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Posts posted by Purepehmo

  1. Most people on this topic don't have a clue. :lol:




    I tend to agree with Ad, but even he has it quite wrong too (well, certainly about me anyway - I did learn a lot, though).




    But yeah, Llama0 and the like crack me up. No-life it to 120 and then just use their stats to PK. It'd be effortless to get away from them, even if their was several of "his group"




    I met a few people who had a lot of skill, like Zorro for instance. Me and him used to do quite well together, even though we were a lot lower than everyone else. I always remember spending 6 hours pking with him and Vid... Felt proper sad afterwards. Ah, they were the days. I'd actually go back to it now if I could. It was a proper giggle at some points. :P




    Hope you're all alright and what-not. I do read quite a bit, but I just never can be fussed to post. :-k




    It's ok you're new




    Sorry if I'm mistaken but that's Kryptix

  2. Lol we've had many homelans with no sleeps.






    I can still remember when we were all playing wow and my mate had been up for around 55 hours, i watched him walk on wow and he was awake, but then again he was asleep.




    He just kept running his char untill he finally snapped and realized that his character is somewhere at the sea in wow.




    God that was a blast :XD:

  3. purepehmo lmao, trust me, theres no AR involved in that kill. Just because you're sucha loser you never pked without AR doesnt mean that no1 else did.


    I got that kill by getting fox to low hp, then him running to where i cant atk and after that getting my armors off and hitting him dead. no ar. poopie




    Yes I bet you did drank a str pot right after you killed him

  4. sry dsp :P when taking pics with mmm... cant remember the screen capture programs name :P there was no borders, even on reg client. If u set the capture area to "active window" or something. and foxy, if i just could get into my home comp i would have a pic of eugene ru dead :P my own comp is in the basement tho under loads of stuff so wont be going there for a while (+ 116 days of army left too so :P)




    lawl, thats ar.




    The script [bleep]s up when you kill somebody and it actually tries to eat - but theres no food so it drinks ur pot accidently.




    Trust me I know this

  5. Just on a side note.. I've pmed both of the above to tell them they're [roosters] :lol:
    Theres an adx1 on the same game that claims to be you also :lol:




    I'm aware, there's one of me on another game too. Don't act like me though :wink:


    Yeah the guy claims to be you and a lot of people believe him but he types like he bashes his face on the keyboard.


    I was like this cant be adx, adx is literate.


    But this guy is a total [bleep], claiming he is dustins brother aj, that he did all the pking on the dsm char that dustin just lvled the char and never pked on it.


    And he thinks he deserves respect for being the younger brother of a famous player, if its even true :?


    Yes indeed he is a [rooster] sucker.

  6. In the old days, best way to get away from exer was to.. run towards them. God, how that confused them :D You could literally fool around with them for 5 mins and not get caught once...




    Power by numbers is an RS2 pk concept. In RSC it failed miserably.




    That day u only was combat 90? So nice flaming :thumbsup:




    by the time exer started doing their mass pks I was 110+... Get your facts straight.




    I was 93 combat when I hit 99 magic. And that happened way before exercitum got any reputation at all. Yes, you and tupac gf outleveled me in my early days in high wild. Big deal.


    1) I pretty much caught up


    2) I'm not the best pker there was out there, but at least I got somewhat respected.


    Anybody with 99 magic at that lvl in the past days would get respected ^^




    Take it as a compliment

  7. 3. Ahrim


    Stand on top of his tomb, put on your Dragon Hide Body, your magic short, put it on rapid, and put spec on. Dig, and open the coffin. Eat accordingly, sidestep if you want to, although it isn't needed. When you kill him, make your your hp is either full, or close to full, pick up your arrows, and leave.


    If you got Karil in tunnel, put magic prayer on when you fight this guy.


    If in tunnel, skip to next brother.






    Hope I helped.

  8. there was this website called zybez




    and then they had this toolkit




    that was just like swiftswitch or whatever




    and the guy that made the site w13 or whatever hacked a bunch of people with it oneday








    and when that guy xx jut xx or somethign duplicated party hats and jagex told eveyrone to drop them and not pick them up and let them disapear or else you might get banned and peopel actually did












    and when jagex banned like 982 people for autoing and then they made new accounts and closed doors on people and spammed a bunch of cuss words at jagex at the same time








    and then rs2 beta came out not long after that and then it stopped cuz they were trying it out probably and then they made it so you cant close bank doors








    If xx jut xx is Six Feet Under then he did dupe, otherwise he didin't.



    upkme was a scar noob :roll:




    Like Robin hood ?








    Oh yeah I forgot to mention dmxkobe8








    Robin hood used every macro imaginable lmao, he also shared.








    As for Dmxkobe8, let me just put it this way: he duped so many runes that he was telegrabbing big bones at the big bone spawn point in the wilderness not to mention the fact that he was completely racist against arabs :roll: .




    Yeah I remember, I also remember the weakens that he used in wilderness.








    He pwned.

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