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Posts posted by pumkinpie37

  1. 1. How will the return of Old Wildy and Free Trade influence your clan as a whole? we will be doing the same stuff were doing, 2 wildy wars and a pk trip a week followed by a matched opts war in clan wars.


    2. How will your clan use this opportunity to make your clan any better? probably more spurs, if it is like old wild their should be 5-10 clans out at a time in not just gmt timezone but eastern as well


    3. Will this amazing long waited update affect you personally in your clan? why or why not? no, i don't really care what jagex does any more


    4. How will this update change the Runescape clan community as a whole? exodus will gain more members because they can bribe people to join with sara sets again, 4 clans (one of them being solar angels led by cantstopal) + DI are coming back so hopefully there will be some more activity.

  2. Our mighty Australian Commander Rocky238 managed to get us a 1 hour clan wars run in with Wilderland. With only a hour to prep we mustered up some troops and agreed to the following rules.



    • All Styles
    • 1 Hour Clan wars Run in (Turrets)
    • No corr/Dg


    Crimson Raiders starting: 30 (no pic sorry)

    Wilderland Starting: 38 (no pic sorry)


    From the beginning we were outnumbered, but that didn't keep us down. We started off and managed to keep at pace with Wilderland. Soon though Wl's numerical advantage came into play where they pulled ahead by roughly 10 kills. Midway we were able to get within 1 kill of Wilderland. Soon though they took back their 10 kill lead. With roughly 10 mins left cr started to pick up the pace. Our numbers on vent increased and with about 5 mins left we were up by 8-9 kills. Wl made a good push during the end, but it wasn't enough.


    Crimson Raiders ending: 41 (46 on vent)

    Wilderland ending: 40






    Thanks for the fight Wl. Looking forward to more


    extremely fast paced fight, gj both clans tanked to 3 halves twice, koed once

  3. Used back up callers for the first bit then realized we were down by 6 and let parsh lead who did a 2:1. Members were not paying attention at the start. Only good thing is that we peaked at 47. GJ SE we wont underestimate you again

  4. If you could Turn back time in the clan world,


    When would you have wanted to be present within your clan?

    was with them and it was summer of '09

    What were the events surrounding that point in your clans life?

    pulling 65 people to spurs, 80 to preps beating clans like EH and competing for top 7 imo

    Why does that moment stand out for you the most?

    i love wars with more people in them, it's generally a faster pace which is more exciting to me

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