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Bearded Phil

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Posts posted by Bearded Phil

  1. Hey wait a second, to be fair I didn't ask for it, my grandma has an embroidery machine she uses for various things, it was a gift made with love dont be jealous of it. There's nothing to agree with in this topic also I was just wondering if I am (seeing probably am) the only one. and how would it be any worse than buying something from the jagex shop? at least mine was free.

  2. Anybody have home made Rs clothing items? not stuff from the jagex store but stuff you/a family member made for you. I've got a hooded sweatshirt that my grandma made for me when I was really into rs back when I first started (he says as though he isn't still really into rs -.- ) with the old Scape logo with the stones with the letters on it and the sword horizontally inbetween Rune and Scape. It's actually the logo with the ice hanging off of it because it was a christmas gift haha. I still wear it when I'm cold and playing, just curious if anyone else has something like this. (it's late and i'm bored and I dont work early tomorrow but I'm done now I'll check back tomorrow)

  3. I dont know how much I'd be willing to sell my account for to somebody if it was allowed but I've often thought about this...If I had a real magic Genie in return for NEVER being able to play RS again I would gladly cash out my entire bank of items into gp and trade them 1/1 ratio for real USD in a heart beat, I think that's pretty fair for lifetime banishment right? :-# (I'd probably make out with about 120M cash if I liquidated everything right now). Think of all that you could do irl with that amount of money and no rs to cloud your focus haha.

  4. Just had a quick thought here reading the thread about where all the money came from, I started playing RS during the time when RS2 was already out for a while but I had been on RSC but never really played my character on there to a decent level. Every now and then I would get on Classic and mess around because I thought it was fun to see how different the two were (I honestly couldn't find my way around Lumbridge for the longest time on RSC). So anyway here's my point, I was fortunate(?) enough to have logged on RSC recently enough that when JaGex down sized access to RSC I could and still can play on it although I started in rs2 and never actually played classic, How many people are there out there like me with access to RSC by this fluke?

  5. After a while of playing i'll get bored/distracted if I dont have a goal to get to so i'll stop for a while but sooner or later i'll always get the urge to renew my subscription and play, especially if i log on in the f2p and realize how much i can't do in the game without mems

  6. I think if Jagex did introduce some better defensive armor and more powerful offensive weapons they could avoid making the high level players mad about low level people having it easier to get higher levels by making the items stat requirements higher than they've been before. I'm talking 85+ defense, strength and attack to use the items, that way you have to be a very experienced player already to gain benefits from them. Whips and barrows armor would be the stepping stone to the higher tier items that you could use after your hard work.

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