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  1. The rise of the new quest 'While Guthix Sleep' and it being given the 'Grandmaster Quest' status made me think about other ways to determine the grandmaster players of RS. What should the owners of all quest capes and 200m xp in each skill get? Well a whole lot of recognition as it stands atm. But in-game their just a level 138 cb player wearing their fave cape. However this could change with some grandmaster capes, armour and more... This is just an idea that i think would work. A runescape cape for the best and most dedicated players. And special armour for those players who excell in more than just stat building, those who make RS a happy and cheerful place. I am currently thinking of a design for the cape and could possibly pose this to Jagex? But firstly what do you think? And what else could be released for the higher level/outstanding members of the runescape community, because its not all about stat building :)
  2. Personally i think Jagex need to start looking at range and mage and give those skills some 'ultimate buffereing up' to attract more players to a wider range of combat. However an introduction of new ultimate weps in the melee department would be detremental to the God Wars Dungeon, so their focus should be on the other points of the triangle :)
  3. I think the problem lies in the fact that most people have higher melee than range/mage statts and that rs weps,armour etc. seem more biased to melee, with the huge str bonus armour and amazing weps. However everyone loves an underdog story and you should bring range slaying to the public eye. I for one melee slayer, because thats what im drawn to, but my best mate is ranging and realy enjoying. All i have to say is melee, range or mage - Happy Slaying :)
  4. Just brining some more light to noobs who are lower level than you calling you a noob.... Gets me everytime lol :thumbsup:
  5. Best Clue to date - Which made me 1.3 mil with other items and set me off on a huge summoning spree :) A lazy day farming ;) (Taken a while ago)
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