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  1. I want to try this, but I'm really bad at making money. I have 92 magic, and I was thinking about trying out the highly underrated void mage set and an ancient staff (can't afford sol, don't have dungeoneering for tome of frost). Void mage set is really much better than most people think it is. First of all, +30% magic accuracy means less splashing, or possibly about the same amount because it doesn't give much magic attack bonus. Also, the ranged defense for just the 4 pieces is +87, as are all 3 melee defenses. They are, as far as I know, the most defensively well-rounded magic robes in the game. With the right equipment you could get the ranged defense of the void mage set to about +100. Using a glory, unholy book, ancient staff, mystic boots (white ones go with the rest of the outfit better I think), god cape, and Explorer's Ring 3 (+1 mage attk, +1 prayer, unlimited cabbage-port if you're about to die, which is about as about good as a ring of life if you're paying attention, possibly better because you don't lose it) You can get +47 magic attack. It's not just +30% magic attack from the set, its +30% accuracy, which takes into account your magic level, so it's probably actually almost as good as the setup in the original guide at higher magic levels, and a lot cheaper. I won't pretend to know exactly how magic accuracy is calculated, but I can't imagine that this setup would be much lower accuracy at magic levels in the 90s. Also, I could maybe use a stole and a book of balance to boost ranged defense up to +91 and prayer up to +15, albeit bringing magic attack down to +35. I'll see how it goes, and if I splash too much go back to glory and unholy book. What do you think that my arguments for the void mage setup? Do you think this setup could be effective? I'd really like some feedback here, but please only constructive criticism (i.e. no void bashing. I realize people think it's stupid, pointless, waste of bank space, etc. If I haven't convinced you, please keep it to yourself). Also, following on the theme of the first line in my post: Is it at all possible to make money from bursting rock lobsters, or do the drops at least pay for the runes?
  2. is the pope smith. He hammers metal into popes in his forge. All hail the mighty pope smith. He rules with an iron pope.

  3. I wrote a die rolling program in Python 3's tkinter library, mainly intended for D&D and other D20 systems. Here is the code: from tkinter import * class RollTheDice: def __init__(self, parent): self.dieParent = parent self.dieContainer = Frame(parent).pack() self.dieLabel = Label(self.dieContainer, text="Number of Dice you will be rolling:") self.dieLabel.pack(side=TOP) self.dieEntry = Entry(self.dieContainer) self.dieEntry.pack(side=TOP) self.sideLabel = Label(self.dieContainer, text="Number of Sides per Die:") self.sideLabel.pack(side=TOP) self.sideEntry = Entry(self.dieContainer) self.sideEntry.pack(side=TOP) self.modLabel = Label(self.dieContainer, text="Number you will be adding to the roll (modifier):") self.modLabel.pack(side=TOP) self.modEntry = Entry(self.dieContainer) self.modEntry.pack(side=TOP) global rolldisp rolldisp = StringVar() self.rollResult = Label(self.dieContainer, textvariable=rolldisp) self.rollResult.pack(side=TOP) self.diceButton = Button(self.dieContainer) self.diceButton.configure(text="Roll the Dice!", background="green") self.diceButton.pack(side=LEFT) self.diceButton.bind("<Button-1>", self.diceButtonClick) self.diceButton.bind("<Return>", self.diceButtonClick) self.quitButton = Button(self.dieContainer) self.quitButton.configure(text="Quit", background="red") self.quitButton.pack(side=RIGHT) self.quitButton.bind("<Button-1>", self.quitButtonClick) self.quitButton.bind("<Return>", self.quitButtonClick) def diceButtonClick(self, event): die = int(self.dieEntry.get()) side = int(self.sideEntry.get()) mod = int(self.modEntry.get()) DieRoll(die, side, mod) def quitButtonClick(self, event): self.dieParent.destroy() def DieRoll(dice, sides, mods): import random rollnumber = 1 runningtotal = 0 endresult = "" while rollnumber <= dice: roll = random.randint(1, sides) endresult += "Roll #" endresult += str(rollnumber) endresult += ": " endresult += str(roll) endresult += "\n" runningtotal += roll rollnumber += 1 total = runningtotal + mods finalresult = "Your Roll:\n" finalresult += endresult finalresult += "Total:" finalresult += str(total) rolldisp.set(finalresult) root = Tk() root.title("GUI Die Roller by MoosePasteInventor") myapp = RollTheDice(root) root.mainloop() I'd love some feedback, so what do you think about my first real programming project?
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