, in two ways.




    If you do it, plain and simple.




    And if you don't do it and BS it, then it improves your ability to BS things which you will need for college. If you cannot BS at least three reports a week in college, you will NOT survive.

  14. I would think that immigrants would be seeking to escape the undesirable governments of the Middle East. It's not likely the immigrants are going to overthrow the government and create a new European Middle Eastern regime.




    From your post before, what's wrong with Palestine? I'll go ahead and say I don't approve of the creation of Israel, but that's history so now I advocate peace between Israel and the Middle East.




    One would think that, but that's entirely not the case. There are tons of Koran schools (radical Islamist schools) alone in Europe, not to mention parents who send their children to school in their home countries. These people aren't escaping their home countries as they visit them quite frequently. They have an inbred hatred of Western Culture or "infidels", of women. These are the people who shoot the likes of Theo van Gogh, and who have Dutch police erase a mural dedicated to him. Who attack French citizens and football players when Algeria lost to France in a football match. Who deny French and Belgian officials entrance in French and Belgian neighborhoods (I can give you specifics if you so wish). Who practice "honor killings" in some cases against their own children (I can also give you specifics including cases in the UK). Who abuse and rape women and these cases go unreported despite the fact they are widely known about. Who instigated an EU-report into anti-semitism in Europe and which was so bad the EU denied its very existence until it was exposed. Who throw rocks at firefighters saving a mosque from fire in Malmo. Where 40% of Muslim youth in the UK would like SHARIA LAW.*




    Not only is radical Islam a threat to moderate Islam, but it's a threat to the very existence of the West. It was bred through the European political left that arrised after the Cold War, and increasing secularism in Europe.




    I disagree with the methods of the Palestinians, and I don't wish for another state to arrise that could harbour terrorism. A reason why I disagree with the creation of Pakistan, and a free Chechnya.




    *I could list examples for hours on end.

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