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Posts posted by Abc1230

  1. A coworker asked me for a cigarette. I just had my last one. I told him that, but he probably thought I was lying. I wasn't. I would've given him one if I had one. Oh well.


    I have a week off of work, so I guess it's time to quit smoking. Take 2, action.

  2. H is online. I'm too scared to say anything. I hate myself. I'd cry myself to sleep, but I'm not tired. I just ate a bunch, so I'm pretty full. I don't feel like watching girl cartoons or playing anything. [bleep] life.

  3. Back from werk. Just (Accidentally typed [bleep] instead of just there. No idea why) found out that H is coming up here in January. Oh boy. I hope she asks me to visit. I need to talk to her before then@#%$#@$5


    Damn it, I can't type tonight.

  4. Can somebody explain to me why the following quote is funny/how it makes sense?


    It took tens of thousands of years for humans to go from wearing no clothes to covering almost every inch of their bodies. It's taken about 200 years to reverse the process.
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