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  1. I was in general just curious about it and wanted to look around. I had done fine with hill giants, demons by the ruins, and also the wolves by the castle, it wasn't until I ran into the Chaos Elemental that it really caught me off guard and realized I couldn't teleport.
  2. I normally never go out into the wilderness because I'm not a very high combat level (42) but I decided to wander around for a bit. I was around level 50 by the Rogues' Castle when I was attacked by a Chaos Elemental which wasn't good for me for obvious reasons. I didn't think I was actually going to make it away alive, so I tried to teleport when I got the message "cannot teleport past level 20". Luckily I walk most of the time so I could use my running to get away in a tough situation. :oops: I was wondering if anyone had any advice for the wilderness so I'm not surprised the next time I go?
  3. One thing that bugs me is when I go to the swamp in the gnome stronghold to get a few toads, players will ask me to leave and claim that the swamp is their own. It happens so often and it's not just low leveled players either. I don't see why two people can't just share the swamp.
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