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Posts posted by mustangs407

  1. Q1:What is something you write down to remember?

    A:phone number


    Q2:What is something you hear on the radio besides music?

    A:talk show


    Q3:Why might a taxi driver say he had a bad day?

    A:his boss


    Q4:What is something you're likely to forget in your car?



    Q5:Name an item you would find in a 3-day survival kit.



    Q6:What is something you may find on top of a mountain?



    Q7:What is something you would hate to find in the food your eating?


  2. Actually there was a video on youtube from some famous director that showed people how to get like 10k vials and 10k water filled vials and 10k eye of newts in less than 8 minutes for a profit of 1196k he had 20k views when i saw it




    The actual numbers are just guesses of what i saw i cant remem the link to the video

  3. Well i was just bored and decided to go to bounty hunter worlds to just pk some people and then this guy comes and asks for a DM so i agree. Well seeing as im a horrible pker i just ran when i ran out of food and he complains saying that it was a dm and to comeback here. He was standing in the wildy with no protect on and i was in safe zone and some ranger hits a 16 on him and then he jumps the border thing and then when makes it to the other side he gets hit a 7 and dies. Well how lucky do i get that i hit like 100 hits on him so i got the drop and here is a pic.



  4. I wrestle this is my 3rd year of wrestling last year(I started wrestling in 7th grade winning the district champion my 1st year also) I won 1st in 6 tournaments and 1 3rd place in a another tourney, I was weighing 134 pounds wrestling 140 Lbs. and my record was 27-3. This year I'm currently weighing 152 lbs. and trying to go down to 145 and this is my freshman year at high school also.

  5. Um bagging, where you empty someones bag, turn it inside out, and replace the contents - also works with pencil cases ;)


    My school used to do that. Then when kids started zip-tying the bags closed and hanging them from the ceiling the school started handing out referrals for doing it.


    That was happening in my school until they started doing it to the nerdy kids, who complained and led to it being a suspendable offense. Then it went to hornets (tight wads of paper slingshotted via rubberband, hurts) which led to rubberbands getting banned. Then it was smoking smarties (shows how mornic they are, pretend to smoke crushed smarties). Other then that its been mostly epic fail (one of our teachers says it often), thats what she said, etc. Though some kids in my class (ex. 1, ugozima [whose in my classes]) use stuff like "what is this i dont even", "the game", and sometimes I mock the nerdiest kid in the class by saying " i herd u liek mudkipz". He keeps on thinking mudkipz stands for something else...

    Shoot do you happen to go to the same school as me Cause i remember when i was in 7th grade Everyone was smoking smarties even i did it . Then after 8th grade started it just died eventualy and at the end o f6th grade some guys would be like you wanna start something and than the other one start playing pattycake with him

  6. What the heck Earth is already messed up with pollution and Global warming. Now they want to mess up one of the few sources of natural light we have at nigh.

    And what if something does go wrong and the moon ends up crashing into are planet. I mean what are the chances that happens but still what if that happened?

  7. you guys might not beleive but these are my maxes from when i went to a high school footbaal try outs btw im 14 and in middle school and im 5'5 138 pounds






    squat:165(my coach says id be able to squat better if i had better techniche and stop putting all the weight on my back since im realy fast and have lots of leg strenth)


    clean:never done that


    Just started high school as a freshman still 14 these are my new maxes:




    Body fat:11.3%




    Bench press:205


    Power clean:160

    Inline bench:170


    Got to work on my 40 haven't ran in a while though but i can get at least a 4.9

    I have one of the best power indexes for true freshmens in my high school

    Power index:4.26


    Im hoping by the end of freshman year i can pass 4.6

    And by senoir year im 5.3

  8. Can i get the republic of Ecuador pretty please




    Alright, I guess it's my turn Doom.


    South America is pretty much off-limits to new players, as is Europe (as neither me nor Doom want to give someone a country beside our main power base).


    However! You can choose a country that I currently hold in Northern Africa, provided it's not Libya, Morocco, Algeria or Tunisia (I like the Mediterranean). That still leaves you with around 15-20 countries to choose from, though.


    And don't worry about the poverty or corruption in those countries. The corruption was stamped out, and infrastructure put in place to combat poverty, so any nation you choose will be on even footing with a European country.


    [hide=Here's the most recent map, so you can choose from a country from it - Choose one in Europa-Africa]1yNC4.png[/hide]


    i guess ill have sudan or chad or both i guess but if not both chad

  9. Well here comes the next world cup. Its going to be in south Africa.


    Which teams are you hoping for to make the qualifying rounds.



    Group A: South Africa, Mexico, Uruguay, France

    Group B: Argentina, Nigeria, Korea Republic, Greece

    Group C: England, USA, Algeria, Slovenia

    Group D: Germany, Australia, Serbia, Ghana,

    Group E: Netherlands, Denmark, Japan, Cameroon

    Group F: Italy, Paraguay, New Zealand, Slovakia

    Group G: Brazil, Korea DPR, Côte d'Ivoire, Portugal

    Group H: Spain, Switzerland, Honduras, Chile

  10. you should see the movie "The Diary of Anne Frank" it was a great movie about a family in the WWII days. But I'm not so sure if it talked about your question. But, it showed what would happen to the Jew during the days like how they lived and hide and the process of going to concentration camps.


    Isn't the book form the most widely sold book behind The Bible?


    yah my teacher told me that

  11. 12 years old, 105 pounds.


    I bench 80 ._____.




    I squat 120..




    Weak? ._.




    Umm... Wait till highschool before you worry lol.


    yeah its probably best to start weight lifting till you 14 or 15 because i started lifting heavy stuff at 12 and then i barely grew and inch since then

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