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Posts posted by Anika

  1. ill be out of town for 2 weeks starting tomorrow, so i won't be able to work on my blog/goal






    as the title says this is my blog to getting 99 wc in f2p. some people on tip.it might remember me as Gigajie2 but he got hacked, so i started this char 3 - 5 weeks ago. for only living that long, i think my little alksei is developing pretty well.




    i am a big planner so ive pretty much already planned out how to get 99 wc, what to do with the money, and what to do afterwards.




    how i will get 99 wc is pretty simple (didn't do much planning there :lol: ), ill pretty much cut yews behind lumby castle for the next 2-3 months. why lumby castle? the draynor bank is kinda close...and there's also 3 yew trees. there's not that many people there, and all the other good wcing spots are always being crowded by ppl.




    what i will do afterwards and what i'll do with the money both relate to each other. after i get 99 wc i'll become a member (yes you'll say way don't you just become a member now and get 99 wc, well i don't know why. i guess it's just i don't have great stats and my policy is don't become a member with crappy stats so yea) and train to 70 att 70 str and 65 def. this will enable me to wield full bandos (not the godsword) and a whip. which is what i will be buying with the 37m i will be getting from it.




    here is how i will wc for the next few months. nothing out of ordinary:






    here are my stats as of July 24th (i told you they were crappy, but then again hes 4 weeks old). they have all stayed the same other than wc which you can see my level up pictures below:






    here i will be keeping a picture of the number of yews in my bank up to date. also ill keep the pictures of the logs at halfway and stuff (37.272 this is just a reference so i know when im halfway ;) ):






    and my first level up pictures (i know i'm not very far but ok. just give me some time and ill be better ;) ):






    here are my achivements:


    [hide=]nothing here yet but just to let you know first one will be 1k logs, and after that 70 wc.[/hide]




    i know the blog isn't very good yet but i hope i will be able to improve it in the next few days. the woodcutting tracker by runelegion.net is a little off =P. i created it today so i thinks i got that my whole xp in like 5 secs. but it will change to normal tomorrow. also...if you have suggestions for my blog post them. i will read every post here which is really what everybody would do.








    nice woodcutting \'

  2. Hi there, good luck with your goals, and welcome to Tip.It ::' ;)




    thank you for posting. :)




    yews are better money than mages per hour so id just stick with them other than that good luck.


    nice woodcutting by the way.




    They may be more money per hour, but I think it's the feeling that my hard work in Woodcutting to 75 has paid off by cutting the Magic Logs. But thank you, and thank you. ::'

  3. Hi there! ::' I'm Anika Fails.i'm working on 99 woodcutting


    hope i get there soon, my blog will be great, as i'm waiting i will cut yews so please enjoy my blog \'




    My Character's Outfit Currently --






    My Character's Stats Currently --






    My Character's Bank Account Currently --






    About my bank, I know it isn't much, but It's alot for me. The most money I've ever had at once. All made from Woodcutting. :D (Favorite Skill)




    Now, the last thing, my goals.




    I want all of my stats to be at least 20+ And Woodcutting to 75, then I will cut Magic Logs for a LONG time. Perhaps until 99 if I can curb the boredom.




    So, that's it.




    - Anika

  4. K. I'm Anika, I recently I made this account. The RSN is Anika_Fails. I just got 60 Woodcutting, I like to Woodcut. I will eventually do some combat here and there, but for now I am mainly a skiller. My LONGLONGLONGLONGLONGLONGLONGLONGLONG TERM GOAL IS 99 WOODCUTTING. I doubt I will ever get there. But who knows. K, my goals for now are as follows :twss: --




    [hide=My Current Goals]-- 30/40/50/60 Fishing.


    -- 30/40/50/60 Mining.


    -- 30/40/50/60 Smithing.


    -- 30/40/50/60 Firemaking.


    -- 30/40/50/60 Cooking.


    -- 60/65/70/75/80/85/90/92/93/94/95/96/97/98/99 Woodcutting.[/hide]




    [hide=THIS IS WHAT I DO]09-07-10113527.pngI cut Yews baby.[/hide]




    [hide=THIS IS WHAT I WEAR]09-07-10113145.png[/hide]




    Yeah. basically that's it for now. I'll keep this updated, K bye. <3:




    -Anika 8-)

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