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  1. Its not lucien afterall but "Bilrach" as i just discouverd in chapter 6... The marghoraht's name seem to pop up when dragonkin are mentioned. Hmm if this guy made everoone go red he must have found something that could match the power of the stone of jas.
  2. HAHAHA Just read the description... I failed
  3. Ok so an new skill =D I personaly think the skill in awsome unlike alot of people. Maby this infomation about daemonheim will change your mind if you dont like it... The Castle: The castle is very old and seems to have loads of wings in the stone and over archways. The wings resemble a dragonkins wings. I thoguht this was just a coinsidence untill i saw a statue of a dragon kin! This place may have beena fortress for the dragonkin. The Notes: As i defeted several bosses i gained notes and stuff in my gurnal to read when i want. I thought it was all crap but... It is defently not! The "Mistirius Cronicles" say in chapter 2 "It seems similar to that of the dragonkin of old:Protecters of the artifact. enders of the great wars" Not onlydid this prove it was inhabited by Dragonkin but confirms they protected the stone of jas but also says they had the power to end wars. Who could have written these notes you may ask... well i hadnt a clue till i read chapter 5. It says "I pity the imbosiles of my kind" and "Zemouregal, if he could se me now" This pretty much proves it is Licien id say! And if his notes are down there... maby he is maby he caused the red mist or strange power when he reached the bottem and discouverd the secret... Makesm e want to get 99 dungeonering already =P I havnt got far into daemonheim so if you know anything new from the depths plz post here =D
  4. It doesnt matter if its grammaticaly incorrect cus its the internet... My oppinion So you didnt read my post cus it had caps! Ill change it if it makes you that mad :shame:
  5. I Thought Greater Deamons Had Arms? Horns? Note The Arms Arnt Conected To The Wings. Was It There Befor The Volcano was updated to hold greater demons? They Also Have Much Bigger Legs Than The Bones. Considering Lord Draken In Lord Of Vyrs And Vampys And Stuff I Dout They Did Make It... Although I Dont Know That Part Of History. I Just Dont Believe That Lord Draken Could Just Walk Right Though The Swap And Claim It If It Was Made By Vampyrs.I Belive The Sanguesttini Region Witch I Ddint NO Castle Draken Was Part Of Is Most Likly To Hold The Stronghold Anyways Cus It Wouldent Fit In Anywear Els Ya No.There Could Be Loads Of Land There... YOu Do Have Proof That Castle Draken Is Part Of It Cus From Waht It Looks Like The Thing I Pointed Out Is A Gate Into It. I Dont No Tho I CAnt Get There. Sorry if i hurt your eyes i like to write like that somtimes :!:
  6. Well done! I found most of this info on Rune Wiki befor i red it though! but its still good... Note these things... Ive never actuly looked at the logo properly! But now i see it theres a Vulture head! And wings... Dragonkin probably very sketchy and i could be wrong. More proof that dragon equipment was created by them after all. Also you said that Jagex may have chaged there mind about who created the dragon equipment... When was this armor piece realeased... I doute they did change there mind. I bet they had this planed from the beggining! Only the most foolish players would question the symble on the dragon chain when ther hasnt been a sighting of dragonkin at all! Maby this was the first clue? Man im way off my head here... Sorry :( Look at it properly fool! It looks like a human head... Its No Dragonkin... Just an Angle! "I Think" "Maby a lesser deamon" Ok this next one is Castle Draken... Look at it closely it doesnt look acsactly like the dragon kin architechture :/ I dont think it is! If It Is It must be old dragon kin building as the new ones look alot differant... IF JAGEX WANTED IT TO BE A DRAGONKIN CASTLE THEY WOULD HAVE MADE IT EXACTLY THE SAME:/ Im shore Now that thing about an Anciant Civalization is still posible in my opininon Next up is this part of the map witch i havent seen on my screen i dont no what it looks like and was hoping you could tell me if youve seen it. It could just be anogher castle but who nos THEE YOU GO IF ANYTHING IS ALREDY SAID HERE SORRY BUT ITS NOT IN THE MAIN POST. AND FINALY... DONT MOAN ABOUT MY PUNCTUATION LIKE A CRY BABY :/ : :thumbdown: Ok SO NOW IM VERY ANGRY! :x
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