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Posts posted by Askthedude

  1. Got the angriest and most angsty I have gotten in a long while. Did 30 pushups out of [bleep]ing spite.

    Perhaps I'm reading this wrong, but who is spited by your doing pushups?

    I read it as he got angry and did pushups to relieve the anger.

    Got nice and tanned and slightly burnt today at a water park with my niece. Not sure how to feel about it.

  2. Chicken, lettuce and mayo in a baguette. Best sandwich ever. Which reminds me, i've got a whole chicken in the freezer that i need to roast, anyone got any tried and tested amazing recipes?

  3. So my mum left a bag of rubbish in the garage which she forgot to inform us about. Flies got in, laid their demonic spawns and now it's a maggot factory. I chucked the bag into the wheely bin and my dad is holding them at bay by placing two bricks over the bin lid... Not sure what to do because the bin is full yet the rubbish trucks are coming on Wednesday and we have more bag we want to put in there. Mum, please come back.

    Nuke it from orbit.


    Saw my ex last night so naturally i dreamt about her and woke up feeling like crap for it<_<

    Getting a hair cut now and then i might go for a swim cause its bloody boiling.

  4. I'm waiting in 30 degree sun for a memory card to be delivered. I ordered it last week but they didnt send it in time before the move to my new flat so im stuck with waiting pretty much all day outside the old one. Im rather bored and its [bleep]ing hot. :(

  5. Two quick things i've noticed after the forum update.


    The back to top button no longer appears. The next page button does that function if you're on the last page of a topic but if you're not then there's no way to get back to the top without having to scroll all the way back up which is slightly annoying.

    Hide tags open themselves in a new window/tab (depending on your browser) instead of on the same page like they used.


    Just wondering if there's anyway you guys can sort these issues out. Thanks.

    • Like 1

    'American food' - that's silly. Sour skittles are really good though. My current favorite is the limited edition Girl Scout Crunch bars, the Thin Mint kind is epic, but my council is the only place we could get them and they're almost out.



    Why? I only want to buy sweets and ocasional junk food that I love from when I used to go to america for holidays.

  7. Today i found a shop that sells american foods. Bought some sour skittles and some nerds. Was almost about to buy some fruit loops but 11 is too much, and pop tarts but im suppost to be dieting and getting in shape :(

  8. For the price it's going to be released at (ultrabook prices) i'd prefer to buy an ultrabook for more versatile use.

    On a side note perhaps the topic should be changed to tablets in general seeing as how the nexus 7 was just anounced. Wondering what people's thoughts on it are as the price range is around the only price i'd pay for a tablet seeing as how it has such a lmited use.

  9. Damn F1 cars are making stupid amounts of noise, makes it a pain to study. Atleast the weather's cooled down a bit, yesterday was unbearable.

    You live at a race track? I didn't think they put those things near houses.


    F1 is in Valencia this weekend and it's a street circuit. It's about 1km away from me and I've got the camp site thing they've organised for it next door too.

  10. Damn F1 cars are making stupid amounts of noise, makes it a pain to study. Atleast the weather's cooled down a bit, yesterday was unbearable.

  11. Subject change, because [bleep] school.


    Been looking into getting a new PC, because mine is coming up on four years old and has some problems. However, I'm poor as [bleep], and to get specs near what I want out of a laptop it's going to run me something like $1,000. In desktop form I can get everything I want and more for like $800, which would be beautiful, except as a student, plus with divorced parents whose houses I travel between very frequently, a desktop makes no sense.


    I think the solution is going to be to get a laptop that is at least a bit better than what I have now, and then convince my dad that we should get a new desktop. Could be tough, since we have so many computers in that house already (2 desktops and... 8? laptops) but most of them are old and only work because my dad likes to tear them apart and repair them. My plan is going to be proposing that we build a PC together, I think he might actually go for it then. He's finished all the projects he's been working on recently, so he could use a new one.

    Have a look at a mini itx build. Wouldnt be too hard to transport.

  12. It's not even going to be discontinued.

    It will be super common this week, and hundreds of thousands will come into the game. It will then transition into a rare (not a super rare), and will still have a fairly steady flow into the game.


    Go check out the misc. items forum on the rsof marketplace, the whole forum is flooded with people trying to sell masks.


    And then be taken out at the end of summer, making it a rare.

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