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Posts posted by 20Rice04

  1. long story short: DG is less accessible than corrupt dragon/fog/rc items. You can get just about all the other equipment mentioned in a few hours, I think the longest one is the runecrafting staff at 6-8hours. All Fog Items can be bought and recharged. Corrupt is just a case of who's got the most cash.


    DG on the other hand requires your commitment for the better part of 5 days in order to have enough tokens to buy one of those weapons. Most people feel that they have better stuff to do in that time.


    It's standard for every person who goes into a war to have a rune zerker, rune gaunts and druidic/rc robes. Not everyone will have an rc staff admittedly, but they're hardly of a different strength and calibur that makes it possible for noobs to suddenly become amazing tanks.


    It's not so bad going into a war knowing that your equipment is going to be the exact same as the enemies, but DG weapons upset this balance. You don't know how many weapons the oppoing team will have and it's unlikely that your entire clan (or even the majority of your members for that matter) is going to be kitted out with every weapon available from the minigame in their arsenal.


    until a time comes where everyone has easy access to DG weapons I don't think they're going to become standard in wars.

  2. 2,147,483,647 (or 231-1) is the highest number that it is possible to store in a 32-bit signed integer in the Java programming language. This is the maximum number of coins it is possible to stack. It also means that 28-1 (or 255) is the maximum number of NPCs that can be displayed at any one given time. Don't hate Jagex, it's not their fault.


    255 used to be the hitpoints limit, but it's not anymore.


    it still technically is, they just multiplied the display by a factor of ten.

  3. Pvp > Cwa


    that is your opinion

    you are Abkb24

    hence your opinion is wrong.


    I kid of course, whatever, I'm just saying that


    1. People forget their roots, both you and Machamp came from primarily a cwa background.


    2. People enjoy different things, flame baiting someone over something they enjoy..... that's just stupeed? Capiche?

  4. 2,147,483,647 (or 231-1) is the highest number that it is possible to store in a 32-bit signed integer in the Java programming language. This is the maximum number of coins it is possible to stack. It also means that 28-1 (or 255) is the maximum number of NPCs that can be displayed at any one given time. Don't hate Jagex, it's not their fault.

  5. gratz on your cwa win

    that's something that annoys me no end, people who can't deal with the fact that CWA clans are successful, and say "OMGNOWAIIFYOUDONTPKINWILDYYOURCLANISNTFURREAL". Forgive us for finding fun and entertainment which does not coincide with your views, but I don't doubt DF would wreck you in matched 20vs20 cwa.


    OT: Gratz on your win Df, looks like Gladz were doing okay initially. Goodluck in round 4 :thumbup:

  6. The Titans vs The Rising or Legendz

    Hell Army or Natural Born Killers vs Chivalry Legions

    Dutch Generation vs The Moon Clan

    Elite Assassins vs Blasphemy

    Pure Hatred vs The Legends

    Notorious vs Australian Army

    Rejuvenation or Brutality vs Future of Old Style or Violent Resolution <-- hardest war to call ever I think..... 6 different possible wars.

    Final Ownage Elite vs Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikštyste

    Northern Gods vs The Call of Legends or Reign of Terror

    The Runescape Warhunger Federation vs Titans Revolution

    Wicked Fury vs RuneScape Dinasty or Dragon Clan

    Poland Team or Corruption vs Clan Europe

    Wilderland vs The Shadow Dragons or Team Aussie

    Divine Forces vs Latin Elite Clan

    Green bandits vs Runite knights of Finland or Sacred Phoenix Warriors

    Secret Agent vsRuneScape Elites

  7. Let's discuss the war shall we?

    Ea is terrible, but in a sense they are the true winners of this fight. EA only do playoffs and talk [cabbage], well they brought IP down to their lvl (Bringing randoms)


    Not worth posting a topic, especially if you needed to bring friends. I expected better from you guys.

  8. So regardless of skill levels you can do the dungeon, where as having a weaker combat person in a high level team might get you xp penalty, they could die more often making your job harder etc.


    I Think that's a bit of a brash satement, fail to see how a 126 with 1 summoning is more likely to die than a 130 with 90+ summoning and lower attack/def/str/hp/prayer.

    And Bladewing, what style of DG are you playing? Every other room basically has a door in it which requires a certain skill level to open.

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