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  1. i have a few questions: 1. do people buy baby dragon bones? 2. how much can i sell them for? 3. what forum would i sell them on? any help would be appreciated! rsn- mjheagle8
  2. im lvl 70 w. 63 att 56 str, 48 def, 45 pray. are there any big bone droppers near a bank? are there any ways to make money killing things? what is the fastest way to train? i want 70 atk and str for a whip.
  3. i want to kill greens for bones and sell. im 63 atk, 56 str, 48 def, 45 pray. what would i need in my inventory?
  4. where is the fastest place to train fishing? i am lvl 47.
  5. where would i sell unids exactly i know fally but where in fally
  6. where would be the best place for a non-pure lvl 67 to train melee in f2p i have 58 atk, 55 str, 48 def, 45 pray
  7. what is the best way to train combat/magic and make $$ at the same time?? i am 56 att, 55 str, 48 def, 45pray, 35 mage
  8. does anyone know where the new f2p killing place is released today??
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