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Posts posted by Blake

  1. If I did something medical, I wouldnt be able to do any gorey stuff like surgery cause that makes me :-# Im also not doing it all for money, I first picked the fields I could go into and then I am looking at jobs and money, to make sure I have a job that I like and earns money. I am staying at the U of M, because I got a scholarship to skip the last two years of high school and go to college completely free for two years (I'm 16 atm \' ).




    There are medical venues that don't require any surgical procedures. A lot of rural family doctors wouldn't require such a thing. Just the same, you could look into massage therapy, physiotherapy, etc..




    Is there anything in particular that you're interested in?




    I know there are some like that, thats why I didn't completely take it off the list. As for anything Im interested in, basically the 3 fields I chose haha ::'

    If I did something medical, I wouldnt be able to do any gorey stuff like surgery cause that makes me :-# Im also not doing it all for money, I first picked the fields I could go into and then I am looking at jobs and money, to make sure I have a job that I like and earns money. I am staying at the U of M, because I got a scholarship to skip the last two years of high school and go to college completely free for two years (I'm 16 atm \' ).


    Wow, congrats on the scholarship. If you want to go pre-med you can major in anything as long as you take the required classes. As for the gore, you'll see a lot of it in med school but if you can endure a few years of it you can become a type of doctor that doesn't have to deal with it.


    You've got some time. Take classes you're interested in that still fulfill various requirements and do some shadowing of different careers you're interested in. If you do want to go pre-med or pre-business though, talk to an advisor because you will want to take the right classes due to time constraints. You've still got plenty of time now though, so for now just explore your options without worrying too much.


    K, Thanks for the advice :D

  2. If I did something medical, I wouldnt be able to do any gorey stuff like surgery cause that makes me :-# Im also not doing it all for money, I first picked the fields I could go into and then I am looking at jobs and money, to make sure I have a job that I like and earns money. I am staying at the U of M, because I got a scholarship to skip the last two years of high school and go to college completely free for two years (I'm 16 atm \' ).

  3. I am starting at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities this semester. I am only taking 3 classes required to just graduate right now, so I could think about what Majors I wanted. About the computers, im not really sure. I know there are a lot of options, thats why Im not sure. Right now I am kind of leaning twords buisiness or management or something like that. My step dad is the vice president of marketing of a huge company, and he makes over $250k a year without bonuses and stuff. He doesn't even have a college degree, he just started off as a bagger at a grocery store and worked his way up. I like business and things like that, so I think that would be a good choice for me. My uncle lives in Japan and has Masters in some sort of business, the japanese language, and a law degree. Thats somewhat what I am thinking about now, but I am still considering computers or medical too.

  4. I need to pick a major for college, but there are so many different kinds I have no idea what to do. The three areas I would probably be interested in is computers, business/management, and medical. That is still really broad though. I'm not sure EXACTLY what I want to do for a job when I grow up. With a degree in any are of those 3 fields, I don't really know what kind of jobs I would be doing. I do want to make a pretty fair amount of money, and I think I will like any of the jobs in those fields. If I dont like the job but it pays great, I wont do it.




    So I guess what Im asking is to suggest some majors or jobs to me. I am pretty open to anything and will consider everything. Thanks ::'

  5. If you're willing to spend a little bit more, and want a stylish and cool looking laptop, then go for a Macbook. Though the Polycarbonate version isn't as up to date as the Macbook Pro's, it still has pretty good specs. As for Macbook Pro's not being able to play games...wtf? It has at least a 9400m and some also have the 9600m, just dual boot Windows 7 and you can play all games at a respectable quality. It's only due to a completely difference Operating System that it can't play all the same games as Windows.




    Just stick with the original plan you stated on the first post.




    Yes, but most newbies in computers have no idea you can have different OSs on a computer.




    Plus it's a bloody pain in the [wagon].




    I have 2 OS on my macbook now, I think its very easy ;)


    There are only 3 games I might play - RS, Peggle, and Oblivion. Oblivion is the only one you need windows for.


    Battery life and size are big for me, so I dont really like the Asus. I dont really like the looks of it either. But thanks for the suggestion! :)

  6. My first computer was a Dell, didnt like it much. Do you think there would be any better choices than a Macbook pro?


    It all depends on what you want and what price you want to pay for it, it's all there is. If you want a Mac, go for a Mac, but if you want another brand, go for Asus or HP.






    I am going to spend around $1000 on it. I just want it for a bit of everything, and college. I haven't seen anything that looks as good as a Mac in that price range though, if there is something, id be happy to look at it, if there isn't ill get a mac ::'

  7. Well I did ask for suggestions on other computers, so if it helps me I guess its not spam ::'




    Why a mac? For that price you could get a damn good PC that could be upgraded every year instead of having to buy a brand new mac.






    Can you suggest some? I've been looking around, and sure you can find them with 500+ GB hard drives, 4GB ram and all that other stuff, but I haven't seen one with a 7 hour battery life, programs like iPhoto, no viruses and very little problems with anything. Plus none of them give an education discount or a free iTouch. If you find a good one, post it and ill look at it ::'

  8. Partition the external hard drive using Disk Utility. Then hook up the hard drive to your laptop. Open Time Machine under System Preferences and select "Change Disk," or something similar on the first button. It'll select the HDD as a backup storage system and automatically backup all of your files. When you get your new laptop, during setup, it will ask you if you would like to use a previous Time Machine backup as your new account. All of your files will then be on your new laptop.
    Great choice on the laptop. Might want to hold out for a week or so if you want Snow Leopard to come with your Macbook Pro :)
    Yup. Buy it on the 28th and you get Snow Leopard free. If you buy it now it will be $9. I actually just ordered Snow Leopard. I tried out the Gold Master build for my applications to ease the worries of adopting it too soon. Hope all goes well. :)




    Quick question. When I go buy my Snow Leopard upgrade am I only limited to upgrading one computer? When Leopard came out I bought a burnt copy from a friend and was able to upgrade several of my friends' computers too with the same disc. Will I be able to do that with the $30 upgrade? Or would I have to buy the family pack?






    The $30 one is for one computer. If you want more than that, there is the family pack for $49 that lets you upgrade up to 5.


    And thanks for all your help Laura, Ill do it when I get home ::'

  9. Ok here it is. I open disk utility, select the Maxtor, and click the partition tab. Notice how it says erase and partition the selected disk.






    Then I click the +, put it the size I want. Heres that... On this, I have the backup selected. On the right, at the top of the first paragraph it still says erase and partition, but under that it says this volume will not be erased.



  10. Yes it is. If Graar is attacking the tank, and you have a familiar that attacks Graar (Terrorbird, tortise, titan etc...), Graar might attack you instead of the tank. There are 2 solutions - dont bring a familiar that attacks, like a fruit bat, or right after you attack Graar, spam click call familiar so they keep 'resetting' or whatever you want to call it and dont attack.

  11. I have noticed it a little bit. I never lagged before, always played full screen hd. The past month, whenever I go into dungeons with a lot of lights and things, I lag out. Also, when I go up the ladder to the My Arm's patch, when I get to the top it freezes for like 20 seconds, but doesn't log me out. It does it every time :?

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