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Posts posted by Tacatar


    First suggestion:


    Raise your standards. If you think tip.it is going to be revived with 5 people posting and are content with 2 page topics that will die in a few days then we're never going to go forward. This isn't about 'THE' and Gladz Vs Me, stop sitting in denial and defending your allies on everything and open up your eyes, Tip.it has been way more active than this and if you think that the best activity is barely 2 pages then you're just like everyone from RSC who wasn't around when Tip.it had decent activity.


    It's cool that you're having positive attitudes about it but seriously sometimes you have to be "negative" and not happy with what's going on to improve.


    I agree with you when you say that Tip It Clan Seccion is being a little incative, specially the CD & Conclave Forums.

    I trully love to see that you are interested in doing something to improve the activity here by making this suggestions.

    I don't agree when you say that having a negative attitude will help us to improve, I prefer to say that we have to be realistic rather than negative.

    Anyway, I think that admiting that a 2 page topic is not a large topic wont take us anyway.


    Suggestion #2:


    Idle in #Clans and talk some more. Used to get welcomed by the CL's and other forum ranks in the CD whenever I joined #Clans now it's just a small IRC where the only thing to read is nicknamehere join nicknamehere left


    I agree with this suggestion too.

    When I'm in #clans I'm always available to chat and I'd love to do it.

    Every time I log in I say "hi" (my parents taught me to be polite and greet everytime arrive to a place) and just one or two (sometimes nobody) answer.

    If you hl me, I will always answer.

    Don't wait to be welcomed when you log in, say "hi" and i'll answer :)


    Suggestion #3


    Going off of this topic for this one, so if it's not fully updated some may be wrong: http://forum.tip.it/topic/270471-tipit-war-rankings/


    KO - Last warred Oct 21st

    KoA/RA - Last warred Oct 10

    RKoF - Last Warred Sept 26

    NK - Last warred Dec 12

    CR - Last warred Sept 28

    Envy - Last warred Sept 24

    TKO - Last warred Sept 29

    PH - Last warred Aug 24th

    TR - Last warred Oct 15

    DF - Last warred Dec 13

    LGZ - Last warred Jan 1

    Gladz - Last warred Oct 21

    CE - Last warred Oct 6

    AK - Last warred Jan 15

    T0 - Last warred Dec 18

    DW - Last warred Oct 23

    THE - Last warred Jan 5

    WG - Last warred Jan 15

    Arch A - Last warred Jan 22


    Either this was poorly updated or something needs to be done (Hopefully it's both)


    If situation number 1 (Poorly updated) We've added 3+? New ranks in the clan section in past 5 months? Maybe get on them to actually update this list for starters, or at least maintain it better in the future.


    If situation number 2 Have the CL's etc start contacting these clans and even if it's just to get them to post their war topics/pk trips gw wars etc instead of asking them to participate in TWR, you need activity who cares about if the wars are TWR more people involved in the community = better in the long run.


    You may also want to remove them from TWR Rankings and tell them they can always rejoin when they are active, but still encourage them to post wars / participate in Clan discussions


    This ranking is updated (you can see the date of the last update there), but the clans taking part of it are being really lazy and they are not setting up fights as they have to.

    Because of that, we (the staff) had sent to each Clan Leader a pm reminding them that they have to be active and challenge another clan in less than a month (as the rules of TWR says) or they will be removed from the ranking.

    We are waiting to see what happens and we will take action as soon as the month period ends.

    As you can see, we were a step ahead of you on that one ;) but the suggestion was good.


    We (all the staff, including us the CL's) work a lot behing the scenes doing things that you even notice.

    We are concerned too about the lack of activity and we are working out the way to bring a new breeze to this boards.

    I'm am trully thankfull for taking the time to write this topic and make all this valid suggestions and thanks to all the ones that not only criticize the site but also bring new ideas and suggestions to improve it! :)




    p/s: mind my bad english! :blink:

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