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Posts posted by Amateurnoob

  1. Did you just post a victory topic over 6 people?When you had nearly 7(WOW!) people?


    We're warring you next weekend. Good luck, although your council asked for a no-post war.


    Gratz on the win PKM, glad to see you're coming back


    After that idiot posted his attempt at trolling, when his clan cant even pull over 7 100+, I have decided that your war next weekend will be third party posted on RSC as long as PKM wins ;)


    GL DBZ <3:

  2. Congrats BK,


    Would like to apologize to Downfall, about 20 minutes left in the war, we all started dcing, went from like 34 people to 22 then all of a sudden back up to 34, then I got disconnected, and it logged me out and said Error Connecting to Server, Everton Style.

  3. Before there is anymore flame among the debate if corr/dung/ect.. was on or off...


    If they arent discussed in the rules, they're 'considered' on, thats how its always been...

    We offered a rm .. and you guys declined at BH and mass logged (always knew you were good at that)


    1 more thing, keep your members under control...a guy named 'toxic up' or something kept going along the lines of 'they won because we cheated' lawlzcopters. Then again I give him props for not logging with the majority of his clan. :rolleyes:


    Was a fun war, for how long it lasted. (5 minutes).


    Didn't expect a low pull from DV though, and next time read the rules and understand cwa warring guidelines before future warring. Sorry, not trying to flame, but dont really appreciate being called a cheater, when we did absolutely nothing wrong, and even when we did agree to fight you with 100% your rules (No corr/snipers/dung) you bailed. So no DV members should be declaring their 'auto-win' because from the looks of it, you were the one cowaring behind your pathetic excuses...Fun fight. :huh:





    Look, what you've said is along the lines of clever...but what we were told was corr and dung were off - we even had to persuade some members not bring their g2h....so sorry if we annoyed you by not rming but when we turned up with our scimms and rune and we were met with corrupt and gravite most of us just left straight away....

    it's also very hypocritical to tell DV to 'keep your members under control' when many of your members were flaming us before and after the 'war'....Amatuer, Hitman + Jack atack to name a few....


    Anyway GF (?) IP


    Care to show flames done by me? Because I wasn't even logged in until right before they got the challenge, I was eating breakfast. So feel free to post some pics of my flaming, I'd love to see those.


    But the truth is, your warlord didn't specify dung/corr on or off, we offered a rm, you said no, you came out and said auto-win when you obviously didn't know your own rules, I wouldn't probably know the rules either if my warlords weren't there. We don't blame you, we blame the leadership.

  4. @Abkb - Lsp is not Lgz. Therefore lgz is not talking [cabbage], lsp as a person is.

    @Will - Ignore lsp...Meh.

    @Anyone else who thinks lgz talks [cabbage], Take a step back and search the person on runehead before you say thier members of lgz and "Lgz is talking [cabbage]".


    With that said...

    Gf E, was fun and tence for the most part of the war until at E - 11 lgz - 10, most our members had been sniped and was low on food :/.. GG!


    just saw this topic and enjoyed reading opinions,

    Let's just get one thing straight.


    LGZ as a whole doesn't flame, just Infinitone.

    DF as a whole doesn't flame, just Thehitman

    We're even.

    As I've heard countless times from LGZ, "one person doesn't represent the whole of the clan, even if it is the founder i suppose. I hereby am using that same statement here, Thehitman's views don't reflect the whole of Downfall, just his own as an individual, so LSP stop trying to act like you know what you're talking about when truly you don't.


    Thank you.

  5. Clan world sucks tbh, every clan is guilty of it in all honesty,


    A few days ago, I had a 5 man ac unit at a AA vs CR fight at like 2 in the morning, EOS warlord was there sniping CR, we got on him and after chasing him down to Mossies he continued to say how bad we suck, how he was going to crash every one of our pvp wars, and how he was going to Brute Force our forums, now if that's coming from and EOS warlord and he's making threats against a non top 10 clan like that, there's got to be more to it than just the game, they must have some serious issues inrl to have to feel the need to be a e-thug. It's simple really, kids that ddos, dos, hack, flame, whatever have a [cabbage] real life and need to make themselves feel better on the net. It's cool though just ignore them. Clan world is nothing more than us idiots creating beef for the stupidest reasons, we're all guilty of it, and only you as an individual can step up and say nah this isn't right, simple as that.

  6. I don't like to ask people to come out of retirement. If they retired in the first place, they're obviously doing something good with their life--because it's not runescape lol.


    Or they're playing WOW...



    I would take provocative pics and give to them if they rejoined.


    I bet the clan worlds going to retire now.

  7. As i stated , No troll was Intended.

    Stating that Downfall only pulls 20 is obviously a fail troll since we been pulling 30+ in all of our recent wars, it's like me saying Tempted Killers are filled with has idiot immature 12 year olds named abkb troll+flame intended.



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